
Today Malaysia turns 52. I can already hear fire crackers outside. I don't feel anything. I can't force myself to feel happy, because I'm not. I'm too selfish to think about the sentiments revolving today. Because I'm too preoccupied thinking about myself and what I do. I don't believe in nationalism. Nationalism breeds hatred and rivalry. Just look at ASEAN. Try and compare ASEAN with EURO. What a world of difference!
I'm frustrated with myself today. I feel alone today. Today I feel untalented, undignified and underrated. I'm frustrated with the direction I'm going. I am somehow going to where I'm supposed to go but it's all just too slow. I'm too slow. I'm nearing a quarter of a decade and I haven't achieve anything substantial. The world is spinning wildly. Clubbers are swallowing ectasy pills. Rural folks are chewing paan. I'm sitting here blogging about how unhappy I feel about myself today. Of all days. Today.
I'm still very much caged. I locked myself up. I looked outside and see the wonders of the world whizzing by and I can only watch. The key is in front of me but I won't budge. This is how I feel right now.
Go ahead, enjoy Merdeka Day. I will be right behind you right after I resolve this emotional dilemma.


Anonymous said...

everyone feel that way sometimes. it's completely natural. don't feel bad ya.


Jangan potong telinga dah...

Afiq Deen said...

hahaha! Gila kah. Segila-gila afiq, afiq tak segila Vincent Van Gogh!

Anonymous said...

i luf this entry of urs... stumbled on ur blog by accident...

i so luf this "freedom" entry...

u have style ;) style that makes a good or even great writer/journalist!


art said...

look ma..Merdeka gift from our lovely gomen..

RON95 petrol which replaces RON92 selling at RM1.80 per litre and RON97 at RM2.05 per litre...*duh*

u tell me whether i'm happy or not..

Ritz Chewan said...

Alamak sorry Azren... that was my comment.

Azren Ahmad said...

Anyway, sometimes some people use wallowing to encourage creativity, just down take it too far... satni depression atau bi-polar pulak...

Afiq Deen said...

Paksu is so random...

i think its a phase too ritz. A bothersome but necessary phase.