Remember Jambanism, a blog I made dedicated to review and rate toilets? I discontinued it because after a while, I realized that it lacked mass appeal. Even the name is too spunky to be easily memorable. I also made a mistake by reviewing the toilets as if I'm reviewing food or films. Toilets in general are not meant to be judged with an air of sophistication.
So after some extensive reading: e-nteresting, Understanding Your Brand and What Are You Really Trying to Sell, I decided to revamp the public toilet rating idea. I'm calling it Tandas Kita and the review and rating style will be more fun, funky and practical. No long description or narration, just straight up ratings and exaggerated pictures. This is the suggested header for Tandas Kita:
It will officially start next week. I can't wait to get started. With Tandas Kita, I can accomplish these goals:
1. To create awareness among establishments operators when it comes to their toilet's cleanliness.
2. To scare the shit out of people who think they can get away with their dysfunctional appliances (yang tak baiki-baiki)
3. To make people realize that their establishments' toilets reflect their products and services.
4. To generate side income by advertizing tile companies, toilet appliances, cleaning services and etc.
yeargh! you go Afiq! \(>v<)/
*cheers and applause*
cant wait to read Tandas Kita.
Your header for the site: LOL!
all the beat afiq!
hey Afiq.... google brought me to ur blog wen i searced for 'jokes'.... i don know where the jokes are, but, i must say you have a wonderful blog!
also read the post on Gay-Muslims!!!
wonderful post brother...
thanx for sharing ur experience... not many wud do dat!
and well... wat xactly dyu mean by reviewing toilets?????? :0 :0
and wat does "Tandas Kita" mean????
Regards to the whole of Malaysia
A neighbour on the globe
Go Tandas!
it means Our Toilet.
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