BBB = Best Best Best

Good readlar this one... gimme a tomboy, a misundstood rich man and a beautiful background and I'll be captivated for days (until I finish the booklah)(another dumbblondemoment..) Duh!

I'm not surprised to confess that the BBB(budak-budak bodoh) camp had been the most memorable university programme ever. It was VERY embarassing when my name was announced to the whole KAED world to attend it; which resulted me getting comments like "Eh, I though ur cgpa is OK... Kau fail ape fiq?... Tulah...Tadi nama kau kena panggil.." and some response were just weird. "Are you Afiq Deen?" She looked at me from top to bottom and stopped at my knee AND STARED AT IT: I assumed she is a big time believer of the expression 'otak dekat lutut'. Only 21 out 0f 30 students attended the programme.

To the other 9 students who didn't attend the programme: YOU had just missed a once in a life time event. While trying not to be "Smartshoppish", I can tell you it was worth the embarassment. It truly was! It had changed my perspective of LIFE and SUCCESS! Chewah.. Poyo or otherwise, I cried like hell in one of the session and I wasn't embarassed about it!

Oh, afiq and nurul made a scene. Live... Action!

-Assigned to design a house of a facilitator: Auntie Rose
-My team had to come out with a design that night and present it tomorrow for discussion
-I was the only one who designed the house the next morning
-Instead of altering or implementing my design, Nurul decided to design a new house
-Havoc... I cannot do anything.. You knowla when some girls are panicking...
-Nurul said something hurtful: I thought you are better than Haikal (with a tin milo besar of sarcasm)
-And after a while she said "Patutlah you don't have any friends"
-I kept quiet for a while and finally said.. Why are you doing this.. Buat pe nak buat plan baru.
-She snapped and shouted something aweful(i cannot mention the exact sentence but it was really really offensive)
-Everyone was taken aback.. Some said "Ape ni nurul..." Afiq dengan menyibuknya said ... "Nurul.. i'm saying that".. "Afiq! Stop it"
-Girls getting emotional.. guys getting......... bored of the whole shit.
-Then she said.. I don't like people who cerita behind people's back
-Ape lagi... "Nurul, you cannot involve personal problem in a group work.. It's unacceptable lar.. Kalau...
-Nurul buat DEKK je and talked to our leader mcm dah bersembang lamer.. The leader pun macam... OK...
-2 hours later, Syah told me that Nurul asked him (as she did to Suhail, Haikal dan ramai lagi)about my recent behaviour and cakap lagi that I was disturbing his soulmate male friend via friendster!
-Huh... OK.. My email is invalid for 2 years so I can't send any messages in friendster and I cant possibly send testis to people who are not in my 'friend' category. Weird...
-Who's talking behind who's back. Ironic isn't it.(Kuhaz would sambung the Alanis Morisette song)
-I don't want to sound biased but does she NEEDS to tell people my weaknesses? Does she feel any better when doing so?
-Hmm... (deep breathing) Imagine puteri gunung ledang naik a pink elephant...crusing the sky with the grace of dalca and curry... ummmm.....

-Ah...I designed the landscape and Auntie Rose loved it "I love your landscape" she said and critisized the design... enough said.. (evil grin---hearty laugh--people beginning to stare at me--back to normal... (madba tu... bukan afiq)(layblame)(touch wood) young people nowadays don't understand the phrase touch wood.. Ask your dad lah!

Disclaimer: Close friends of nurul, don't go running to her and said "afiq said something bad about you to the whole world" I won't appreciate it if you do so... toot.....

Can't wait to watch Gubra!!! (pronounced Gabrah)


azim said... character ah? nurul really...dunno what to say.1 of you may be right and the other one is wrong.afiq,please la,jangan gado2 lagi.anyway,check out my new "KLue" march issue.Clap ur hands say, "yeah, baby".

afiq said...

Yeah.. *clap clap*
Wah... KLue baru!! AAAaah! Jerit ala naik roller coaster.

Anonymous said...

afiq,i thought u r backbiting lega.remember me?
d one who stood beside u n said this phrase "i hate working wif girrls! they are too emeotional."

afiq said...

nope.. i wasn't but there's something going on with me and nurul for quite some time and she seriously won't even consider looking back into the issue.. girls ARE WEIRD!!

nana said...

for the record, everyone is weird in their own way.. girls are much more complicated.. haha..
really afiq, i dunno what happened back at BBB but seriously, i would never categorize u as 'no wonder u have no friends'.. coz personally, i think you're pleasant and friendly :)