Why Did The Chicken Cross the Road?
Sammy Vellu:
Kita sude bikin banyak jembatan, itu ayam musti guna jembatan untuk lintas itu jalan lagi pun kalu itu ayam mau pigi jalan-jalan, beritau sama saya juga, saya bolley buat lebbey banyak toll....itu jambatan mesti ada tahan 100 tahun. Lain kali bole kasi tutup..kita bole survey mana ada rosak.
Karam Singh Walia(TV3):
Seperti yang saudara dapat lihat, kelihatan ayam-ayam itu sedang melintas jalan. Mereka bukan sahaja melintas jalan, malah membuang najis di atas jalan dan ini adalah pencemaran yang paling hebat di maya ini. Bapa-bapa dan ibu-ibu ayam haruslah mengambil inisiatif untuk melatih ayam-ayam agar menahan najis sewaktu melintas jalan, sekian saya sudahi dengan.........Ayam di jalan di lintaskan; Ayam di reban mati tak makan.
Wan Kamarudin(Edisi Siasat NTV7):
Ape kejadahnyer ini semua, KL dah jadik reban ayam, mak bapak ayam asyik menganga saje.Ayam semua dah besar kepala,..dan dah tak nak duduk reban...dan bertambah biadap dan buat perkara yg tak masuk dek akal!
Zainal Ariffin Ismail(TV3 Kisah Misteri):
Ada saksi menyatakan yang mereka dapat melihat ayam-ayam ini melintasi jalan-jalan di kampung ini pada waktu malam. Ada yang menyatakan ayam-ayam ini merupakan penyamaran jin. Dan ada juga mengaitkan ia berkaitan dengan peristiwa silam di kampung ini. Apakah sebenarnya maksud tersirat ayam-ayam ini melintas jalan? Oleh itu saya akhiri, "Jangan biarkan hidup anda diselubungi misteri........."
Zainal Alam Kadir(Wayang Kita Astro):
"Ayam siapa kalau bukan ayam kita..."
Sisters in Islam:
We abhor the thoughts of the rooster enslaving the hen, that is why female chicken must be brave and know their rights before they cross the road,....and some cross to escape the master/slave marriage....but this Taliban minded syaria court is no help to the grieving hens...all chicken hens should not vote for IFL!
Abdul Fatah Haron(PAS Rantau Panjang):
Ayam-ayam yg melintas ini semua adalah kerana mereka ayam-ayam yang GATAL......
Md. Said Yusof(BN Jasin):
Apa salah nya...biarkan mereka lintas...tutup sebelah mata ajelah...ayam-ayam terlebih besar sikit shj.Lagi pun semua nya itu ayam saya.
Shahrir Abdul Samad (ex Pengerusi BBC):
Ini adalah prinsip saya. Ayam-ayam tak boleh dibenarkan melintas jalan. Kalau beginilah, maka ia nya bertentangan dgn prinsip saya, maka sayaRESIGN.
To get to the other side?~~
u 4got george bush jr.-
"i don't know, but i'll tell you this: that chicken may run, & shake the foundations of our country, but it can't hide. God bless America...."
and Einstein-
"did the chicken really cross the road or did the road move beneath the chicken?"
published in my school mag a few years back =D
Why Did The Chicken Cross the Road?
funny! post moderism ideas of chicken crossing the road..hahaha~
skolah tinggi2 tapi ada yang masih gagal menjawab dengan tepat.
skolah tinggi2 tapi soalan senang diputar belitkan.
Why Did The Chicken Cross the Road?
sebab ayam tak bleh berenang. gunalah jalan lintas ke seberang!
Isaac Newton 's Answer:
The duck suggested to the chicken that they play
follow the leader then the duck crossed the road causing the chicken to cross after it, but at the same time holding up traffic, thus proving that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction .
Gandhi 's Answer:
All chickens should peacefully resist by crossing the road.
Colin Powell 's Answer:
This is not about whether inspectors made sure the chicken crossed the road, it's about the willingness of the chicken to cross the road voluntarily.
George Bush's Answer:
We don't really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want to know if the chicken is on our side of the road or not. The chicken is either with us or it is against us. There is no middle ground here.
Bill Gates' Answer:
I have just released eChicken 2003, which will not only cross roads, but will lay eggs, file your important documents, and balance your checkbook - and Internet Explorer is an inextricable part of eChicken.
Grandpa's Answer:
In my day, we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road. Someone told us that the chicken crossed the road, and that was good enough for us.
John Lennon's Answer:
Imagine all the chickens crossing roads in peace.
(should listen to his song, I believe)
Fox Mulder's Answer:
You saw it cross the road with your own eyes! How many more chickens have to cross before you believe it?
Scully's Answer:
It was a simple bio-mechanical reflex that is commonly found in chickens.
The Pope's Answer:
That is only for God to know.
The Bible's Answer:
And God came down from the heavens, and He said unto the chicken, "Thou shalt cross the road." And the chicken crossed the road, and there was much rejoicing.
Another Einstein's Answer:
Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road crossed the chicken depends upon your frame of reference.
what the KFC pioneer has got to say about his chicken?
Colonel Sanders' Answer:
I missed one?
dah pernah bace mende ni~
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