Breeze Ultracolour

I was driving to the imigration office to receive my renewed passport so I could go whiteriver rafting this Friday when I heard a radio commercial:

"Eh Aminah, why do you look so happy?"

"Well Mrs. Chong, my clothes are so vibrant and colourful!"

"But how?"

"I only used Breeze Ultracolour and now all my clothes looks fabulous!"

(together) "Breeze Ultracolour! For more vibrant and colourful clothes!"

I was like....Why is Mrs. Chong so damn aversive to happiness? Do we really need a reason to be happy? Like because of more vibrant and colourful clothes?

Aminah needs to get a damn hobby, that's what she needs! Not Breeze Ultracolour!

Balik Kampung?

After 4 Mentos,
445 kilometres,
RM75 of PLUS toll charges,
and a full tank.

I came home to find an invitation to a prize giving ceremony on Thursday. I was confused. I had mixed feelings.

What if I go and didn't win anything? What if I didn't go and win something? Why didn't Jabatan Filem Negara send this earlier? What is the meaning of life?

But the only thing that came out of my mouth was "Tok Nab.... Afiq lapaq!!!!"

High-End Shopping Bags

I don't know if you've noticed this but lately almost all shopping complexes are urging their customers to bring their own shopping bag to reduce consumption of plastic bags. So in light of this campaign, many shops are selling shopping bags that can be used over and over again.
The diversity of shopping bag designs made it more than a proactive measure to counter global warming and pollution. It is now a fashion statement. I know most of us can't afford to buy high end fashion products to use the bag that came with them as shopping bags but what if we can? Not only is it a fashion statement, you could also keep the bags as one of your shopping bag collection.

Imagine using Jimmy Choo or Burberry bags as your shopping bag:
Or Salvatore Ferragamo and Emporio Armani to carry your groceries or clothes.

The best thing about carrying around high-end bags is that you will be welcomed into other high-end stores without having the promoters shooing you away with their disconcerting looks.

If you're interested to get one as a shopping bag or to add to your collection, you can buy your favourite high-end brand shopping bags at Afiqsells.

If you do buy one, prepare to receive passing remarks like:

"He'eh, anak Datuk la~ tapi kenapa muka cam duduk Kampung Baru"

"Nak berlagaklah tu! Mentang-mentang..."

"Aku tidak mengenal brand itu maka aku tidak memberi apa-apa komen."

"Ape kes pergi pasar ikan bawak paperbag Gucci?"

"Wow! London. Paris. Batu Gajah."


At the risk of being called 'Gay', 'Fruity', 'Tak senonohlah budak ni' etc. I transformed by plain Nokia e61i from this:
to this:

Front Elevation
Perspective 1
Perspective 2
Meet Latika!
(from the heroine character in Slumdog Millionaire).

Yesterday. Was. Weird.

I woke up when I heard loud noises from outside. Convinced that it was a plane crashing towards the house, I whispered the Syahadah until I heard people screaming. I peeped through the window and saw 8 motorcycles encircling 3 Sikhs. There was a bit of scuffle when the rempits snatched one of the Sikh's briefcase.
Just before the security guard came to the rescue, the rempits sprinted and escaped. That's the weirdest thing that happened to me in months: I woke up at 7 o'clock! Amazing!

Oh, I've seen at least 4 theft right in front of me (all the more reason for girls to carry around wallets instead of handbags.) and guys to learn the art of buat-buat gila. When you act weird and whacked when a potential thief approaches you, the chances of theft will be greatly diminished.

And then I had to give a talk to hundred of school children about energy conservation just before I was invited to have brunch with four Dato's.
We talked about education, conservation, pollution and Khir Toyo. I realized that I overstepped my turf when I joined in the conversation whenever I can but they appreciated my views so it would be rude to just sit quietly and eat what the restaurant called brunch. Brunch is supposed to be light. If a 7 course meal is considered a brunch, I'm so going to have dinner there soon.
After that I was interviewed by RTM 2 and Bernama reporters. I didn't ask them when I'll be aired because malaslah... cam poyo je.
I learnt my lesson when a magazine did a piece on me and told me that it will be published in 2 months time. I checked the issue two months later and was crushed to find that the anticipated piece on me was non-existent. I called the magazine and they told me that they've already published the piece two months ago. Sejak kejadian itu, I never bothered to check my debut in any medium of the media. poyo je.

Book Karma

I went to KL's International BookFair today hoping to get myself books that are not normally sold in bookstores. But as it turned out, almost all the books sold there were school books and university reference books. The only interesting thing that happened was I met Raja Nazrin, the Raja Muda of Perak. He was very casual and didn't tour around the bookfair with an entourage like I expected.
Hampa dan sedih, I went to KLCC's Kinokuniya so I won't go back empty handed. Kinokuniya by far has the best selection of fictional books in Malaysia.
My affair with novels started 5 years ago. Now I bring a novel everywhere I go like...
when I work,
and even to the dentist!

I got so many novels that I sold them every year in KAED Fest. Now since I haven't got to sell them anymore, I've to bring around 10 kilos of books during vacations (when I have to vacate my room)

So to lighten my load, I figured I might as well sell them online. I'm a firm believer of Book Karma. Book Karma is the cycle of books. I don't believe in keeping books for keepsake except for informative books. So I'm starting a humble blogshop so I can sell hand-me-down books. Then I can use the money to buy new novels!

So if you're interested to read books that is half the price but with stories untainted and unstained with age, visit afiqsells.

Reply to Kekeliruan Kefahaman Islam di Malaysia Salah Siapa?

Oh well, once again... I pissed off some people. I was a sworn enemy to muslim gay bloggers once when I posted my Gay Muslim entry. Apparently Anjingophobia pissed off a lot of 'very good muslims'. You can read the real blog entry here. Here is the blog entry and my immediate reply:

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh!

Kehadapan saudara saudari seIslam dengan saya serta mereka yang rasa rasa masih Muslim didalam ertikata sebenarnya.Kenapa saya berkata begitu?


Apa tidaknya?

Manusia manusia sedemikian sudah semakin banyak yang hadir dan ujud dikalangan kita yang mengaku sebagai umat Islam, bertuhankan Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala dan bernabikan Muhammad ibni Abdullah, Khataman Nabiyyi, Rahmatulil Alamin, Rasulullah Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam, sudah berani mempersendakan hukum hakam Allah Azza Wa Jalla dan Sunnah Nabi?

Saya menerima emel dari seorang saudara Muslim bertanyakan hukum tentang mereka yang berani mempersendakan hukum agama Islam serta Sunnah Nabi Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam?Berikut adalah isi kandungan emel tersebut:

"Assalamualaikum .........Saya nak tanya .......kalau penyataan macam (dibawah) ni..tak dikira sebagai mempersenda agama ke..?

"The sama' (or samak) procedure haven't been updated for centuries. During the time of Rasulullah, to prevent rabies from infecting human beings, he instructed his followers to wash their hands once with clay and six more times with water because they didn't have Dettol oranti-bacterial soap those days. If you're thinking "Well, we should abide Rasulullah's every action to the latter" then the internet would be unfavourable because Rasulullah used massengers on horses to relay messages and information. "

Saudara saudari seIslam yang saya hargai,Bilamana saya mengkaji isi kandungan blog tersebut diatas, saya mendapati bahawa anak muda itu beriqtikad sedemikian diantaranya berdasarkan adegan didalam filem 'Gubra' arahan Yasmin Ahmad yang memaparkan seorang bilal mengusap kepala anjing ditengah jalan didalam perjalanannya ke surau dan kemudian terus melaungkan azan tanpa menyamak tangannya?

Just because Yasmin Ahmad didn't shot the Bilal performing the samak, it doesn't mean that he didn't. How often do you see action heroes in fast paced action movies take a dump? Never probably. So what's the dilly yo?

Maka nampaknya anak anak muda seperti itu mengambil kefahaman agamanya dari contoh contoh seperti dari filem 'Gubra'. Salah siapa membiarkan gejala ini berterusan?FINAS? JAKIM?

Salah orang macam kamu lah yang lebih gemar menyalahkan orang lain dengan sindiran dan tomahan.

Siapa?Apakah salah kegagalan sistem pendidikan agama kita diperingkat persekolahan rendah, menengah atau tinggi?Apakah salah kerajaan negeri dan negara semata mata?Apakah salah blogger muda itu sendiri kerana keras kepala ingin membicarakan perkara sepenting hukum hakam Islam ikut sesuka hatinya kerana Suruhanjaya Multimedia dan Komunikasi tidak bertaring didalam ertikata sebenarnya?

Blogger ini hanya ingin membuka orang mata orang melayu yang sering menyeksa anjing dengan menggunakan alasan agama tetapi hal-hal kecil pula diberi perhatian macam orang tua mabuk yang suka cari gaduh. Perlukah Suruhanjaya Multimedia dan Komunikasi mengambil tindakan kerana saya mengeluarkan pendapat? Adakah ini cara sebenar Islam dipraktikkan? Dengan cara kuku besi? Saya rasa tidak.

Apakah kerana kelesuan pihak berkuasa mengambil tindakan keatas blogger yang menyiarkan maklumat salah tentang perkara melibatkan hal ehwal agama termasuk kaffir dan munafik yang mempersendakan Allah, Rasulullah serta umat Islam secara amnya?

Perkara kecil sebegini pun nak dibawa ke makhamah syariah ke? Kenapa tidak tumpukan fokus pada isu-isu yang lebih penting seperti mendidik kanak-kanak muslim supaya tidak menjadi muslim yang lebih gemar menghukum seperti kamu?

Siapakah yang bersalah?Ini baru satu diantara ribuan blog serta laman web yang memperlecehkan hukum hakam Agama Islam kita yang maha suci.Apa langkah yang harus kita ambil?Bagi saya, salah satu caranya adalah untuk menguatkuasakan peruntukan undang undang yang sedia ada.Apa gunanya menggubalkan undang undang sedemikian di Parlimen dan Dewan Undangan Negeri jika hanya sekadar menjadi perhiasan sahaja?

Bagus la tu? Daripada menegur, berbincang atau bertukar pendapat, lebih bagus menangkap saya dan mengenakan tindakan undang-undang? Orang macam kamulah yang golongan muda mudi sudah meluat mencuba mendekati Islam. Orang macam kamulah yang memberi imej buruk kepada Islam pada majoriti remaja. Jadi siapa yang bersalah? Tepuk dada, tanyalah mereka!

Negara kita ini kaya dengan undang undang tetapi miskin penguatkuasaan.Itulah diantara punca timbulnya kekeliruan dan salah faham hal ehwal agama dikalangan masyarakat kebanyakan negara ini hari ini.Saya telah membalas emel sipenanya itu dengan maklumat berkaitan. Insya Allah akan saya tuliskan artikel berkenaan hukum hakam agama mengenai masaalah samak didalam waktu terdekat.Tentang blogger muda itu, sama sama lah kita berdo'a agar beliau akan kaji semula akan iktiqad beliau untuk mengelakkan diri jatuh berdosa melanggar perintah Nabi Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam seperti yang dihuraikan secara terperinci disini.

So now I'm a murtad? That's very convenient, threatening me like I'm an infidel. Who are you to judge me?

Soalnya saya hairan kenapa masih ujud orang orang seperti ini dizaman ini yang bukannya mengkaji dengan mendalam tentang sesuatu perkara bersangkutan hukum hakam agama yang menjadi teras kehidupan kita sebagai umat Islam dengan berpandukan lautan ilmu yang kini mudah didapati dihujung jejari kita di internet ini tetapi berdegil memilih untuk mentafsir akan ajaran Islam menurut hawa nafsu sendiri?

I didn't receive any comment from you to clarify any inaccurate information I posted. Instead, you judge me, suggest that the government to take action on people who have opinions and imply that I may be a murtad. You disgust me because you made Islam exclusive for people with certain upbringings and perception of Islam.

Semoga penerangan singkat ini berjaya menyedarkan mereka yang berkenaan supaya bermuhasabah akan iktiqad yang dipegang masing masing dan kembali kepada ajaran Islam sebenar dan janganlah memandai mandai memperkecilkan dan mempersendakan Nabi Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam?

Sekarang saya memperkecilkan dan mempersenda Rasulullah? Nauzubillah, tuhan saja yang tahu hipokrisi kamu yang membuak-buak.

Teringat saya akan kenyataan Tun Dr Mahathir tentang soal janggut Nabi Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam dan berkenaan ketiadaan pisau cukur 'Gillette' pada zaman dahulu?Saya pernah mendengar ucapan itu melalui rakaman audio kaset yang dijual ditempat saya dahulu. Memang geramlah bila ingat semula akan keceluparan tersebut tetapi disebabkan saya ketika itu tidak mempunyai kemudahan komputer dan akses kepada internet, terpaksa simpan saja didalam hati dan meredap memanjang terhadap si pengucap yang berkenaan.

Mudah2an sekelian blogger dan penulis berhati hati bila membicarakan bab hukum hakam agama dan beringat ingat sebelum menerbitkan sebarang artikel yang berkaitan perkara yang amat penting seperti ini?'Terlajak taip boleh dipadam semula dengan menekan Backspace ; terlajak tekan 'Enter' tanggung jelah natijahnya!

Mudah2an sekalian orang yang berfikir seperti kamu mengubah cara pendekatan dakwah dengan menggunakan interaksi yang lebih terbuka, penilaian yang tiada prejudis dan perbuatan menghukum orang Islam dengan sewenang-wenangnya kerana berpendapat bahawa orang seperti kamu sudah dijanjikan tempat di Syurga. Setakat apa yang saya nampak, orang macam kamulah yang menyebabkan remaja menjauhkan diri daripada Islam. Saya cuma mendekatkan mereka kembali dengan Islam dengan cara saya sendiri.

'Wabillahi Taufik Wal Hidayah.

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.


I've always wanted a dog. This is no secret. Although my family kept more than 20 cats, I only owned 2 cats: Sylvester and Tigger and when I moved out, I took care of an orphan cat Shasha. I taught them all how to french kiss and play tag because I couldn't teach them how to slobber and play catch. Deep inside, I knew that they felt they were merely substitute of something I couldn't get my hands on and they were right.

Last year I made a decision. Once I have my own house, I will get myself a labrador! Being the sirene of information that I am, I told everybody about my decision. "Buatpa bela anjin? Kotoq! Malaikat tak masuk, tak berkat." hissed Tok as if addressing a taboo topic. Even my post-colonial father, with his orange comb tucked in his back pocket and his tendency to teach me new english words raised his eyebrows when I showed him the dog I wanted to get on Animal Planet.

Their reactions were not unexpected. I taunted them with many ridiculous plans like adopting babies from each continents ala Angelina Jolie and marrying late to a german supermodel. "Nauzubilah" Tok will whisper audibly. "Touch wood!" Bapak will find a wooden surface and touch it. I will let them think that those plans were purposely cooked up for trivial entertaiment value. Like my plan to keep a dog.

I told this to a good friend of mine, Megat Izzuddin and he thought I was joking. I then told him about dog's status in Islam and how malay muslims hatred towards dogs is strictly a cultural thing. He fervently disagreed and when I reminded him of a scene in Yasmin Ahmad's Gubra where the Bilal pats a dog while on his way to the Surau, he got wiled up and insisted that those images were planted by liberal muslim to dilute the true teaching of Islam. I insisted that the Prophet would do the same and he had known that his followers (points at Megat) will demonize dogs because of the inconvenient hygene procedure which is the sama' (or Samak). I know for a fact that Megat is not the only one who thinks that.

Whoever made the clip above should migrate to Afghanistan and have Taliban law enforced on them. It's not all shooting women with no burqa or stoning 15 year old girls you know... Some of the benefits of Talibanism is that it's a law that your wife surrender herself to sex every four days. I respect the opinion of people who agrees with the clip as they are entitled to their thoughts but this is exactly the backward thinking that caused the fall of Islamic civilizations.

Get it right folks. Dogs are not haram. Bribery and corruption is haram. Loving, touching and taking care of dogs is not haram. Pre marital sex is haram. So is eating pork but pigs are not haram. If you won't take my words for it, you can refer to the former Mufti of Perlis, Ustaz Asri:

The sama' (or samak) procedure haven't been updated for centuries. During the time of Rasulullah, to prevent rabies from infecting human beings, he instructed his followers to wash their hands once with clay and six more times with water because they didn't have Dettol or anti-bacterial soap those days. If you're thinking "Well, we should abide Rasulullah's every action to the latter" then the internet would be unfavourable because Rasulullah used massengers on horses to relay messages and information.
Two words: revelation and reason. The reason why Rasulullah formulated the sama' technique was to ensure our cleanliness and with today's technology, cleaning up is super convenient. Why is the fiqh rule on this not updated? Because Muftis in Malaysia are busy banning masculine attire to be worn by muslim women and Pokemon.

Dogs contribution to muslims and the Islamic world are undeniable and it's sad that we demonize them because of one story about the angel who refuse to come into a woman's house because of a stray dog hiding in it. Haven't you heard about Qitmir, the dog who took care of his God fearing master and his followers by guiding them into a cave called Kahf to escape the cruel Quraisy king, Dacius. Qitmir then guarded the cave for hundreds of years while its master slept.

After a while the king approached the cave and found the men and their dog asleep. The sight made him believe their story and he decided to build a mosque at the spot in respect of the miracle that had occurred at this place. The Holy Quran says: And they stayed in the Cave three hundred years and add nine (more). Surah Al-Kahf, 18 : 25

Until today, dogs are an intergral part of human life.

Dogs can even help autistic children to communicate.

Most importantly, they could give what we human need the most: love and attention.

In a nutshell, I'm getting a Labrador whether you like it or not! Even if it is against the wishes of my elders (because of their misconceptions), it's not against my religion!

I've always wanted a dog. This is no secret.

The Deens

We are a rowdy bunch when united. Today it's almost impossible for all of us to be together but when we're together, we're a force to be reckoned with. Yes yes, divorce is a bitch especially when our parents still can't get along even after a decade of seperation.

We're unique and different from other siblings because

1. We look nothing alike

2. We have extremely different personalities

3. We are extremely distructive as a group


It's basically pro-wrestling but done in a smaller scale. Whenever we stay in hotels during vacation, we will set up the bed, hide the pillows (so we can use them as 'aluminum' chairs), discuss our characters, wrestling techniques and entrances and played until somebody get hurts or when be become extremely fatigue. Saiful is a natural lucha libra and have the agility of an orangtan. Hadi is a redneck type who uses his humongous butt as his finishing smackdown move and I'm a technical wrestler who uses difficult grappling techniques. Hadi and Saiful usually opted for their favourite wrestlers' character like the Hardy Boyz and I will choose made up woman wrestlers like Anita Sarawak who sings "Akhirnya Kini Pasti" just before the finishing smackdown move.

Scooter Quiditch

It's basically Quiditch minus the magic brooms. The venue is usually the basketball court and we have to use mini scooters to move around. We used a typical football as the Quaffle, a light rubber ball as the Bludger and a transparent marble as the snitch. The same rules of Quiddith applies to the Scooter Quiditch.

Fiq Factor

You guessed it! It's a spin-off from Fear Factor. In this game, I have the priviledge as the game master and will not participate. Like the real Fear Factor, I will prepare three challenges that follows the format of the game. Some of our favourites were:

Ikat Katil - I will tie the contestants to the bed and they have to figure out a way to get around and reach an assigned object located at the opposite side of the double storey bed.

Teh Misteri - I will prepare a dozen of miniature cups filled with soy sauce, dissolved sugar, oyster sauce, tabasco etc and all contestand had to do was roll the dice to determin which cup they had to drink.

Carik google - Basically the goal of the game is to find and retrieve a google but we were left blindfolded, tied and wrapped in layers on comforters. Scary gila.

Rollerblade Rumble

This game is so far the easiest but toughest of the lot. All we had to do was to circle the basketball court ten times using our rollerblades but along the way, we can use any imaginable tactic to get ahead. Shoving, teaming up to plunge forward and tackle, body slams were all permitted.

There are dozens more games but so far, those mentioned were the most memorable.


Hmmm...Hijrah is a stop motion video that explains the basic concept of Hijrah in Islam. I realized that teenagers and young adults do not like preachy and guilt-inducing advertisment about Islam so I made sure that this one is fast paced, energetic and fun.

Why Hmmm...Hijrah? Because I want it the subject to be contemplative in nature so it could be applied by anyone to their own capacity.

I'm a horrible actor. The moment I see the camera's red LED blinking, my whole body will freeze. So I made captions of my 'frozen' body and somehow made myself move. Watch the video to see what I mean.

Notice my stoned expression? That's my po po po poker face po po poker face (momomomo)

Textbooks Revised

Leela: Eh Chan, nasib baik kamu masuk sekolah kebangsaan! Dapat kamu berkomunikasi dengan baik.
Chan: Betullah kata Cik Leela. Tak sia-sia kerajaan membuka sekolah kebangsaan. Kita dapat hidup aman damai walaupun kita berlainan kaum.
Salmah: Kenapa saya disini? Saya tak diperlukan dalam dialog ini. Kenapa kamu menutup bahagian kemaluan kamu dengan fail itu Chan.
Leela: Kamu stim ya?
Chan: Saya...
Leela: Oh tuhan-tuhanku! Ada hotel satu bintang berdekatan. Mari kita ber-Ménage à trois. Barulah benar-benar muhibbah!
Salmah dan Chan : Mari!

Si Budak Archuleta Itu

Just in case you're wondering what I was doing there, I was chaperoning two underage cousins.
Yes, that's why.
Now stop asking questions.


Somebody asked me "What do you think of the part when Mahesh and Melor slept on the same pillow?"
I answered. "Big Deal. Once, I woke up with two drunk chinese friends sleeping under my bed when my family weren't home."
"Really? Makelah a review of Talentime from your point of view!"
Oh well, I read many reviews of this movie and all the reviews will come to the same conclusion anyway and so will mine (so what's the point?) I can certainly see why people crave for that type of thing to happen in real life. Inter-racial friends, relationships, love etc.
I think at some point in my life, I've encountered situations where the complexity of racial and cultural differences arised. Here are some bits of my childhood stories:
So Talentime is basically a tale that many malays, chinese or indians do not get to experience unless they are schooled in predominantly mixed schools or private schools in Perak, Kuala Lumpur or Penang where English is the main medium of communication.
I'm just fortunate enough to have my very own muhibbah upbringing for me to yawn in scenes where most Malaysians will be appalled or surprised to watch.

Picking Up the Keys

Some kids play football or badminton or the guitar throughout their childhood and school years. Because my parents moved a lot, I never had the chance to pick up and learn a skill thoroughly.

As far as I know, I had only won competitions involving literature or poetry. My articles are published in 4 different school magazines (which my family threw away when they cleaned my room after I left home) and my poems were recited in public to all the schools I've been to but other than that, I've no other special skills.

In highschool I wanted to learn a musical instrument but my family couldn't afford it at that time because I was already enrolled in an expensive private school. So I asked a music teacher to teach me how to play for free. Unfortunately, the music teacher is a pathetic homosexual with a paedophile tendency. The moment he rubbed the inside of my left thigh, I ran away from him and his piano and never looked back.
By the time I had my traumatic experiences with two gay teachers resolved without the help of anyone (no one bothered to ask me what's wrong when I locked myself in my room, thinking that I'm just the lonely type) I already finished my SPM exams and moved to Alor Setar to help my father with his restaurant and you know how things are between SPM and University, it's like a bland vortex that sucks out every ounce of life hopes and dreams and replaces it with academic hopes and dreams.

Just after the exams ended, everything involving the piano and the urge to learn how to play it resurfaced and in split seconds, I made up my mind.
It's never too late to learn new things!
I'm going to fucking learn how to play the fucking piano!
So I looked for the cheapest beginner keyboard and purchased a second hand PSS 270 Yamaha keyboard from the internet. (

I also borrowed lesson books from my cousins and have been teaching myself how to play ever since, which was two days ago. Oh man when you do something you've been meaning to do forever, it feels like you're been doing it for weeks and not the actual days.
I'm still learning the ropes like the notes and sequents and geography (I thought that was all over with in highschool!) but I can already play a song adequately well: Katy Perry's Hot and Cold.
Of all songs, I chose the gayest of them all!

Bliss and its Blisters

I checked all my followers' blogs and learned that almost a quarter of this blog followers are active homosexuals. Oh well, live and let live I guess.

There is always this unwritten rule of being too happy or too excited about something. Businessmen perceive it as a bad omen. Even old people will give their pearl of wisdom in a form of a scowl when their grandchildren gets over excited.

It is as if when one gets too happy, something equally stimulating but with an opposite nature will strike. Some people think that this is how the universe limits excessive bliss. Others just understood the concept without thinking too much about it but kept in mind of the consequences of being too happy.

I never fully comprehended this idea. Until yesterday.

After a week of studying my white fair ass off (yes rub it in, rub it in) I came out the exam hall victorious with the tune of Queen's We Are The Champions ringing in my ears. After experiencing a few seconds of total bliss.... kaki masuk lubang longkang!
Good God!

A sprained ankle later, I accepted this rule of the universe.

"Jangan terlalu gumbira nanti kena bencana!"

Never again will I get excessively happy...

Dusking Pudu

Sometimes it takes a broken clutch cable to appreciate the inner sanctum of Kuala Lumpur in its full glory...

For what it's worth, I made friends with a mamak and a vietnamese guest relation officer. I also visited a "Cyber Cafe". A Cyber Cafe with no computers, only slot machines and ladies with very skimpy skirts.


Bukan kereta je yang kene cuci...