I'd had an almost fatal asthma attack and was finally released from the hospital yesterday. It was painfully dreadful to breathe in the same mask for the whole week, it's like smelling my own hospitalized breath 24/7. The doctors told me that I was recently infected by a denggi mosquito and with my asthma still active, it had affected my lungs and liver. I will lose control of both organs in six months time and unless I found an organ donour, I will be... you know.. man! The doctors told me to stay positive. I will live through this. I will. Because I have to.
You've no idea how greatful I felt when the doctor said that I have 6 more months to be leading a relatively normal life.
I'm even more greatful that I made all this up and none of the series of events are true.
Anyways, I'd finished a few hundred cards ready for sale in my blogspot e-shop. Making cards are therapeutic and has a splendid calming effect on me. I've only made two collections, Emomania and Princess. The Princess collection are completely handmade; it is made out of pink vomit, glitters and other princess-ish elements I could think of. And when I say Princess I am not referring to royalty princesses (Princess D taking a dip nakkeeed) but small girls and their infactuation with butterflies, flowers and that impossible colour: pink.

It'll be for sale next week. I've already received early bookings and I'm pretty sure business will do fine, considering the number of people going 'Ooooooh... berape ni?" when they saw the cards.
It's only 6 ringgit, which is 10 ringgit cheaper than similar cards sold my Hallmark or other gift co.
And emomania is all about the emo culture. I'll try to tap into specific trends and cultures in Malaysia, considering card manufacturers here tend to distant themselves from popular cultures.
It will be sold in another blog in a few days time.
nak kad..ade tak perkhidmatan hantar smpi ke umah orang yang kite nak send?
haah. The service will be available on wednesday. Hari Rabu baru boleh beli kad...
sy kat korea..so igt nak beli bagi kat org tersayang...cemane process..i mean from yourside
i will announce the whole thing on wed
where's the e-shop?????
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