Ooh! Raya! Selamat Hari Raya to all my friends and readers. I know how superficial raya forgive-and-forget ethos can be in this day and age so I'll save you the trouble of acknowledging my apologies. The only thing I actually CAN do is to forgive.
What I love about Raya this year is that I have resolved key family problems that had plague me for as long as I can remember. It's true however that a hunter's gain is another hunter's loss. Is that even a legit idiom? (You sir is an idiom! -Jacque Clauseou) You know how a Dacing needs a few seconds to settle on a measurement? I would like to think that that metaphor represents my situation now.
Enough vagueness for today. Today is a happy happy, happy day. So why do people visit graves of their love ones during this day? Beats me, but I know that it is mostly cultural. Only Malaysians, Indonesians and Bruneians visit graves of their love ones on this joyous occasion. It kind of beats the purpose of celebration, so let's stop visiting graves during raya eh.
Kalau Tuhan dah bagi satu hari untuk bergembira, kita pula cari alasan untuk bersedih-sedih. Berminta maaf sampai menangis-nangis. Melawat si mati sampai menangis-nangis. Melawat anak yang melecur tangan kerana bermain mercun sampai menangis-nangis. Pasangan break up di pagi raya sampai menangis-nangis.
Selamat Hari Raya.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Afiq. Happy Holidays. Enjoy the ketupat and rendang ya!
Sebab kita melayu. Saya memaafkan awak zahir dan batin.
Sebab kita melayu. Saya memaafkan awak zahir dan batin.
selamat hari raya Afiqdeen...
i've always wanted to say this..
but scared it will scar u for life..
scared u will be angry at me...
but its worth it i think...
its for the greater good of mankind!
pls shave ur caterpillar-bushy eye-brow!
there u go...i said it :P
Selamat Hari Raya!
Hey, what's wrong with my eyebrows? I won't be AfiqDeen-ish without them.
agree abt not visiting grave during eid..act satu2nya sbb melwat kubur is to remind of our death..
and the best time untk lawt kubut is the evening of ramadhan..
No, Muslims from all over the world visit graves on the 1st day of eid ul fitr. It happened in Saudi Arabia, India, China, Iran, Palestin etc
During ramadhan, there is no 'seksa kubur'. It resumes once ramadhan is over. relatives visits grave and pray for the souls.
If you don't know, ask!
i think, sebab time raya, ramai orang balik kampung. kubur datuk-nenek-moyang ni biasenye dekat kampung lah. jadi sambil balik kampung sekali sekala tu, pegi la ziarah kubur sekali.
i think so lah.
B, thinking must comes with effort of finding knowledge. Ask, read, learn then question
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