I can vividly remember last year's MTV World Stage experience. I had a mosh pit ticket and it was the most entertaining hell on earth. The hellish part was the involuntary grinding, exposure to the schizophrenic weather and the worst part of all, the hours and hours of waiting. But, the showmanship of the musicians was inversely proportionate to the conditions of the concert. Oh how can I even complain about the conditions when I've experienced a PeterPan concert (oh tuhanku, neraka di bumi!)
This year I was fortunate enough to get a VIP ticket to the World Stage. For you guys who aspire to get VIP tickets next year, this is what you could expect.
Free food. Yes, you heard me right, F-R-E-E. The organisers even prepared tables and benches for us to dine while waiting for the next act and there were people serving cold beverages throughout the event. Because of the heavy rain a few minutes prior to the concert, most of the tables were partially submerged in water.

The satay made up for the weather though. The satay was out-of-worldly delectable.

One of the drawbacks of being a VIP ticket holder is the location. The VIP area was literally the furthest area from the stage. Comfort, yes but satisfaction? Even the myriads of flatscreen TVs and streaming projectors cannot make up for the 'live' experience people would usually expect from concerts.

One of the best part of being a VIP is that you have opportunity to mix and mingle with artistes, journalists and anak datoks. Anak datok semuanya cun-cun but they are rare monets. Can look far-far but cannot go near-near.
And guess what? I walked side by side with the Wondergirls when I was on my way to the toilet! Nobody nobody but me~ I also bumped into several journalists like Sharmala and Niki Cheong aka the Bangsar Boy. There were also other artistes like Hujan, the Pesawat gang, Estranged dan banyak lagi.
During the concert, I overheard some random piece of conversation by random people.
"Emph, Katie Perry taklah lawa sangat macam dalam TV!"
"Penyanyi Tokio Hotel tu gay ke?"
"They english is so the bad." (referring to Tokio Hotel)
"Sam bunkface to orang kelantan tau tapi dia kata dia orang Sarawak. Di malu nak mengaku dia budak kelate!"
"Wondergirls chantek noks, boleh qualify Serdang Idol!"
"Boobs Katie size B je aku tengok."
"Where got rocker give flying kiss lidat!"
"Wondergirls so hot weih! Guarantee got silicon one."
After the 6 hour concert, I was invited to the Opera.

After the peluh-ness and busuk-ness of the concert, we moved on to the VVIP afterparty. I was just so damn lucky to get a pass. You know how I don't like clubbing so I spent most of my time at the balcony drinking Coca Cola and eating fruits.

Just so you know, I didn't act cool, sit at one corner and brood like a mysterious aristocrat as whirls of smoke engulfs the better part of my face that wasn't hidden in the depth of murderous shadows, chewah. I was giddy like a schoolboy at McDonald's playhouse because every now and then, Utt (who is apparently gay) and other MTV VJs will loiter around the balcony and hang around with other rich and good looking socialites. Fly butterflies fly.

All in all, it was a very enjoyable concert. I had a lot of fun with my friends and family and I can't wait to attend next year's concert (dapat markah ke buat conclusion skema-skema ni?) It took me a while to absorb the extent of excitement I must have felt during the concert because it came and passed so very quickly. And yeah, Katy Perry's boobs are not that big lah.
cooL experience...was trying to win the tickets as well but failed....so end up i didn't go there....
thanks for the funny quotes...
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