Do I have to tell you again about the various species of butteflies in my stomach because I feel that way all the time during award giving events. If I feel particularly happy and perky, I will dwell in my Kafka nest and make myself depress because it's never a good thing to feel confident during award ceremonies.
Long story short, I won lah. I got first prize and won myself a crystal trophy, RM 3000 and a video camera. Here are some pictures of me socializing with fellow contestants.
And the highlight of the day was lunch! The popiah was positively delectable.
Because there was a big ass trophy beside it!
So much for highlight of the day..haha
n why all the men in stripes? haha..
wow! congrats afiq again =)
So how many species of butterflies were in your stomach? hoho^^
first time nak komen..
congratz afiq! :)
dude, congrats. Yang menang ni video kau yang going green, ada pokok2 tu ke?
dammit, that was last year's..this time its about CFL : spread the idea..
ops since when i became afiQ's PA? hahaha
yuhuu..congrats! :)
on another note, the 50% stuff from Quek Shio Chuan is not bad too..runner up maybe, afiQ???
how many species? hahaha... donnolah but most of them are cross breed, between bloodsucking bats and dusty moths.
I dont mind lah if u want to volunteer as my PA. Anything free is good.
hmmm... i think i've to lose weight. i look damn fat okay. but still, maggi still on tomorrow!
salam bro..! was reading the papers yesterday when i came across this article about a young boy with spiky hair had won an earth friendly competition. then, i realised he was the 'boy in that blog' that i was telling my sisters about!! congrats!!!
Yeah. Congratz afiq!!
haah I was in KL's edition NST. Thanks though. I'm so flattered.
ala...comel ape chubby2..haha
xyah kurus ag r afiq..
jeles nye leh masok paper..mst best.
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