My car was egged again yesterday. I'm now convinced that somebody is onto me with something. But that's the problem with egg throwing innit? To this very day, a month after somebody threw eggs on my car, I still have no idea what I did.
So apparently, I haven't change or improve the thing I did that angered the egg thrower. And how should I know what I should change anyway? This is just plain silly.
When Kedai Runcit Chong's front wall is smeared with red paint, it shows the taukeh still owes a substantial amount of money to a loan shark. When a politician gets an envelope with a live bullet in it, he must have offended the Sultan or the malays in general. But when Afiq's car is egged, the eggs will just be washed away by Malaysia's topical downpour, leaving him with two thoughts:
1. What a waste of perfectly good eggs.
2. I will have half-boiled eggs for breakfast tomorrow.

Which I did by the way. Yummers~
Pointless really, this egg-throwing practice.
When life gives you Lemons you make lemonade.
When life gives you eggs you get bloggable material..
From Wikipaedia:
A douche is a device used to introduce a stream of water into the body for medical or hygienic reasons, or the stream of water itself.
Douche usually refers to vaginal irrigation, the rinsing of the vagina, but it can also refer to the rinsing of any body cavity. A douche bag is a piece of equipment for douching - a bag for holding the fluid used in douching. To avoid transferring intestinal bacteria into the vagina, the same bag must not be used for a vaginal douche and an enema.
The word "douche" comes from the French language, in which its principal meaning is a shower (it is thus a notorious false friend encountered by non-native speakers of English; the French phrase for vaginal douching is douche vaginale, meaning vaginal shower).
The word "douche" is also used in English as a derogatory slang term.
you can really make use of this event afiq. i suggest tht u narrate a short movie out of it !!
hmm..let them be,just enjoy ur very own half-boiled egg with roti bakar,yummy!
Interesting. So douchebag literally means the bag hanging below a patient bed doctors used to contain menstrual blood when a female patient is not able to clean herself.
Benrauf: If you're anything like Afiq (Afiq ini menurut gamba engko- kalau betul gamba tu real-lah...)for your sake I hope that bird was an ostrich... hahahaha
kalau burung sparrow gagak kesian dia sebab gagak tu kecik...
Lol. You go, Afiq!
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