new beginning

*shrugs off ancient bits of misery* New sem officially starts today and so I decided, like every other student bloggers, to show a caption of my room. *tour starts* As you can see, my nightly supplements are well prepared to ensure my nocturnal design capabilities and as I would love to have my head linger to the serene unknown for a few minutes before going to lectures while drinking coffee, I'd stationed a family picture. I'll usually imagine them having breakfast with me. I know, its sad. Sad in a happily sad way. But still sad.

I stole a set of lampu lip-lap when from a dustbin at my kuliyyah. Wait, I'm recycling. Ahah, I do recycle~~~ everything's ready... Am I ready?
I'm ready baby! (The pic was taken when I woke up at 12 in the afternoon. No surprise there)
This is how Bilal college looks like at 12 in the afternoon.
There was an orientation dinner that night so I might as well slot a few pictures of the event. Not so keen of taking pictures during dinners though. Such a mood-spoiler. Less time taking pictures, more time munching!
Some people call this camera-whoring. But who's whoring who exactly. I bought the camera so the camera is pratically the whore. So I'm camera whoring. Oh. *concept sinking in* aaah.. I see...
And that's about it. I had fun. End of story.


Chemistry Grad said...

yay had fun!

wei, apsal sumer org pakai baju sama? theme color maroon yek?

Chemistry Grad said...

hey, i like ur 3rd pc (on the bed, baru bgun gitu..) auwww...mak suker la!

afiq said...

on the contrary, i hate the pic but i know it will be some kind of an attraction factor(pukes)


Hafidz Baharom said...

i happen to know that you're using a Kodak Digital Camera....

which model?

afiq said...

ur a camera enthusiast?

well im not, so u wont be impressed with my Kodak easyshare c330.

Hafidz Baharom said...

not exactly a camera enthusiast...

just so happens I might have the same bloody camera. just, not bloody, literally.

afiq said...

cool. its a good camera. the colours are well defined but the only prob is the on off feature. it doesn't have any! i always accidentally on-ed it.. till its out of battery

Hafidz Baharom said...

had the exact same problem recently at Cheer 2006...

nana said...

i kinda agree with kid.. the pic on d bed at 12 is good.. u look drowsy but cute.. hahaha :p

afiq said...

aaaah... *blush*