Reply to Kekeliruan Kefahaman Islam di Malaysia Salah Siapa?

Oh well, once again... I pissed off some people. I was a sworn enemy to muslim gay bloggers once when I posted my Gay Muslim entry. Apparently Anjingophobia pissed off a lot of 'very good muslims'. You can read the real blog entry here. Here is the blog entry and my immediate reply:

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh!

Kehadapan saudara saudari seIslam dengan saya serta mereka yang rasa rasa masih Muslim didalam ertikata sebenarnya.Kenapa saya berkata begitu?


Apa tidaknya?

Manusia manusia sedemikian sudah semakin banyak yang hadir dan ujud dikalangan kita yang mengaku sebagai umat Islam, bertuhankan Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala dan bernabikan Muhammad ibni Abdullah, Khataman Nabiyyi, Rahmatulil Alamin, Rasulullah Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam, sudah berani mempersendakan hukum hakam Allah Azza Wa Jalla dan Sunnah Nabi?

Saya menerima emel dari seorang saudara Muslim bertanyakan hukum tentang mereka yang berani mempersendakan hukum agama Islam serta Sunnah Nabi Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam?Berikut adalah isi kandungan emel tersebut:

"Assalamualaikum .........Saya nak tanya .......kalau penyataan macam (dibawah) ni..tak dikira sebagai mempersenda agama ke..?

"The sama' (or samak) procedure haven't been updated for centuries. During the time of Rasulullah, to prevent rabies from infecting human beings, he instructed his followers to wash their hands once with clay and six more times with water because they didn't have Dettol oranti-bacterial soap those days. If you're thinking "Well, we should abide Rasulullah's every action to the latter" then the internet would be unfavourable because Rasulullah used massengers on horses to relay messages and information. "

Saudara saudari seIslam yang saya hargai,Bilamana saya mengkaji isi kandungan blog tersebut diatas, saya mendapati bahawa anak muda itu beriqtikad sedemikian diantaranya berdasarkan adegan didalam filem 'Gubra' arahan Yasmin Ahmad yang memaparkan seorang bilal mengusap kepala anjing ditengah jalan didalam perjalanannya ke surau dan kemudian terus melaungkan azan tanpa menyamak tangannya?

Just because Yasmin Ahmad didn't shot the Bilal performing the samak, it doesn't mean that he didn't. How often do you see action heroes in fast paced action movies take a dump? Never probably. So what's the dilly yo?

Maka nampaknya anak anak muda seperti itu mengambil kefahaman agamanya dari contoh contoh seperti dari filem 'Gubra'. Salah siapa membiarkan gejala ini berterusan?FINAS? JAKIM?

Salah orang macam kamu lah yang lebih gemar menyalahkan orang lain dengan sindiran dan tomahan.

Siapa?Apakah salah kegagalan sistem pendidikan agama kita diperingkat persekolahan rendah, menengah atau tinggi?Apakah salah kerajaan negeri dan negara semata mata?Apakah salah blogger muda itu sendiri kerana keras kepala ingin membicarakan perkara sepenting hukum hakam Islam ikut sesuka hatinya kerana Suruhanjaya Multimedia dan Komunikasi tidak bertaring didalam ertikata sebenarnya?

Blogger ini hanya ingin membuka orang mata orang melayu yang sering menyeksa anjing dengan menggunakan alasan agama tetapi hal-hal kecil pula diberi perhatian macam orang tua mabuk yang suka cari gaduh. Perlukah Suruhanjaya Multimedia dan Komunikasi mengambil tindakan kerana saya mengeluarkan pendapat? Adakah ini cara sebenar Islam dipraktikkan? Dengan cara kuku besi? Saya rasa tidak.

Apakah kerana kelesuan pihak berkuasa mengambil tindakan keatas blogger yang menyiarkan maklumat salah tentang perkara melibatkan hal ehwal agama termasuk kaffir dan munafik yang mempersendakan Allah, Rasulullah serta umat Islam secara amnya?

Perkara kecil sebegini pun nak dibawa ke makhamah syariah ke? Kenapa tidak tumpukan fokus pada isu-isu yang lebih penting seperti mendidik kanak-kanak muslim supaya tidak menjadi muslim yang lebih gemar menghukum seperti kamu?

Siapakah yang bersalah?Ini baru satu diantara ribuan blog serta laman web yang memperlecehkan hukum hakam Agama Islam kita yang maha suci.Apa langkah yang harus kita ambil?Bagi saya, salah satu caranya adalah untuk menguatkuasakan peruntukan undang undang yang sedia ada.Apa gunanya menggubalkan undang undang sedemikian di Parlimen dan Dewan Undangan Negeri jika hanya sekadar menjadi perhiasan sahaja?

Bagus la tu? Daripada menegur, berbincang atau bertukar pendapat, lebih bagus menangkap saya dan mengenakan tindakan undang-undang? Orang macam kamulah yang golongan muda mudi sudah meluat mencuba mendekati Islam. Orang macam kamulah yang memberi imej buruk kepada Islam pada majoriti remaja. Jadi siapa yang bersalah? Tepuk dada, tanyalah mereka!

Negara kita ini kaya dengan undang undang tetapi miskin penguatkuasaan.Itulah diantara punca timbulnya kekeliruan dan salah faham hal ehwal agama dikalangan masyarakat kebanyakan negara ini hari ini.Saya telah membalas emel sipenanya itu dengan maklumat berkaitan. Insya Allah akan saya tuliskan artikel berkenaan hukum hakam agama mengenai masaalah samak didalam waktu terdekat.Tentang blogger muda itu, sama sama lah kita berdo'a agar beliau akan kaji semula akan iktiqad beliau untuk mengelakkan diri jatuh berdosa melanggar perintah Nabi Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam seperti yang dihuraikan secara terperinci disini.

So now I'm a murtad? That's very convenient, threatening me like I'm an infidel. Who are you to judge me?

Soalnya saya hairan kenapa masih ujud orang orang seperti ini dizaman ini yang bukannya mengkaji dengan mendalam tentang sesuatu perkara bersangkutan hukum hakam agama yang menjadi teras kehidupan kita sebagai umat Islam dengan berpandukan lautan ilmu yang kini mudah didapati dihujung jejari kita di internet ini tetapi berdegil memilih untuk mentafsir akan ajaran Islam menurut hawa nafsu sendiri?

I didn't receive any comment from you to clarify any inaccurate information I posted. Instead, you judge me, suggest that the government to take action on people who have opinions and imply that I may be a murtad. You disgust me because you made Islam exclusive for people with certain upbringings and perception of Islam.

Semoga penerangan singkat ini berjaya menyedarkan mereka yang berkenaan supaya bermuhasabah akan iktiqad yang dipegang masing masing dan kembali kepada ajaran Islam sebenar dan janganlah memandai mandai memperkecilkan dan mempersendakan Nabi Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam?

Sekarang saya memperkecilkan dan mempersenda Rasulullah? Nauzubillah, tuhan saja yang tahu hipokrisi kamu yang membuak-buak.

Teringat saya akan kenyataan Tun Dr Mahathir tentang soal janggut Nabi Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam dan berkenaan ketiadaan pisau cukur 'Gillette' pada zaman dahulu?Saya pernah mendengar ucapan itu melalui rakaman audio kaset yang dijual ditempat saya dahulu. Memang geramlah bila ingat semula akan keceluparan tersebut tetapi disebabkan saya ketika itu tidak mempunyai kemudahan komputer dan akses kepada internet, terpaksa simpan saja didalam hati dan meredap memanjang terhadap si pengucap yang berkenaan.

Mudah2an sekelian blogger dan penulis berhati hati bila membicarakan bab hukum hakam agama dan beringat ingat sebelum menerbitkan sebarang artikel yang berkaitan perkara yang amat penting seperti ini?'Terlajak taip boleh dipadam semula dengan menekan Backspace ; terlajak tekan 'Enter' tanggung jelah natijahnya!

Mudah2an sekalian orang yang berfikir seperti kamu mengubah cara pendekatan dakwah dengan menggunakan interaksi yang lebih terbuka, penilaian yang tiada prejudis dan perbuatan menghukum orang Islam dengan sewenang-wenangnya kerana berpendapat bahawa orang seperti kamu sudah dijanjikan tempat di Syurga. Setakat apa yang saya nampak, orang macam kamulah yang menyebabkan remaja menjauhkan diri daripada Islam. Saya cuma mendekatkan mereka kembali dengan Islam dengan cara saya sendiri.

'Wabillahi Taufik Wal Hidayah.

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.


Aqmal said...

"So now I'm a murtad? That's very convenient, threatening me like I'm an infidel. Who are you to judge me?"

Ahaha. This is so delicious, it's gotta be fattening.

But seriously though, I've read your posts on Anjingophobia and I must say: I strongly agree with your opinion on the issue.

I think the way that you addressed the stigma that dogs receive from many Malaysian Muslims is spot on and as tradition-breaking as your standing may be on the subject, I think it's completely valid.

I do feel that certain parts of Quran can be reviewed from a more modern and updated perspective and be changed to suit our technologically advanced era, such as the sama issue. But i still perform it out of formality.

There are muslims who do abide the Quran, word by word and they take it at face value. While I will not argue about those who do so, I will say that it is perfectly alright to question the logic behind the things that the Quran would have us do and find a perfectly reasonable justification of why we must do so, if only to be closer to Allah SWT.

I do not believe that Allah would have us do His every bidding blindly and without thinking of the cause of why He would have us do so. I do not believe that Allah would have us follow every single protocol now just as the Muslims before us did in ancient times.

I do believe that Islam is a religion that evolves to suit any era and any society in any country that would house its followers. I do believe that Allah SWT encourages Muslims to "menuntut ilmu" and question the logic behind His bidding and find rational and morally sound if not scientific reasoning to back it up.

Paan Lee said...

salam afiq,

since akmal already said all, i will say less, haha..

as long as you know what u r doing, i guess it's fine... people may say stuffs and judge you, that's human nature la.. esp muslims in malaysia. they might think they are muslim enough n better than u...

i believe u have strong faith in Allah and u know more about islamic teachings.most importantly is ur faith!

well....some people are born really with those religion fanaticism and conservative and etc. i believe you know where you stand. :)

wslm, good luck!

Helmi Razali said...

You sounded very defensive. Chill ok. Tapi not to say that i disagree with what you've said. I agree with your points actually. Sometimes, people are very judgemental that they become blinded with the underlying messages.

And yes, i saw the hater's video some times ago on youtube, and it was plain rubbish (IMO). We've discussed about it, and the only bit that we disagreed with Yasmin was the way she portrayed all religions as sama dan setaraf (that was me and my peeps impressions anyway). The samak part, the pelacur part, the bismillah part, pfft.

It's not wrong to be opinionated, but it's annoying when people misinterpreted us. sigh.

Moja Amin said...

Yeps. Agreed with Helmi. You sounded a tad assertive and it's not a good thing. It is good to be sure and firm with what you believed in, but when it comes to the Deen, you have to take account of other opinions too. I do believe that the blogger that wrote about you is actually CARE about you, not just to write gibberish about a blogging youngster. Look at the brighter side, ok?

And I Love Yasmin Ahmad too, but she ain't a perfect muslim figure and Islam will always be BETTER than other religion. Not the same level or vice versa.

I had my experience too, about Liberal Islam where my mom went ballistic, she confiscated all my files and usrah notes. And in such age, yes, I was extremely agitated and against such people like Zainah Anwar and her Sister In Islam (it's a diff issue, I know). But I know that my mom did that because she's afraid that I might be involved wit the 'wrong' Islam, blah blah.

Maybe you should address your opinion regarding this to an adept person? Or Afiq, you may simply ask your Ustaz about it. Best of luck, Afiq!

Anonymous said...

I hope that bloody so called ustaz will burn in hell.

Akmal Azeman said...

u knw, since helmi mtioned about the 'sama tarafkan agama', i actually took it as all religion has its own practice. i mean, y people keep insisting that yasmin was trying to say dat all religion is the same?? n yeah, the whole bilal thing, the 1st tyme i saw it on gubra, i was like: "for sure the dude sama' 1st la weh" but thn again art is just subjective.

anyway, like helmi said, u gotta chill a bit. bt anyway, i still dont agree wit having dog as pets. call me myopic or berfikiran cetek, but honestly, i am one person who stay true to her tots. just like u. kan? so yeah, everyone has their own pendapat n all but hey. nvr judge people lah. to claim someone is murtad is like way off! after all, u n me n all muslim around the world always claim ourselves to as 'the good muslim'.


Lisa Farhana said...

i hope that the mahaguru pakcik reads this.

Afiq Deen said...

I was and still am emotional because my faith was questioned, assumed and speculated. Islam is not faith. Islam is a story of faith.

Mahaguru perception of Islam is exclusive and shallow and is an ideal ground to promote clashes of monotheism that may result destruction between people from different religion and within Islam itself.

He did not bother to drop a comment to discuss or argue but instead, he took a back seat and rattled on the issue without addressing to the subject. This shows he feels he is too superior to share his point of view and opinion to young adults like me. This is no different than an old 'pious' kampung man who prefers to complain and judge without contributing to the resolution of the problem.

yasmin said...

salaam, afiq.

don't worry, son. what matters is what allah thinks of you. some people think they can go to heaven by sending others to hell. that is such an insult to allah subhaana wa taala.

dian said...

oh this has become overwhelming

no worries afiq.

those holier-than-thou people are not competent to judge u

may Allah bless us all !!!

farahrozhan said...

The uncle macam tulis karangan skolah siap dengan punca dan cara mengatasi yo. And yeah if he genuinely wanted to say, fix things, he could've written something in a form of positive dispute and discuss maturely how to find a common ground in this stance. Instead of trolling like he's as a big as Marsellus Wallace.

Anonymous said...

Afiq,this is your father.Don't take stock of what that old man says.He is from the old school.Heavens is only for him and and those who thinks like him.In my life time i have been to many 'ceramah' and so called 'majlis ilmu'.Its a one way traffic.Its all ears and no question ask.Its the same with that 'guy'.He just want you to listen to him,agree with his sermon and join him in heaven later! My son Afiq Deen says it as it is! Afiq,there is abt 17 million jews in the world,abt 100 over muslim to a jew and yet they are hundred over times stronger than us,why?Education.Ask the old man,what sort of education he wants? As for the labrador carry on,too much crime nowadays...bapak

Anonymous said...

This is your uncle azlan, what ur bapak said if I agree, than that old man with the ketayap from the old school, the so called *ustaz* will say, masyAllah patut lah keluarga mereka jadi macam tu. I would agree with 'the man with the ketayap'so I would disagreed with your bapak. Let me tell you why.
1. Let s talk about the main issue ie DOG. It s forbidden animal, Am I judging Allah for creating this forbidden animal? 'The man with the ketayap' do u understand english, maybe it s forbidden to write in english as well, cos malay are muslim, borned muslim, how lucky we are, and malay are the official muslim in Malaysia. Let s come back to DOG. They carry various diseases, entahlah uncle pun tak tau penyakit apa, maybe that is why it is forbidden. I have a few arab friends in KL, they are all from Saudi Arabia, a good friend of mine, name Islam and he is currently studying at MMU. One day I asked about his family, he told me he had a brother and 2 dogs living together with them. Asked him again what does he means by living together, he said 'yea, like part of our family, living in the house with us and u can asked araf and others they all have at least 1 dog in their home'. How forbidden is this animal?
'The man in the ketayap,' perhaps u can highlight me and the rest of other ignorant people like me, the significant or non significant of this animal.
Listern 'the man in the ketayap' I am not judging you like u are judging my nephew. perhaps it is time for you to get out from the box and preach how wonderful and beautiful Islam is, how practical and pragmantic islam is, rather than scaring the shoot out of non muslim.Patutlah susah sangat nak convert people to muslim, sebab islam as all my non muslim friends think, everything is a no no. 'the man in the ketayap' please preach the yes yes, not the no no.
3. I didn't know that bela anjing murtad, mana dapat tu Afiq? Kalau betul, bapa mama ida dulu pun bela anjing, and that dog, a German sherpard, was a puupy then was rescused, fed and jaga kampung eventually, by my father in law. In that case, they are also murtad, by that defination. so what does it make of us? i dont have the answer.
4. I have to take back the word forbidden animal cos i think Allah created everything for a reason.
5. Maybe 'the man in the ketayap' knows better than us. he might be in depth with his knowledge of islam and compared to us, who are we to argue with him. perhaps being knowlegable is not necessary wiser.
He is entittled to his opinion or his interpretation, no doubt about that.
6. Yea, sadly I have to take back my word again, I have to agree with your bapak. The preaching is always a one way flow, damn if u dont follow.

Anyway afiq, being defensive is good, cos u stand on your point. Dont hit back cos if we do we are just a bad as they are. Just write your opinion and dont be scared to press 'ENTER'.Uncle pun nak tau juga, ada firman atau hadith yang menyatakan bela anjing itu haram.

I think i would consider rearing a wolf, less controversial.

Anyway, eating mee goreng using chop stick was haram before but now it s not anymore. perhaps these preacher should go out more often and see the world of Islam in other part of the world, rather than just Islam in malaysia, afterall Islam is universal.
Allah is great, Amin.

uncle Lan


Mahaguru tu bertauliah di bawah Jakim atau Jabatan Agama Negeri ke? ke pendakwah bebas?... (kalau nak berkira-ler kan..)


Dear Mahaguru, (AlFath48:29) Tanda sujud bukan pada dahi tapi daripada hasil kerja...

Mr Jon said... made me read your entry twice....

Afiq Deen said...

You copy-paste issit???

Because your text is exactly like the content of "The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam) by Yusuf al-Qadrawi

Anonymous said...

uncle lan nak buat satu short script, i am going to tittle it 'CURANG?'. Let me write and finish the script and see how we can make a short story out of it.

Herzog de Khan said...

afiq afiq....

jgn buat macam ni, let me tell u one thing for sure

setiap pergerakan dan perilaku Rasulullah dtg dari Allah, untuk dijadikan contoh kepada umat manusia seluruh dunia

apabila Rasulullah mengatakan terpegang anjing itu harus disamak, lakukan sahaja kerana jika kita percaya sepenuhnya pada Allah S.W.t dan RasulNya mengapa kita harus argue lagi? Yakin dan percaya itu sahaja.

mana mungkin zaman itu takde Dettol? mungkin ada tp namanya saja bukan Dettol kerana saya percaya bahawa zaman Rasulullah hidup mesti sudah ada pembedahan dilakukan dan ubat pembersihan bakteria mesti sudah wujudkan?

afiq, ustaz itu seorang yang telah byk ilmu agamanya, jgn dibuat begini binasa kita kelak, jgn kamu mempersendakan ilmunya, kamu study architecture bukan? kalo saya mempersendakan Le Corbu atau Frank Gehry di khalayak awam semasa saya masih lagi belum mendapat part 3 LAM mesti org akan mentertawakan saya bukan? ini kerana ilmu saya masih belum jaun seperti LE Corbu atau Gehry seperti itu juga anda dibandingkan dengan ustaz tadi

jika diberi pilihan untuk melakukan kajian senibina tehadap penggunaan manusia sudah semestinya saya memilih ustaaz tadi dahulu untuk melihat bagaimana beliau meggunakan ruang2, kemudian baru kamu kerana ustaz tadi hidup dan menelaah sudah lama dan sudah tentu pandangan nya terhadap kehidupan lebih lain dari kamu kan?

berhati-hati afiq, jgn terlalu excited dgn all this anjing isu untuk memaki ustaz td kerana in the end it is worthless for u, believe me

dan kalo kamu ingin menjadi seorang usahawan berjaya kamu harus menelaah salah satu penulisan Warren Buffet, begitu juga saya kalo saya nak mendalami ilmu agama adakah saya merujuk kepada Yasmin Hamid? tidak, tetapi saya akan merujuk kepada ustaz td

lihat, dangkal kan?

cara penulisan kamu yg beremosi itu sahaja sudh menunjukkan siapa kamu berbanding ustaz tadi kan?

hati2 bila berbicara tau


Afiq Deen said...

Eyh halo, I was blogging about how dogs are mistreated okay... if I was wrong about the dettol, by all means he could correct me. But spewing all this holier-than-thou shit?

It's like I'm giving a speech about global warming and suddenly this fella who listened to my speech went out and present another speech about how I was wrong about the subject of decomposition and made a big deal out of it.

There's a proper to do everything and his way is just outdated and silly. He makes me sick. He makes me want to kick him. Period.

If you seek Ayu.

Afiq Deen said...

I dont like your tone Herzog. You're trying to intimidate me. I don't like to be intimidated. I will react to intimidation with anger and hatred.

This is how everyone feels when they are intimidated. It's human nature aite? There's no one to blame when people can't seem to heed your advice. So please, do yourself a favour and study basic psychology.

Anonymous said...

Afiq ni da tersilap asuhan...

Utk rujukan Afiq, ni ade source yg aku ambik dari Fatwa Halal & Haram Dr.Yusof Al-Qaradhawi..Harap2 dgn sumber ni dpt mmbantu Afiq dlm memahami hukum yg telah dimuktamadkan dlm Islam dan wajib bagi kita org2 yg jahil dlm hukum2 agama patuh dan taat pada ijtihad Ulama'Muktabar yg berdasarkan Hadis Nabi SAW.Wallahhua'lam

BAB 2: Memelihara Anjing Tanpa Ada Keperluan

Termasuk yang dilarang oleh Nabi ialah memelihara anjing di dalam rumah tanpa ada suatu keperluan.

Banyak kita ketahui, ada beberapa orang yang berlebih-lebihan dalam memberikan makan anjingnya, sedang kepada manusia mereka sangat pelit. Ada pula yang kita saksikan orang-orang yang tidak cukup membiayai anjingnya itu dengan hartanya untuk melatih anjing, bahkan seluruh hatinya dicurahkan kepada anjing itu, sedang dia acuh tak acuh terhadap kerabatnya dan melupakan tetangga dan saudaranya.

Adanya anjing dalam rumah seorang muslim memungkinkan terdapatnya najis pada bejana dan sebagainya kerana jilatan anjing itu.

Dimana Rasulullah s.a.w. telah bersabda: "Apabila anjing menjilat dalam bejana kamu, maka cucilah dia tujuh kali, salah satu di antaranya dengan tanah. " (Riwayat Bukhari)

Sebahagian ulama ada yang berpendapat, bahawa hikmah dilarangnya memelihara anjing di rumah ialah: Kalau anjing itu menyalak dapat menakutkan tetamu yang datang, boleh membuat lari orang-orang yang datang akan meminta dan dapat mengganggu orang yang sedang jalan.

Rasulullah s.a.w. pernah mengatakan: "Malaikat Jibril datang kepadaku, kemudian ia berkata kepadaku sebagai berikut: Tadi malam saya datang kepadamu, tidak ada satupun yang menghalang-halangi aku untuk masuk kecuali kerana di pintu rumahmu ada patung dan di dalamnya ada korden yang bergambar, dan di dalam rumah itu ada pula anjing. Oleh kerana itu perintahkanlah supaya kepala patung itu dipotong untuk dijadikan seperti keadaan pohon dan perintahkanlah pula supaya korden itu dipotong untuk dijadikan dua bantal yang diduduki, dan diperintahkanlah anjing itu supaya dikeluarkan (Riwayat Abu Daud, Nasa'I, Tarmizi dan Ibnu Hibban)

Anjing yang dilarang dalam hadis ini hanyalah anjing yang dipelihara tanpa ada keperluan.Anjing yg boleh dipelihara hanyalah anjing yg digunakan untuk berburu.

Afiq Deen said...

Sila baca comment2 lepas. Mesti akan terbaca yang Afiq nak bela anjing DEKAT LUAR untuk SECURITY. Tapi tak salah kalau bawak jalan2 dn sebagainya.


so quick to judge!

Wafie said...


Again, like most people have said in previous comments, it's good to stand up for what you believe in but there's no need to be so defensive to the point of being very rude.

I think most have only their best intentions at heart, but you misinterpret everything,flinching at the slightest criticism and basically inching yourself closer towards letting these people prove that what they think of you is true.

And the whole dog issue; I think that it is better to avoid the possibility of sinning if there are still doubts of whether as Muslims we can really take a dog in as a pet.

Peace, bro.

Afiq Deen said...

i was rude, i know. but then again i'm always rude. that's how i roll. i tell you this because i can tell that you're new here.

i'm still going to have a dog as a pet and i urge all muslims to do the same. the dogs can be used to guard the house and it should live outside. no biggie.

i'm not going to compromise how i react just because its sensitive of controversial. to prove my point:

ur a holier-than-thou SOB and i don't like your tone. this is my house so you have to respect my rules.

Herzog de Khan said...

u sendiri sudah keliru, kejap cakap nak bela sebagai pets kemudian sebagai security...which one?

but if u take as both than for sure is NOT ALRIGHT

confusion sure lead to mistake

u asked people to respect your rules?

how bout u respect others first, or respect the religion u believe in?

hihi as i said earlier, please be careful, emotion only lead to destruction on oneself


Afiq Deen said...

i hate when ppl attack my personality to prove their point. if these ppl are so objective, why does matter that i'm defensive or rude?

if they are so right about something, i think their opinions should suffice. n remember herzog, whether it's right or not, its your opinion, not the god forsaken truth. ur not an agent of god, no matter how you try to sugarcoat your comment with smileys n imply holier-than-thou sarcasm.

its just plain disgusting. just debate on the issue without personal attacks and Chyna's Low Blows will you?

u give islam a bad name so dont use islam as onr of your line of defence. like i said, its disgusting.

Herzog de Khan said...


u tau tak kenapa Tuhan ciptakan manusia dan jin?

"hanya untuk menyembahNYA"

remember that always

and u said this ur blog and u can conduct urself as u like? then why BOTHER ONLINE and let people read and write comments on ur blog? kalo u nak teruskan dgn suka hati u macam mana u nak conduct then make it private man, and dont allow people to comment and voice up their disgust on u. once u allow people to give opinion freely then u should also can accept others that contradict wif u, or otherwise close ur comment box man.

or maybe u hanya suka tgk people yg comment on ur side. kalo mcm tu, i nak buat mcm mana lagi ek?

terpulang pada u la.....hihi


Afiq Deen said...

i can tell you're new here because you dont know how i roll. i'm a host who sensationalises issues so i can bring out the best and worst in people. only by getting people's honest opinion will i be able to make others re-evaluate how they look at things.

you can sample any of my islamophobia entries and you will notice how i become super-religious in Shalloween or very pro-fundamentalist in Gay Moi or how I resumed a more rational character in Aurat.

in the end, people will not look at me and think that i'm stupid because i made people like you spill your guts out for the sake of knowledge. so before you make judgements on my character, please reread all your comments and how you potrayed yourself as an insistent, sarcastic fellow who thinks he's otherwise.

it's what i do, herzog. I stir dirty water and milk to get the scum and cream to surface.

please understand this (or read my islamophobia entries to really understand what i mean) thank you for participating though. u made five thousand ppl visit this page alone everyday.

Anonymous said...

wow!!!!This is definately a hot forum, let s get a tatto of a dog on our shoulder, maybe both shoulders.

uncle lan

Anonymous said...


Hariz Mohammed Shazalli said...

mahaguru committed a serious fallacy of Ad Hominem. his arguments does not directly answer that young man's question, but instead providing a claim against the opponent (which is you) rather than refuting against the facts provided by the opponent. So instead of talking about WHY is this "keliru", he went on talking bout WHO's to blame for this "keliru". Thus, his arguments are invalid. Wallahu a'lam.

Hariz Mohammed Shazalli said...

Another fallacy i noticed is red herring. Which is an informal fallacy of presenting an argument that may itself be valid, but does not address the issue in the question which is commonly formed with Ad Hominem as I previously explained. Argument invalid.

Mohd Ali Atan said...

Yang salah tetap salah. Yang benar tetap benar. yg penting jgn berikan ruang utk syaitan dan keegoaan itu mencelah. Gambaran yang dibuat Yasmin sebenarnya salah dan batil. Yg penting, kamu belajarlah agama. Ilmu2nya. cabang2nya. Tak suruh kamu jadi jumud tetapi belajar. Bila ada yg menegur tentu adalah mana2 yang salah itu. Terima sajalah. Yg penting agama bukanlah barang lojik. Allah tidka menyuruh kita membenci binatang apapun. tetapi Allah menetapkan secara TERANG DAN JELAS apa yang haram dan halal. Dalam hukuh fiqh ia sangat jelas dalam mana-mana mazhab pun. Justeru, kamu anak muda, spt juga saya, yang berdarah panas dan mudah tersentuh marah, menasihati agar jgnlah terlalu terburu. Jgn terasa syurga utk org tertentu krn perbuatan ini samalah seperti syaitan yang dengki mendengki. Mungkin ada yg mendengki kamu tetapi cuba fikir balik, apakah faedahnya mendengki kamu melainkan ada kebaikan didalamnya. Mungkin ada rambut yg ditarik dengan kasar dari dalam tepung. Tetapi tepung yg berselerakan itu tdk seharusnya dibiarkan terus berselerak tanpa di lapkan ia. Justeru, kamu jgnlah melatah. Tiada sesiapa meminggirkan kamu, memandang kamu ahli neraka, memandang kamu bodoh dan apa sahaja yg kamu tanggapkan itu. Mungkin cara org itu salah dalam menegur kamu tetapi bagi aku, ia sedikit sahaja salahnya. Yg salahnya ialah jahil tiada ilmu asas agama membuatkan kita selalu merasakan diri kita betul berdasarkan tanggapan kita berdasarkan ilmu yang dangkal. Buat apapun dalam dunia ada kaedahnya. Ada ilmunya. Begitu juga agama Islam. Aku faham soal keterbukaan jgn dihujahkan kdp aku. Cuma aku ingatkan, kalau mahu jadi anak muda yang matang jgn epat melatah. kaji diri dna baikilah mana kurang. Jgn menangkan ego dan kejahilan krn ada syaitan selalunya bertenggek disitu. Kita mungkin tidak sedar tetapi ALlah Maha mengetahui.

Mohd Ali Atan said...

The sama' (or samak) procedure haven't been updated for centuries. During the time of Rasulullah, to prevent rabies from infecting human beings, he instructed his followers to wash their hands once with clay and six more times with water because they didn't have Dettol or
anti-bacterial soap those days. If you're thinking "Well, we should abide Rasulullah's every action to the latter" then the internet would be unfavourable because Rasulullah used massengers on horses to relay messages and information. "

Petikan dari blog :

Kata kamu ni kurang adab malah kurang ajar terhadap nabi. Memanglah aku tau maksud kau ialah berkata zaman nabi tiada internet tetapi cara pengucapan kurang ajar macam inilah mesti dibenateras. Eloklah kau cakap depan aku kita boleh bincang. Kau jgn takut aku anak muda macam kau juga yang tak pakai lebai, tak ada hitam di dahi, tetapi aku tak setuju lah cara kau kau ini yang tidak beradap.

Anonymous said...

aku stuju dgn mohd ali atan...betul tu...syabas.aku terharu ada lg anak muda yg bercakap berlandas kan agama dan mengetepikan nafsu akal dan hati manusia yg sempit dan jahil..skang ni ramai org nak diorg nak islam yg ikut slera nafsu diorg.itu yg salah.smpai ada org sggup halalkan white wine sbb white wine susah nak mabuk.sdgkan dlm islam..islam dah menetapkan semua jenis air yg bernama ARAK,WINE dan mcm2 lg nama itu hukumnya HARAM!walaupon x mabuk tp tetap ARAK maka hukumnya tetap HARAM.Subhanallah....

cikgu ina said...

hwaaa...i had to stand well away from the screen and approach the keyboard with trepidation from the heat of the arguments there.

i generally notice there isn't really a discussion going on, rather than trying to find actual proof, which is citing dependable texts, (what you heard once, or what someone said once, etc does not count. books n quotes n page numbers please)
is everyone trying to get afiq to feel inferior? what i think you're looking for is answers right? so what say we all do the boy a favour and find books, articles, people who can answer his questions. i am a teacher, but i dont have the answers to everything. if a student needs to know something, and i dont know the answer, usually i give him god's advice...READ
by all means start there. READ

here is a book i found useful 'No God but God' the origins,evolution and future of islam by Reza aslan

totally loved it. it is good to question, bcos i have faith in islam to provide the correct answers.

galisin88 said...


I support your need to have a dog. After all.....all dogs are mens' best friend.

Rearing dogs always raise a question in the Islamic faith. you shouldn't be restricted to have a dog since you want to raise it to protect you and the house.

In our religion (not to compare with urs and juz to serve as a santapan pengetahuan)....God said "anything that enters the man is not unclean, but what comes out of him(words, actions, deeds) that makes him unclean"

it's up to you how you interpret this saying. To's very simple.....Whatever you receive does not defile you but whatever that comes out of you that defiles you.

Even God said that no animal is's how you treat the animal that either makes them clean or unclean.

Do not be afraid.......Juz rear gives joy and peace to those who reared one.

Amor et Pacem (Love and Peace)

Tim G.

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My dogs are also beautiful eccentric about the laser gyroscope I got from They each cleave to the gyroscope as it spins, although at first they kept barking at the laser light show, and also because it produces music. But after they got used it, they've stopped barking but due maintain following the gyroscope whenever I start spinning it. Kids are also attractive amused by it. Sometimes it's moral to take fun toys about the blood so that you can go away the bit of frippery trifle with on while the kids are being amused or playing with it while you open to provide for foodstuffs or sock changed. The gyroscope is a particular such play with with this purpose.

The gyroscope I bought from has a dragon as a design on it, and produces a taper accompany with red, dispirited, and unskilled colours. Steal a look at the pictures I've uploaded of the gyroscope with laser light show. The music produced from the gyroscope is not that great but allowable sufficiency to consider any new customer to the house. The gyroscope is red and negro, making it look particular cold, and slightly masculine with that dragon imprint.

The music light show gyroscope runs on 6 LR44 batteries, which are replaceable anyway. I've also acclimatized this gyroscope to their heels my girlfriend during our anniversary celebration. I did the cheesy thing of decorating the hostelry cell with roses and when I led her in, I started up the gyroscope as rise so that the laser light register produces a dreamed-up effect. I also had some battery operated candles so all the moonlight effects created a rather romanticist atmosphere. She loved it, at near the way, to my relief. I also bought the candles from These days it seems to be my non-fulfilment shopping locality suitable all gifts and ideas in support of emotional occasions.

Since Christmas is coming, this laser light make clear gyroscope can dialect mayhap be a superb Christmas give-away looking for the toddler or even the pet! Alternatively, the gyroscope can altogether be a nice totalling to the ordinary Christmas decorations. I can fancy placing it near the Christmas tree and perchance spinning it when guests hit town in the house. Looks like [url=][/url] is getting my subject yet again!