Eragon the Movie!!!

Read Eragon or Eldest yet? Not yet ar? Go buy and read lah... so we can complain about the lack of details in the movie soon... alah, like what we did when we watched Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. Fun what to be an Eragon know-it-all. We can whisper to our neighbours of what's going to happen next to Eragon in the cinema. Imagine this scenario:
friend: Have you watched Eragon?
you: not yet but I've read the book
friend: *impressed*
you: well.. u know me...
haha... cool kan? Oh... Afiq and his lame jokes


jannah said...

though some people might call a few entries as unislamic, and though i disagree with you on some parts, i truly admire your unpretentiousness in posting your opinions. Looking forward for more

Davisioom said...

though some people might call a few entries as unislamic, and though i disagree with you on some parts, i truly admire your unpretentiousness in posting your opinions. Looking forward for more