sigh sigh sigh

I cried reading my mom's first blog entry. Gosh. She suffered so much all her life for me and my brothers. She is my superwoman. She is my savior. She is my teacher. She is my mother. She is Umi.

Her first Blog entry:

Afternoon everybody, umi busy everyday making up home as clean as possible n importantly next week exam week for my 2 sons. Got 2 sit n listen 2 their studies. Any idea or best way 2 give best performance as mother, teacher, friend n workers in d short 24 hours. Next week got this progress meeting n busy preparing d report. Most important have only RM60 in my pocket with 5 people 2 share. Well i've always use d key words n food for my strength. That is Tawakal. I have work hard n i pray ALMIGHTY ALLAH will bless me n my sons with prosperity n wealth ASAP.At times i wonder why we have 2 strive so hard, well n d answer 2 that is i want 2 share with others n i have 2 have the means to do so. My old age ie at 55 i want 2 share my love n caring 2 street children. I want them 2 grow n have those love feeling as a mother though u only have d street to stay. We can change our destiny and with hard work n strong will ALLAH will fulfill our request either now or then. However who can keep u sober all the time especially when d other occupants are taking your share of wealth unduly, corruption. How starving me n my sons we will not succumb to this. WHY !!!! the answer is ALLAH forbid so n why question more.I can only enjoy sleeping alternately 3-4 hours a day coz my daily routine require 26 hours a day n do i feel sad n tired !!!! NO coz i'm still aok n seing my 3 children squabbling and shouting what more to ask a normal happy me n my sons.



Chemistry Grad said...

kid baca pun sebak..umi is a very strong woman i know. she's alone stand up for all of u! huhu~~ but but she's rocks too! kid sgt suka hang out with umi!

honestly, i like umi. she's a good friend as well, one who'l not hesitate to share watever she has..i mean, different from mama yg sgt strict and garang, but umi sgt best! hehe..umi ada bagi 'homework' kat kid. aiyoo, till now i'm trying to figure it out, find that thing she wants in NZ!

umi, kid try carik lagi,k?! warna kuning kan?! ok ok..

afiq said...

oit, what homework? Wait.. wait.. I'll guess, does it have anything to do with hats??

Chemistry Grad said...

haha~ good guess guy, but not this time..

umi nak benda lain, 100% truly new zealand!

huhu~~ umi nanti kid cari lagi..

umi, little secret just two of us know shhhhh....

afiq said...

oiseh... secret secret plak korang,,, takpe takpe..