I've had enough with sabul.blogspot.com
I will be reporting this website to the media ASAP. It's a porn blog showing malay couples having sex. Boycott it. Just in case you are a seraching for that blog and you came across mine, remember that sex is an act of intimacy and love not a material for self-pleasuring.. Please change your mind and e-mail your long lost relatives or something. Rumah tumpangan sabul are for perverts. Pervs.
There is only one reason that the blog is No1 on Malaysia Blog Topsites - it has the maximum number of visitors.
Writing to the media would just do the opposite of what you want, the number of visitors will increase even more.
Elok rasanya report kat blogspot.
hmmm.. ur right adam. *scratches head* wat to do.. wat to do,,,
Just learnt that the admin has remove it today following a complaint from one of the members.
Wat's done is done... thanks to everyonelah...
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