
It's surprising that many mega companies are owned by Jews. Check out the List: LIST

Some questioned about the involvement of Starbucks in the Israeli War. Yep, there's no valid proof but it is for certain that the BIG BOSS is a jew. And if I was a jew myself, I too will support the country that holds a certain amount of holy significance: Israel.
And that's why I boycott Israel dearest Aput. Because I'm able to read between the lines. Because I don't let Mr.Frappe and Mrs.Cappucino overwhelm my judgements. Plus, there's KOPIESATU, a Malaysian Brand owned by a chinese Businessman(non-muslim).
(-_-)" errr...

So what are you fudging waiting for?
Let's stop dreaming about being professional that earns monthly salary and start builiding businesses. It's Rasulullah's job once too you know.



Yep, I'm a Bob the Builder Fan


Anonymous said...

spongebob lagik cutee!!

afiq said...

US- jew - coalition

the link is undeniable.

and yet ppl faile to recognize it, putting a liberal front, a mimickry of freedom and general conscience. Again, the link is undeniable. Zionist exists everywhere including in Malaysia and there is no way for certain to recognize them you see so i dunno lah..

its a blurry target and so is my vision but the line of action is clear... u know lah.,.

nana said...

i can't agree more afiq :) anyways, if u can come, do drop by. bring your friends as well :)

p/s; i'm doing some stupid story in my blog on friendster. drop by and comment if u have time, kay :)
~everyone is invited~ ^_^