
Productive holiday. it had produce an extra inch on my waist. I've not blogged for a week. Good rest really.

Good rest indeed. PS2 all night long!!!! Back to business. Back to studying. To fuel new emotions, new experiences.

To other bloggers who had flooded my mail with 'where are u?? update update!" well, the picture above is dedicated to you.

Before you proceed, I want to make it clear that I'm not against Christianity at all.

I'd reread Davinci Code twice and made some research of my own; amatuerly done by the way. I'm no history professor! A bit of Dan Brown personal research was quite astounding especially the part that concluded that there were many hints of Mary Magdalene's significance to Christianity.

Especially in disney movies. Bare with me: It was said that Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus PBUH and she carries Jesus's daughter and therefore a secret bloodline was introduced. Hmm.... Jesus had a wife and a daughter. Quite a stir isn't? To have such tales will invalidate the Roman Catholic Church (which is by the way, Male dominated) Everything about Christianity is male dominated with the exception of Protestants. If the tale is proven true, Vatican will be at no use and Priests are no longer needed. Again, hmm....

Mary Magdalene is now potrayed as a poor prostitute. Get it? The church labelled her so further study of her will be abolished. Read the book and make your own conclusionlah..

And since the gospel of Judas was introduced and luckily protected from the church, it shows an extremely shocking outlook of Jesus's crucifiction. An outlook that validates Islam's perspective on how Jesus died: he did not die. His body was simply replaced by the betrayer WHICH was Judas!

Everything is making sense now! Okay... not everything.,,

The bit about the Disney movie:

In the Little Mermaid, Ariel was potrayed to be a princess with long red hair and there was a bit in the movie where the painting of The Penitent Magdalene by Georges de la Tour was in Ariel's under water home.

There's more but I think I'll save some for later.



Hafidz Baharom said...

correction: in Islam, it was not Judas who took Jesus' place on the cross, instead, it was Jesus Barabbas

afiq said...

Ek? Wokeh.. library here I come... Jesus Barabbas... never actually heard of him. I'll make something of it nonetheless .

afiq said...

Maybe Judas was giving Jesus a chance to transform into 'jesus barabbas'

Aaah.. speculations!! Can you prove it? Back it up with some cold facts.

afiq said...

Nononono... i think aput have mistaken Barnabas as Barabbas. Barnabas is the name of a gospel that has the story on Jesus's crucification. I'll post another entry about Judas tomorrow. Something wrong with blogger today...

Chemistry Grad said...