Valentine's Day is coming up soon. Just so you know, I don't celebrate nor do I believe the significance of February 14.
Saint Valentine, the matyr (mati syahid kalau dalam Islam) patron of lovers was in fact either a bishop or a priest. Just in case you're ill-informed of the celibate life of Christian monks, bishops, priests, there were not allowed to have sex or even spend more than necessary time with women. So how does a death of a priest that were later made a saint be the epitome of love?
Love for God, yes. But love for your girlfriends and boyfriends?
I rest my case. Like any other popular christian celebration like Chrismas or Easter Day, Valentine's Day is another holy day tainted by the likes of commercialism. And yes, it's a christian celebration. I'm a muslim. So I don't see why muslims should get caught up with the hype. Muslims are human beings too, I know. Some monumental sinners like Anwar Ibrahim are devout muslims, I know. Islam acknowledges individuality and freedom of choice as long as it doesn't conflict with its basic belief system.
Like you, I hate listening to Ustazs and Ustazahs telling me how to act or talk or react. Who the hell are you to tell me how I should think? Since when my opinions can be regulated by the likes of you? I know how you feel about people who to tells you that in Islam, you can't do this, you can't do that, haram! haram! nanti masuk neraka! with an outdated holier-than-thou approach.
But I'm old enough to distinct the unadulterated logic behind magma molten insults and ill-delivered advice. In the end God Almighty will judge my deeds and sins and not judgemental fart-wards who tainted the holy guidance of Islam. Fuck them and their attitude towards modern day youths. They attributed to muslim teenagers' reluctance to learn about Islam. It's not our faults that our parents are incompetent when it comes to the holy teaching of Islam. Now that we want to learn, you fuckers turn us away with your index fingers and intimating glares.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, Valentine's Day is lame. People who celebrate Valentine's Day are lame, old-fashion and do their cloth shopping at Giant and Carrefour. Only cool people avoid celebrating Valentine's Day. Cool people who reads Twilight while listening to Lisa Loeb's Fools Like Me at Starbucks stay away from Valentine's Day because they're busy talking to their friends about the extended DVD of the movie KAMI.
Who am I kidding? You're too cool to listen to people like me. I read Allan Hollinghurst's Line of Beauty while listening to Scarlatti's Porgolesi at a deserted gerai Nasi Lemak. I'm not cool. By your standards, I'm a self indulgent weirdo. So go, go and spread the words and celebrate my birthday instead.
*ehem* June the 19th *ehem*
everyday can be lovers' day; to celebrate the love-love relationship only special on 14 Feb is meaningless (and hypocritical too). Never mind though if the commercialization can do good to global economy^^
ehem, ur B-day is one of my special anniversary in my life! Don worry, bunch of girls (esp ur admirers) will celebrate ur birthday, huhu^^
there is a bit cliche
(okay this is so not cool)
Cool people who reads Twilight while listening to Lisa Loeb's Fools Like Me at Starbucks stay away from Valentine's Day because they're busy talking to their friends about the extended DVD of the movie KAMI.
Who am I kidding? You're too cool to listen to people like me.
now, this is cool
I read Allan Hollinghurst's Line of Beauty while listening to Scarlatti's Porgolesi at a deserted gerai Nasi Lemak. I'm not cool.
anyway dont you feel bad writing about the ustaz and ustazah in that way? im not criticizing but just wondering or perhaps asking?
Spending 14th Feb, w a book chilling, at a secluded gerai nasi lemak sounds nice actually!
apa yang tak cool?
Haha monumental sinner... flame, flame!!
I bought the limited edition book of KAMI the movie script. Was always wondering how a movie script looked like:
Okay-lah aku nak keluar ni.
CUT TO: www.mentolity.blogspot.com
dont celebrate it either.
13th Feb our chinese friends celebrate Chap Goh Mei..a love day..lepas tu Christian friends do valentine...and kita muslim takde love day ke?? Dont tell me we dont have one...anniversary Nabi ke?..sirraboy
im not referring to all ustazs n ustazahs. just the few who gave islam a bad name.
tak cool sebab takde orang temankan... : (
i think takde. because valentine's day and chapgohmei are intended for single people. I dont think islam encourage young muslims to... date. even if there is such a day to indulge in harmless courting, ppl can take advantage of the situation and go all out with it (which could lead to pre-marital sex)
oh yeah i got cha, mcm org yang gile fanatik cerita pasal islam tapi mcm diri sendiri pun tak betul. if so, well, we are in the same boat then. nice blog though, i like it :D
St Valentine's Day- the least holy of celebrations, Christian or otherwise.
Red Roses- the most 'cliche'-d of gifts.
Volkswagon Beetle- the least practical of cars.
If any anybody asks me Yes, Yes, and, Yes.
Kalau sapa-sapa ajak (<3alentine) nak bagi (red @----/---) atau pegi naik keta (VW)- jawabnya yes, yes, yes. monumental sinner or otherwise.
there is no wrong to celebrate valentine's day......
you see....it is not always GF and BF.....it is a time where everyone loves each other and spend time with each other.....it doesn't matter if u have no one wit u....u juz say i love u to anyone....even to ur parents.....
St.Valentine, although he is a patron of lovers.....the most important thing that he preaches and practices......is love..... without love....peace do not exist....
what u see and u believed it to be true is actually half true due to the fact that it has been commercialized......no comments about it.....
so.....just celebrate the day of true love and love for all.....since the true st.Valentine ....encourages all to love one another....
rite or wrong or maybe, that is juz my view.....its up to u to accept it or not.....
u're andrew's little brother aren't u?
Timothy right?
yup.....now in kl.....andrew is in KK.....working as network engineer in UMS......
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