Hey Now

I made dinner today. Pasta. The carbonara sauce was pink in colour. Eeeeek.
Hmmm.... I remembered commenting on Syazwina's opinion on the BERSIH demonstration. I also remembered she'd written something about the French Revolution. The French revolution was not as smooth as described in our SPM history textbook. They were thousand of short trials and beheading sparked by Robespierre and was ended by the beheadings of Maximilian Robespierre himself.
It wasn't pretty.
England, Russia and Austria took advantage of france's situation and if it wasn't for Napoleon, the country will not even exist today.
Demonstrations and protests can only be made possible if there is understanding of ethical reception by all parties. The protesters has to understand that it is their civil duty to behave and protest peacefully. Protesters must also understand that their protest should not be of any interest of other political parties. They should diminish protesters who has mafia or underground affiliation. Only then can their purpose for protesting be vindicated.
The government has got to learn how to goddamn listen. They will not do so if the protest has people like Anwar Ibrahim and Harun Din in it. Common sense people, common sense. Kick these highrollers off the marching field. You don't need no leader. You are a leader of your own problem and together with people with the same problem, you are simply adding voices to your call for justice. Anwar Ibrahim has no problem with the justice system before, not until he was kicked out by Tun.
Funny la some of you, still rooting for his sorry ass. Get the story straight guys. Do this for ourselves, not for the old fart.
We've got a long way to go until we can march down Jalan TAR without getting hosed down to the undies. We need to get civilized first. We still have that third world mentality, honestly.I mean, just look at our public toilets.
I hate writing entries like this. Because it's a waste of time. Because I won't gain anything from it. Because I'm already so fucking civilized. Because I said so.

1 comment:

melawati said...


Izinkan saya berikan sepatah dua buah fikiran dari saya..

Mungkin awak masih muda, atau mungkin juga awak ignorant..cuba lihat sejarah di mana pemimpin pemimpin yang agak terlalu lama mengabaikan rakyat, pasti jatuh di gulingkan atau di bunuh, lihat ceasar, lihat saddam, malah lihat juga thailand, jiran terdekat.

Sebagai pelajar, yang mana sebahagian besar yuran pengajian di tanggung oleh kerajaan, hasil dari duit cukai rakyat..juga bukan dr golongan yang susah..awak mungkin tak terasa dengan kenaikan harga kebanyakan barang barang asas..malah awak juga belum lagi berasa beban membayar ansuran rumah, kereta dan insuran. Dari blog ini, sy lihat seolah2 awak mempunyai kereta, mungkin pemberian dari bapa yang berada..senang sungguh kehidupan sebegitu..

Tapi bagi rakyat marhaen,kita seolah2 di tindas dan tidak di perlukan..akhbar utama, media tv tidak melaporkan keadaan sebenar..sbb itulah kita berprotes di jalanan..
