"As Muslims, we should not sacrifice our religion for the sake of wanting to be popular," Harussani, Mufti Perak.
"I have no regrets. My hair will grow back." Sharifah Armani, Actress.
"But if a woman going bald is behaving like a man, what then is a man who grows his hair long? The same people who think that women should put their hair underneath a tudung seem so offended by a woman with no hair. If hair is so alluring, then surely no-hair is a real turn off? Is it offensive to find a young woman so confident of herself that she has no qualms about cutting all her hair off? Perhaps, this is what really rattles these ulamas; she contradicts their idea of what a woman should look and be like. Besides, as Amani puts it very well, it will all grow again. (Can someone please supply me with the exact ayat in the Quran which prohibits baldness in women?)" Marina Mahathir, Dr. M's first daughter.
"Maka Islam mengharamkan perempuan menyambung rambutnya atau memakai rambut palsu.Pengharaman tersebut kerana merubah anugerah Ilahi.Maka, betapa pula dicukur dan dibotakkan kepala?" Nasruddin Hassan, Timbalan Ketua Pemuda Pas.
"There are MakNyah brothels at Chow Kit street, tomboy meth dealers at Bukit Bintang, homeless flood victims in Johor, Khairi and his abominable quest to be the PM before turning 40, a corrupted chief minister in Sabah and a Mongolian translator who was strapped with TNT (and exploded) by two policemen before being accused by the Malaysian media of being a first-class slut. And we're fussing over a two-minute air time of Sharifah Armani with her head bald. Chi Chi Chi." Afiq Deen, 173cm, 62kg, single.
true true.
we malaysians are too busy discussing about kepala botak or not kepala botak, doa qunut or not doa qunut n even ziarah kubur or not to ziarah.
haish, byk lg la ..yg wajib pn kita tak khatam lagi.
as we all say, malaysia boleh. its the Bolehland, rmbr?
boleh botak? Boleh...
boleh Maknyah? Boleh..
Boleh dpt scholarship even i dapt 4as? Boleh...
suma boleh la..smpi yg tak boleh pn jadi boleh..
oh malaysia,tanah airku.
wah wah wah
semangat ye~~ sian kat Mak sharifah armani, kene tuduh tak pandai jaga anak... korang ni kecoh ar... tak cool ar...
As for the PAS Timbalan, allow me to ask me this...
"Islam mengharamkan menuduh orang tu munafiq dan musyrikun, apa lagi kalau Nik Aziz menuduh semua umat Islam yang tak undi PAS...?"
I rest my case...
for me..kite x boleh terlepas pandang jugak kat perkara2 macam ni..sbb perkara2 macam nilah..yang akam 'makan' masyarkat kita secara diam2 dan perlahan2..masyarakat melayu juga sudah mula dijahamkan kerna terlalu open minded tanpa batasan..opne minded boleh..tapi biarlah mecakupi batas2 agama..nih akibat terlalu open minded lah ni smpi istilah professional diletakkan lebih tinggi dari batas agama..actually kes amani ni menunjukkan sikap open minded msyrkt melayu beragame ISLAM yg melampau smpi melampaui batas2 agama
BUT jgn lupa perkara2 lain yang PENTING seperti masalah rempit,pelacur yg bertimbun,gangster,along,corrupted narrow minded politicians,masalah sosial dan lain2 dlm msyrkt...tindakan menegur perbuatan armani tuh for me ok sbb islam sendiri menyuruh ummatnye saling ingat mengingati dan tegur menegur...
"Islam mengharamkan menuduh orang tu munafiq dan musyrikun, apa lagi kalau Nik Aziz menuduh semua umat Islam yang tak undi PAS...?"
Saya tak fikir perbuatan menuduh orang tu munafiq atau musyrikun itu perbuatan salah BILA MANA memang jelas dalam rujukan umat Islam ( Al Quran & Hadis Sahih ) bahawa seseorang itu jelas memiliki ciri ciri berkenaan. Sebagaimana menuduh seseorang itu pembunuh atau pencuri dengan segala bukti yang kukuh lagi mengukuhkan.
Dan Nik Aziz tidak mengatakan bahawa tidak undi PAS maka tidak islam ( atau apa sahaja yang saudara cuba bayangkan di situ ). Apa yang dia nyatakan adalah umat Islam yang tidak memilih jalan Islam yang syumul adalah mereka yang lalai dan masih tak mendapat petunjuk - di mana, pada ilmu beliau, menyokong pergerakan Islam adalah salah satu caranya. Saya tidak kata UMNO tidak menyokong Islam atau hanya PAS membawa Islam. Saya hanya ingin menegaskan bahawa umat Islam di Malaysia masih belum reti bermain politik demi kegagahan Islam. Dan saya yakin, itulah yg sebenarnya Nik Aziz maksudkan !
( Contoh : Ijok majoriti Melayu Islam, tapi yg menangnya siapa ? )
Akhir kata,
allow me to ask this then,
" Apa pula hukumnya orang yang stereotype tanpa usul periksa termasuk menghukum institusi mufti dengan usul yang cetek sedemikian rupa ? "
jangan biarkan org bukan Islam mengambil kesempatan atas Islam hanya kerana kononnya kita " mesti terbuka " demi Islam.
Darah muda memang panas tapi selalunya tak ke mana malah kerap juga merugikan.
Tahniah renegix_01 ,
anda berfikir !
open minded terlampau juge menyebabkan sesetengah org melampaui batas dan hilg adab terhadap ulama..yah..mmg ulama tidak maksum(immune dari membuat dosa)..tetapi ada cara untuk menegur mereka..dlm islam sendiri ada menyebut ADAB DGN ULAMA...sbb bukan mudah untuk menjadi ulama...adakah anda igt setakat mengjadi hafiz dan ada PHD dlm syariah sudah layak menjadi ulama?..wahai org2 melayu beragama islam..bukaklah mata..
ulama itu pewaris nabi...so BERADABLAH dgn mereka KETIKA menegur!...saya tidak mengatakan ulama tidak boleh ditegur..mereka juga membuat kesilapan..TEGUR TETAPI BERADABLAH...
hanye menyampaikan..
To me lah kan (and I am no 'alim ulama), Malaysia's political scene can be shaken by a mere bald head - and I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
Tapi the big soalan to me lah kan, is why are we fussing over the fact that Cik Amani's head is bald, rather than the fact that Cik Amani's head is COVERED?
As the Turks would say it, "Meh meh meh."
i was reading newspaper, read bout bald armani and mufti's remark on her act, dont have a clue what the heck happened, here I am, stumble upon yr blog, after the initiative to look for the info. Thx for the info and it is nicely written, Afiq (haha ended with a stats, funny)
*sorry. Maksud gue 'NOT COVERED'.
Kalau berhijab, kepala kita is our business, and no one else's.
Unless you're married. Then he has a right of how your head looks, just like you can ask to him to please, trim his beard.
yes, kaput, I'm sure all of us know what is going on in Nik Aziz's head, sampai boleh begitu mendalam sekali tafsir apa yang dia cakap....especially since he has continued giving that stace since 1976(?)
I have a bad history with the ones bergelar ulama, thus my stance that they are no longer the ones known as pewaris Nabi.
My stance is that one should always be an example first before one preaches. As such, if an ulama insists on his listeners to go to Afghanistan to jihad against America, as Nik Aziz did, then I suggest he goes first.
Heck, I'll sponsor the plane ticket.
Hmph. Ulama' or not, the idea of relocating all drug addicts on an island is... stupid.
Ulama' hanya mewariskan ilmu dari Nabi dan bukan pangkat atau kemulian. Mereka (ulama') pun manusia, mereka juga boleh melakukan kesalahan dan sebagai Muslim yg diharuskan sifat amar makruf nahi mungkar, kita juga berhak menegur mereka. Yeah, dan Idea-idea Mufti Perak yg kontroversial tu sememangnya tidak padan dengan profilnya/bodoh. (yeah, afiq juga boleh berbahasa melayu/malaysia/kebangsaan)
It is wrong to stereotype the Mufti Institution but heck, I guess there are tasting their own medicine. (you know what I mean?)
They should approach the concept of humility and instead of locking themselves up in their comfortable offices, they should lead a life of example and lead others to solve moral decay by confronting them with care and understanding. Main lepas statement kat ofis bibik cleaner diorang pun boleh buat.
Botak pun nak kecoh. Kalau nak kecoh, sikit-sikit sudahlah. Janganla sampai sumpah-seranah. Tapi itulah hakikatnya, masyarakat melayu yang suka mengata dijadikan simbol orang melayu islam yg bertanggungjawab dan yg lebih gemar kaji keadaan sebelum melatah dilabelkan 'open minded'?
Bukalah minda, saya anak Malaysia.
there are a few grammatical mistakes on my earlier comment. Alah, pandai-pandai la korang sort it out.
Since 1976 ? Wut ?
Did you do your homework or just picking up any year that matched your feng shui ?
Dont tell me that you got what you know from the obviously bias Utusan Meloya, Berita Hairan, No Straight Times or even TV 3 Suku ?
You dont even know who Nik Aziz really is and you were not even exist in 1976 ( whatever the year means to u ) for Gawd sake !
Quote :
" I have a bad history with the ones bergelar ulama, thus my stance that they are no longer the ones known as pewaris Nabi. "
Yeah, cuz you had such a bad IQ to start with. With a statement like that, you are probably having a bad time to distinguish plain water from air sungai Gombak. No need for me to explain why.
Quote :
" My stance is that one should always be an example first before one preaches. As such, if an ulama insists on his listeners to go to Afghanistan to jihad against America, as Nik Aziz did, then I suggest he goes first. "
Does Fardhu Kifayah mean anything to you ? Dude, I bet that you still pee in your pants. Just go out there and learn something about life.
Take this,
if your parent want you to be a Doctor while they themselves are farmers, would you say " My stance is that one should always be an example first before one preaches " ...
Dude, you are not using your grey matter for Gawd sake ! Again, I feel stupid if I explain why.
With such silly statements,
if I could turn back time, I'll definitely put you on American Airlines Flight 11 and blame Bin Laden for whatever happens to you after that.
I am not Nik Aziz's fan but I believe he deserve a better light. Try to know him from alternative sources. Like this one :
While you are saying that to the Muftis.
The Muftis are saying this to you :
" They ( bebudak muda ) should approach the concept of humility and instead of locking themselves up in their comfortable bedrooms, they should lead a life of example and lead others to solve moral decay by confronting them with care and understanding. Main lepas statement kat internet, orang gaji diorang pun boleh buat. "
you are currently playing catch with them.
For the time being,
just ask yourself what kind of accomplishments are you making for the sake of Islam, which are significant and could be enjoyed by your fellow brethrens.
If there's nothing.
Then this would be another case of the pot calling the kettle black.
Oh and besides, you are just 20.
Wait till you are about their age.
Then, you'll see what the commotions are all about !
Funny, I thought 1976 was the year they retook Kelantan back under the PAS banner. Thus the question mark. My history's a bit rusty.
And yes, I do get my information from the papers as well as from alternative websites as well as conservative ones. Do you do the same, or are you so left winged that everything printed in the papers is just bullshit?
I have a bad history with ulamas because when I asked them about homosexuality in general, they tell me about how Lot's entire tribe was wiped out because of it, when in fact they were wiped out because of their own lewd acts and the slavery of women.
I have a bad history with ulamas especially when one of them suggests that we put all AIDS patients on an island, lumping drug addicts, prostitutes,people who got it accidentally from blood transfusions, innocent kids whose parents were HIV positive, all together.
I may be the one with the lesser IQ, but I am definitely the one with the higher EQ here.
You, on the other hand, are an irate, irrational, temperament, troll.
So go ahead and spew some more. I'm sure your stupidity and brashness will be your own downfall in the online community.
As for Nik Aziz, I actually liked the guy, having met him and Anwar Ibrahim before. But then, I read further into his background, and Anwar's and found out both of them spewed out rhetoric to win votes. just like the rest of UMNO.
I don't need rhetoric to win me over, all I need is facts and proof, and neither of these two have backed up their allegations against the government so far.
The only one who had the balls to do so was Ezam, when he printed out OSA documents on Rafidah and Rahim Tamby Chik, which got him sent to ISA.
This is going nowhere. Well, being 20 has its disadvantages, I know. But really, I am being useful to the country. To start off, I'm studying. And by blogging, I'm developing a critical mind, which is important to reason with the diversity of thoughts. I also travel a lot, to study how and what influences people to do what they do and how to manipulate their force of thoughts to actual force in the future. Yep, Afiq tak duduk bilik mengelamun je. I read in my room.
You're not doing any good by condescending me or anyone else (for that matter).
It's a free world bebeh. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, may it be politically correct or otherwise.
she's a muslim. an ordinary muslim must follow the rulings of a mujtahid.
a mujtahid = mufti.
simple as that.
if she decides that what she did is right, i guess she shud become a mujtahid herself.
good luck syarifah. you are really embarrassing the Prophet's descendants. which makes me wonder if u really are one.
Marina Mahathir is completely making fool of herself. in islam we have 2 big sources to follow - in al-quran and as-sunnah.
if the hukums are absent in the quran, check the ahadtih.
Hukum Membotakkan Kepala bagi kaum Wanita .
1. Dari Ibnu Abbas Rhma berkata :
نهى النبي أن تحلق المرأة رأسها .
Rasulullah saw. telah melarang perempuan mencukur ( membotakkan ) kepalanya .
Dikeluarkan oleh An Nasaa'I Kitabuz Ziinah , bab Larangan Perempuan mencukur kepalanya
2. Abi Musa Al Asya'ri Rha. Berkata :
برئ رسول الله من الصالقة و الحالقة
Rasulullah saw. berlepas diri dari perempuan yang meninggikan suara tangisan ketika meratap dan membotakkan kepala ketika musibah .
Dikeluarkan oleh Imam Bukhari
Ulasan :
Membotakkan kepala bagi wanita dalam keadaan mereka menerima musibah dilarangkan oleh Rasulullah saw. sehingga baginda melafazkan bahawa baginda akan berlepas diri darinya , inikan pula membotakkan kepala dalam keadaan aman tanpa sebarang musibah .Pastinya ia lebih dimurkai oleh Nabi saw.
3. Dari Ibnu Abbas Rhma :
قال رسول الله ليس على النساء حلق و إنما على النساء التقصير
Rasulullah saw. telah bersabda : dilarang ke atas perempuan bercukur ( membotakkan ) tetapi dibenarkan bagi perempuan memotong sedikit dari rambutnya .
Riwayat Abu Daud di dalam sunannya Bab al Manaasik al Hajj
Walaupun asbab wurud ( sebab datang ) nya hadis ini berkait dengan tahallul dalam ibadah haji , maka jelas hukumnya. Betapa dalam masaalah ibadah seperti tahallul dari ihram haji atau umrah , seorang wanita dilarang mencukurkan kepalanya , inikan pula dalam keadaan di luar ibadah , tentu sahaja terlebih aula dilarang .
Al Imam an Nawawi dalam kitabnya Syarah Sohih Muslim jilid keempat jelas menghuraikan persoalan ini .
أما قصر الشعر و تقصيره من أجل الزينة و التجمل فهو جائز إذا كان بإذن زوج بشرط ألاّ يصل إلى حد تشبه بالرجال
Maksudnya :
Adapun menggunting rambut dan memendekkannya ( bagi seorang perempuan ) untuk berhias dan kelihatan cantik , maka ia adalah harus jika mendapat izin dari suami dengan syarat tidak sampai kepada had menyerupai kaum lelaki .
Dalam huraian yang menyerupai masaalah di atas , Dr. Wahbah az Zuhaili menambah syaratnya :
و ألاّ يكون ذلك بأيدي رجال الأجانب
Bahawa tidaklah yang sedemikian itu ( merujuk kepada menggunting dan memendek rambut ) dengan tangan lelaki ajnabi ( lelaki bukan mahram sebagai tukang gunting )
Kalau dilihat dalam kitab Fathul Baari , Jilid ke 10 muka surat 375 : lebih jelas membahaskan betapa Allah menghiasi perempuan dengan rambut yang cantik dan unik .
Maka Islam mengharamkan perempuan menyambung rambutnya atau memakai rambut palsu . Pengharaman tersebut kerana merubah anugerah Ilahi . Maka , betapa pula dicukur dan dibotakkan kepala ?
Kalau menyambung rambut hukumnya haram , inikan pula membotakkannya bagi seorang wanita , hukumnya adalah juga tetap haram .
My opinion: if she thinks that the ahadith are an invalid source for establishing hukum, then she might as well declare herself as the anti-hadith clan.
Then we'll know her stand on that matter.
["She" refers to syarifah or marina, whomever comes first].
What do you expect from a controversial freak like her. May be someone ought to tell her mother ...belajar lah sikit hukum agama, esok dia tau ke dia masih hidup. Ke dia rasa she believe in reincarnation instead?
We must not overlook at the real culprit here...Yasmin Ahmad. He/She/whatever is herself a tranny, is she not?
Apa hukumnya pulak tu? No wonder lah apa movie yang dia buat ala-ala jer.
alah movie kannnn... biasa lah~
kat US takder pun Mamat bodybuilder austria main bunuh je orang ngan machine gun sblom berkata "I'll be back."
Apa pulak hukum cerita Constantine? Malaikat jibril pompuan, siap ingkar arahan tuhan lagi.
Nk citer local? ade ke patut Puteri Gunung Ledang muka haggard mcm dah umur 30 lebih. Boleh pulak si mualaf jadi org beragama hindu. Aisemen, boyfriend dier Hang tuah pulakkk.
klu pompuan tuh botak sebab dia ada scalp infection...dia cuko abis..just for health reason..bleh ka? haram ka?
bila ada keperluan, maka kelonggaran itu diberikan. Tapi even botak, aurat mesti ditutup, tak kira botak atau tidak. Lain la kalau dia betul2 sakit sampai tak boleh nak pakai tudung.. tolong betulkan saya if saya salah.
macam kes darurat. if takde makanan halal, makan la apa saja untuk hidup.
lagi sekali, tegur saya kalau saya salah
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