Oh my God, really? It all started with a 'tazkirah' by Teo Nie Ching at a Surau in Kajang.

Under the consent of the Sultan of Selangor, MAIS or Majlis Agama Islam Selangor has banned non-muslims from entering mosques without their permission.
I think this is a extremely stupid decree. EXTREMELY STUPID.
The proper reaction to this unfortunate incident is to ban politicians from giving any kind of speech in Suraus and Mosques and not non-muslims.
Banning non-muslims from entering mosques will do so much damage to Islam's very foundation which is its openness to everyone from all stages of life, muslims and non-muslims alike. If deters non-muslims from witnessing the beauty of Islam, from the metaphorical vast open space of the praying hall to the interaction with any outputs that spreads the word of peace through Islam.
And why is everyone seems to be okay with this ruling? Is it because it was made political?
I think it is because the ruling was consented by the Sultan. As the head of Islam in the state, he should know better than to ban non-muslims from entering mosques.
If it were up to me, I will let the Ulamas' debate on this issue first and reach a concession before agreeing upon any new rulings. Or has that been done and the ruling is still to ban non-muslims from entering mosques? If that's the case, we have just reached a new low in the level of religious intolerance in Malaysia.
Ya Allah, I can't believe this is even happening! What is wrong with you people???
This whole thingy is getting absurd and more absurd when politic comes in.
Eh no. This whole thing becomes absurd because of politic.
this is too much...if they say non-muslim can enter but must cover their aurat then its totally fine...but banning???gosh its so stupid...back in our Holy Prophet days everything is done in the mosque...war council,meetings,trial...and in that crowd,there are muslims,jews and christians...arghhh...this is sooo not right...
So they are finally actually totally separating daily life with Islam. How something like that can work? As Islam is the way of life??
So for now how non-Muslim can know about Islam? From churches? Temples? Or from your house??
The Sultan. Has he thinks about this thoroughly or did he just follows some orders from those who have an "inner motive"?
I know some Sultan are innocence, and may actually think about the citizen,but really I hope things gonna change for the better in the future.
p/s: I think I've been in that Surau after two years abroad. And what I can say is that Surau has never been as lively as it is before the change.
u have the power afiq to influence people, do something to raise this issue :)
Is she giving away tazkirah? Anyway, there is nothing wrong of banning the non-muslims from entering the mosque BUT must have strong reasons such as the person is not respecting adab in mosque,i.e, x tutup aurat/making chaos.
Politic is something that I'm not going to involve in or think about. It's full of dirt and yet we never know which one is truly true.
narrow minded, ignorant - you. Ko ni tak abes belajar agamakah?
Masuk masjid boleh, tapi bila pulak kita bagi perempuan tak tutup aurat (tanpa tudung dlm pic) masuk?
Benda simple tu pun tak nampak?
Jangan jahil agama.
Thanks, I will never visit again.
Kalau rationalenya macam itu, maka kita perlu haramkan orang yang tidak tutup aurat, bukan non-muslim.
Issue here is, not because she is non muslim afiq..its because she is from the DAP and the reason why she came to the mosque..is it political?
The main reason the sultan bans it because he wants a place of worship free from politics. A place where people can go and pray to God. Be rational pls. Jgn tau nak hentam je.
budak anti afiq said...
Issue here is, not because she is non muslim afiq..its because she is from the DAP and the reason why she came to the mosque..is it political?
The main reason the sultan bans it because he wants a place of worship free from politics. A place where people can go and pray to God. Be rational pls. Jgn tau nak hentam je.
if a muslim politician masuk surau and tries to preach about politic juga?what will the action be?ban all politicians from entering?"
politicians been using worship places to spread their political views and influences since eons ago.get your logic first before becoming a hentam-apa-saja-hater...
Perempuan Melayu yang tak tutup aurat memang tak kan nak berdiri di syaf imam macam perempuan Cina kafir tu.
Kerana 500 ringgit pegawai masjid PAS sanggup jual ugama.
Kemisikinan itu menghampiri kekufuran. Begitulah kemisikanan RM500 oleh PAS menjadikan mereka kufur.
AXiS ZAC said...
"this is too much...if they say non-muslim can enter but must cover their aurat then its totally fine...but banning???gosh its so stupid...back in our Holy Prophet days everything is done in the mosque...war council,meetings,trial...and in that crowd,there are muslims,jews and christians...a"
Its good that Afiq, Arlina, Superman Girlfirend and AXIS that all of you are modern and secular young malays. You all want to welcome other races and religion to the Malay society. you want islam that is modern and understanding and free from tudung wearing and hudud or oppression of women.
This can be seen by your acceptance of a non tudung wearing Chinese women standing on and behaving like and imam in a Malay mosque. This is very good.
However you must know when to use religion to your advantage. By being strict on tudung or men only as imam, you all can eliminate chinese appointed as malay leaders. This is good for malay societies. If not the next step is chinese writing on mosque or road signs lah..
But at the same time you both
I am against anyone talking about politics in the mosque, muslims or non-muslims.
I think that the rule to ban non-muslims is shallow and stupid because even during the prophet Muhammad's time, christians and jews can freely enter a mosque as long as they are dressed politely.
The Sultan didn't come out with the ruling himself but he consented it as the head of Islam in the state of Selangor.
Be considerate, avoid labeling and name calling please. You are dividing the muslim society by doing so.
The issue is made political and I am disheartened by this. People who reads this blog regularly would know that I am a full fledged BN supporter but that does not mean that I have to agree with every tactics BN comes out with. This one is a particularly nasty tactic.
Please BN, PAS, PKR, do not use Islam to attack each other. Only when muslims are united will we be strong. We are so divided right now that it doesn't matter that we hold a strong majority in Malaysia. I don't want DAP to take advantage of this (the disintegration of muslims) and take over this country. I've seen what PAP has done to Singapore.
Sedarlah orang melayu. Orang Islam. Open your eyes lah... Open your eyes so we can see the threats in front of us.
"Please BN, PAS, PKR, do not use Islam to attack each other. Only when muslims are united will we be strong. We are so divided right now that it doesn't matter that we hold a strong majority in Malaysia." -Afiq Deen
Yups, finally someone really gets it....
budak hingus jangan nak tunjuk pandai pasal agama dan komen titah sultan...
Hah who says there's no such thing as woman imam? Hello. Women can be imam among themselves, takkan tu pun nak kena bagitau.
Yela anonymous, woman imam. tapi imam teo nee chee? hehe
rambut pun baru lepas bonding..hmm
kebaya pendek lagi woooi.. memang nik aziz punya wet dream..
biaqla dia pun dah tua bagi can la.
Lantak lah orang arab dari kelantan ni memang pelik sikit.
nik aziz arab kelantan said...
Yela anonymous, woman imam. tapi imam teo nee chee? hehe
rambut pun baru lepas bonding..hmm
kebaya pendek lagi woooi.. memang nik aziz punya wet dream..
biaqla dia pun dah tua bagi can la.
Lantak lah orang arab dari kelantan ni memang pelik sikit.
---I like your sense of humour.
Anonymous said...
budak hingus jangan nak tunjuk pandai pasal agama dan komen titah sultan...
---I don't know if all anonymous comments are by you, if so, than don't say you are stalking in the name of DA'WAH by insulting.
Sila baca Surah Al-Saff "Potray Islam in the best of Images brother/sister"
Afiq is not hentaming, he is not some uneducated freak. No, I don't know him directly but I do know that he was my Architecture Senior in IIUM, and I know that he too learned the many stages of Islamic Philosophy classes that we have to take up during IIUM.
He is merely debating his thoughts.
I do agree with
AXiS ZAC said...
budak anti afiq said...
Issue here is, not because she is non muslim afiq..its because she is from the DAP and the reason why she came to the mosque..is it political?
The main reason the sultan bans it because he wants a place of worship free from politics. A place where people can go and pray to God. Be rational pls. Jgn tau nak hentam je.
if a muslim politician masuk surau and tries to preach about politic juga?what will the action be?ban all politicians from entering?"
politicians been using worship places to spread their political views and influences since eons ago.get your logic first before becoming a hentam-apa-saja-hater
Thank you.
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