Who are We?
Are we Muslims?
As Muslims, hijjab must be worn in public places to cover the general aurah and at the same time enhancing modesty, good behaviour and humility. What is wrong with protecting your beautiful body from perveted prying eyes? What is wrong with not succumbing as a piece of meat?
With that in mind, what is wrong with wearing Purdah or a veil?
Some of you would say it is radical to do so. But why is it considered radical? I mean really?
If a student studies harder than you, will you call him/her radical? If a person is extremely hardworking in something, will you call him/her radical? If a person decides to go the extra mile in whatever they do, can that be considered radical? If a woman wears a veil, is she radical?
Clearly, what veiled women are trying to do is to completely avoid evil (fasad) and what is wrong with that? Will wearing a veil automatically prolaims Al-Arqam affiliation? A lot of Muslim girls wear dresses similar to GROs or prostitutes and yet it is politically wrong to think of them as hookers. How do you justify that? How do you justify Muslim girls who appear half naked on the month of Ramadhan, flirting uncontrollably and appear promiscuous?
Wearing a veil is not necessary but it is certainly not wrong. Sure, our nation is developing both economically and physically but I'm not certain whether we take spiritual development seriously. Take our Islamic State Nation Leader a.k.a. Prime Minister. As a Khalifah of an Islamic state, shouldn't his wife examplify a model Muslim woman by covering her Aurah? If she refused or in a more cliche term 'not ready yet', her misdeeds affects her husband and the image of Muslim women nationwide.
And this is coming from a person who greets people with a Hi rather than an Assalamualaikum.
I have no problems with radicals, as long as they keep to themselves and leave me and everyone else alone.
couldn't agree more!!
Very funny.
(there's no point counter attacking your statements is there?)
I'll leave you with your thoughts.
Bliss= ignorance?
Obviously, we have different opinions on things. Well, it'll do no good if I get pissed and retaliate. SO... I'll share my opinions on yours.
I CAN understand the Quran, by reading the translation (my arabic ain't half bad) and if there are confusing verses, there always interpertation by scholars.
Arab is not Islam. More than 80% of all Muslims are non arab. Even China has more Muslims than Malaysia. Statistic beats sweeping statements. Ngahahaha. What do you mean we didn't refer to the Quran with the construction of KLCC? The KLCC Twin Tower, that won the Aga Khan Award is designed with an Islamic concept, the use of geometrical patterns introduced by Muslim artists and architects when the Quran restricts potrayal of living beings. How is that unrelated to the Quran?
Now it seems like wearing hijjab is potraying poverty because that is what you see on TV and magazines. During the Islamic Renaissance, even european women wore Hijjab because it was a superior trend and implies greatness.
I'm not gay. Women wear sexy clothes to be seen as sexy and beautiful, to be judged merely with their appearances. If women cover their aurah, men (or women) will be more interested in their personality and values, not the sheer amount of money spent on their bodies.
Stumbled upon this article just like that! Very nicely put! I know how it feels to be cross-eyed for your hijab! I feel so proud of it nevertheless!
Keep up the good work!
im gona comment from an athiest non religious point of view here.
i peronaly do not believe women should be forced to dress like a mail box head to toe, but.. have you walked into any shop, restuarant, movie theatre recently, and seen what the female youth of today are wearing?? its disgraceful to themselves, the skirts barely resemble skirts anymore as they now look more like a single belt. the tops are exposing everything but the nipple.
forget about the relgious context of things, shouldnt we rather be teaching respect, self respect and morals at a young age instead of religion??
every relgion has different views on things and every culture bends these views to suit their own,
so i say out with relgion, and in with one moral standing that the world collectively can embrace.
if respect was shared through out the world there would be no act of wars
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