In between work, I want to capture the relentless misery of The Sad Looking Bangladeshi Girl. I want to have fun. I want to be real. I want to eat. I want to drink. I cannot. Puasa.

In between work, I attended Hitchcock's lecture. I listened to an excited Quentin Tarantino. I watched Martin Scorsese's twinkling eyes. I want to make a zombie film. Everyone tells me not to. Peduli.

In between work, I loathe how pathetic I am right now. Yeah, now. Writing intriguing nonsensical vagueness that implies an illusionary mystery of Afiq Deen. When in fact I am not that hard to figure out.

In between work.
"I want to make a zombie film. Everyone tells me not to."
Jangan lupa pada aku yang menyokong penuh projek zombie alor setar!
Yes yes. Aku buat jugak Syahhhhhhh!!!! This is Alor Setar!!! (gaya macam THIS IS SPARTA!!!!)
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