I don't see how criticizing politicians will stir racial disunity. Will I cause a racial riot when I tell you guys that:
Pak Lah is an Spineless Sleepy Asshole.
Will it be considered a sedition? Or a national threat? How about:
Najib is a Lump of Deep Sea Shit or
Anwar is a manipulative two-faced Bugger
Will the ISA arrest me for issuing a personal opinion of a politician? Will IIUM issue me an expulsion letter for criticizing the TPM. How about:
Lim Kit Siang is a Vengeful Dickhead
Will I be considered a racist and put into jail for causing instability of a multi-racial country? Do I have back my insults with proofs?
When Paklah tells people to COOL IT! will I be condemned by the current government by responding his call to 'put a lid on issues' by telling him to
Hariz and I conclude that racists Malaysians are those who feels offended when racist jokes are thrown to them. So that means that if I tell you that:
Malays are lazy
Chinese are cheaters
Indian are liars
you'll be damned as racist if you feel offended by my stereotyping.
Sendiri Fikirlah!
May I remind you that all said can be LIBELOUS?
Don't actually agree with ritz, but if you ever become a high enough profile blogger, government will charge you with sedition.
Oddly enough, don't think you're even on the radar....hmm...
with 'Malays are lazy, Chinese are cheaters, Indian are liars' I mean
Well I didn't say that this blog doesn't make for fun reading... keep it up...!! hehehe
don't u feel scared???
nak jadi cam rj petra ke???
u yg spatutnye THINK bout that...
actually, the ISA might be knocking at your door any second now....
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