Pidah & Ijat

Rafidah grants imported car licences.

Shahrizat plays Fast & Furious with her imported car.

In the end, Shahrizat contributes to our country with her traffic summons, thanks to powerful imported cars by Rafidah Aziz. This is what we call counter-productive.

It'll be a fitting ending if they do a Thelma and Louise together. You know, the part both of them speed off from a cliff.

Afiq told them to take a hike.... so they did
In politics, there are no permanent enemies or permanent friends. Just permanent interests.


Ershadiah said...

sheeesh~i hope both of em will dissapear...

Danny said...

interest alone is just not enough..
one must be hunger for power and glory too ';)

Afiq Deen said...

power and glory are interests

Anonymous said...

can you imagine the two of them doing a "Thelma and Louise?" In a BMW of course.......

Adam M.A said...

harharhar so funny.. love this piece