"Meja ko bersepah giler!"
"Pedulik pulak aku.."
"Meja ko menunjukkan keperibadian ko tau!"
"Oh ye ke? Sila explain saudara.."
Amin told me that I am a priority freak, caring and temperamental. I would like to think that I'm..
and childish
But then again, who am I to judge myself! If the state of my study table can tell me the type of person I am then this could apply to any of my domestic necessities. If this is so, my CD shack tells me that I'm indulgent, my food cupboad tells me that I'm fat and my drawer where I keep all my underwear tells me that I'm empty?
hahaha time to do laundry...
siap ader lastik..
xleh blah..
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