Match is scheduled for one fall.... Introducing first..... Representing Syria....
Raisha Saeed!!!

No, she's not actually a muslim. Her real name is Melissa Anderson. She's not actually from Syria but from Los Angeles, California.
But this proves that muslim women can pro-wrestle if they want to. They can still cover their aurah and still perform killer Power Slams.
dok umah bace Quran pn ader faedah nyer..
p/s: takut tgk perempuan yg x pkai purdah tuh..
kalo betul la pompuan tu fake, ni memang propaganda orang orientalis / yahudi la utk memburukkan muslimah.. what the hell..
btw mana source ko dpt info ni? please do share some links k dude..
but haiqal, I love the idea!
Reread the entry Adlan. I think you got so heated up you didnt read the whole thing.
I know what you mean. I just want to have a further reading about the information that you want to share here. So any additional link before I have to google it on my own?
Link... link... i think u hv watch astro lah on tuesday at 711. I got all my source there.
Bah humbug. Pedulik la dia nk represent islam ke tidak. ; )
..there's a lot of weird things nowadays.
ber-wrestle dlm hijab.
x t'bayang tuh.
lagi2, kalo dpt kalhkn pompuan yg cm ganas tuh.
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