Pokemon! Gotta catch em' all...
Most of you readers are too old, too weary of fun, too complicated to understand the simplicity of Pokemon! Pokemon merchandices like Nintendo Gameboy, trading cards and anime CD's was my last obsession with -whatyoumightcall- kiddie stuff. And you know what? I think I miss that. I miss thinking like a kid.
It all started when I read No bones by Anna Burns.
I just can't describe how she managed to capture the way children think. This is a piece of the novel that touched me:
Their ma though, would never understand anything. Grown ups never understood. They were stupid, distracted, mindless sort of beings. They never had a clue. They always got it wrong.
I can remember once that I was fond of collecting ladybirds(bug) and had designed and constructed a ladybird ranch for them. The anticipation of collecting and 'taming' the ladybirds was simple unadulterated joy. To have them showed to neighbors; absorbing the ooohs and aaaahs, I'll always treasure how I perceived joy and ironically, this sort of joy will blossom again during our greying years. Of collecting, of having things admired. When joy is no more driven by success but by personal satisfaction.
So I refuse to be so caught up with the adult world and preserved my 'childhood' in forms of journals.. which are sealed to this day... I've been logging in my journal since I was 8 years old and this ritual of mine is still practiced today. And when I feel like it, I'll unseal my old journals and reread them.. only to realized.. how stupid I was during my years of adolescence and how simple and ingenious I was during my younger years. Most of the time, people will grow out of their old habits and adopt new, more commendable ones, keeping nothing from their past intact.
And by then, the beauty of life discovery is forgotten and the wraths of life itself will be integral in our system, in the way we think and view of life.
~~What's you childhood obsession(passion)?~~~