I was just prepping my nap (oh yes, preparation is necessary for a quick nap) like setting my phone's alarm and setting up the sejadah/pillow/tikar/flying carpet. Just before I shut my eyes and force myself to sleep, there was a slight commotion at the corner of the mosque.
"Keluar! Keluar! Astaghfirullah! Keluar sekarang!" I heard the bilal shouting.
Being a typical Malaysian busybody, I rushed to the source of the shouting and saw a teenager with piercings in black tees and pants rushing towards the mosque's exit. Dazed, I saw the bilal fuming.
"Kenapa ni?" I asked out loud. "Kenapa jerit tadi?"
"Tu ha, budak punk tu!" the bilal was calm again and continued unrolling a sejadah. "Nak lepak dekat masjid pulak dia!"
"Hah!?" which means WTF in english. "Dia buat apa kat sini?"
"Manalah aku tau. Yang aku tahu penganut setan mana boleh duduk dekat rumah tuhan!"
"Pakcik ni pun satu! Orang nak datang sembahyang pakcik halau! Kang budak tu dah taknak sembahyang dah pakcik juga yang tanggung." I told him harshly but not too loud as to rouse suspicion from my napping conspirators.
"Eh, apokononye pakcik pulak tanggung?" he said without missing a pace unrolling the sejadah.
So I told him about the story my father told me once about a pious man and a prostitute. The pious man had done a great deal of deeds and frequented the mosque everyday. Because of his piety, a cloud follows him around to protect him from the sun's hot glare. And there was this prostitute who had been selling her body since she ran away from home.
One day, the pious man was walking alone to a shop nearby. The prostitute came out from a brothel to buty some bread with the money she had just earned. When the prostitute saw the pious man, she suddenly saw hope and made up her mind to become a better person. She feels that God had sent the pious man in her path so he could teach her how to be a good muslim. The pious man saw someone approaching him from the corner of his eyes, stopped and looked back. When he saw the prostitute with her expose voluptious body and grimy face, he kept on walking and told the prostitute to not disturb him as he is a pious man.
God is great. In that instant, the prostitute's past sins and the pious man's past deeds were relieved. Even the cloud that followed the pious man around followed the prostitute instead.
"Ape kene mengene cerita tu dengan pakcik?" bilal biul itu bersuara.
"Kiranya pakcik orang alim tu lah dan budak punk tadi pelacur tu." I answered patiently as I followed him while he unrolls the sejadah gingerly.
"Mana boleh sama, budak tu tuhannya setan. Ini rumah Allah. Kalau dia nak duduk sini kenalah buat macam dia tu penganut Allah." the bilal stopped for a while to re-adjust the sejadah and continued unrolling.
"Just kick the damn thing and it'll unroll by itself!" I said testily.
"Hah?" the bilal stopped.
"Saya kata, lain kali biarlah budak tu masuk masjid! Bukannya dia nak sembelih kambing kat sini. Dia nak sembahyang je!"
tu la kan
mentaliti masyarakat kita
but not for all..
certain people laa
people always judge a book by its cover..erm, kalau dah punk, xkan nak solat..mcm tu la pkcik tu fikir..melayu klise.
few words:
(darn) proud of ya'.
we need more clones of you, Afiq.
typical malays i would say.
apa2 pn leh berubah skang ni...
Great men always have many stories to tell.
elok ko tegur pakcik tu...tapi tegur aa elok2...bukan yer apa kalau boleh nak pakcik tu masuk kepala apa yg kau cakap.
a good effort!
ape kena la dengan pakcik tersebut?
punya la bagus budak tu nak datang smayang pi halau plak. huu
luaran x mengambarkan dalaman.
luaran x mengambarkan dalaman.
2 la masalahnya.
ur story jst like one of the short story yg ive seen.
forgot the title but its about a monk serching for Allah's light but seorang Imam halau dea dari masjid.
well, okay, so maybe the bilal shouldn't have shoo-shooed the punk away.
but ask any muslim malays above 50 and they'll give pretty much the same reaction. it's a set mentality.
and you could have afforded to be less rude to the bilal and not call him names.
daripada dapat pahala, tak dapat pape.
ha ha ha... isk! isk!
(lucu tp menginsafkan)
All of the commenters are unreasonable n unfair. Its not just malays. Its the ENTIRE WORLD lah. Ask any org tua yg mentaliti yg tak tbkk dan tertutup mcm katak bwh tempurung, same ting will hapen. Just open up ur eyes n c lah. its everywhere n all around the world.
Wahidah Dzaki,
I actually have good rapport with the bilal so my advice is not as offensive as it may have sounded to you.
Mana kau tahu aku dapat pahala ke tidak? Kau tuhan ke?
heh, orang macam pakcik ni lah buat orang yang cuba berubah putus asa.
good post :)
the looks can deceive you but the heart can tell a different story....because God(Allah)sees the heart, not the physical. He doesn't see what humans see.....
God Bless :)
Tiada pun yg sokong pakcik tu..yg salah tetap salah..kalau dah tahu awak berugama islam..berpakainlah cara islam. Kan lebih baik..jaga adab di masjid..semamngnya tak boleh judge the book it cover. But the cover impress the idea of the book..Impress first..anak muda jauh terpesong, islam is the way of life bermakna segalanya Islam. apa identiti islam kamu jika lelaki bertindik, punk memakai pakain bergambar syaitan (contohnya). kesalahan pakcik cuma bersuara deras..tapi kesalahan anak muda kepada ibubapanya, agamanya dan masa depannya sendiri..jangan gunakan kisah2 tertentu sebagai membenarkan perbuatan yang menyimpang dari Islam..wallahualam
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