Watch out peeps! I'm making another shortie!
Unfortunately that's all I have for you now. I haven't even written a screenplay yet. I just know that I want to make a funky-cool-experimental short film. Here are some ideas I'm considering now:
Mak Lang
Mak Lang is a sassy sole survivor in a zombie plagued state. One day she finds a desperate call for help a few miles away. Tengtedeng...
Ahmar is ultra religious woman with a master plan: to torture and kill her former rapist. But the problem is, he is a respected Ustaz within the community. Tengtedeng...
Lari Lara Lari
A girl runs away from home after being fed up with her troubled family. But what she doesn't know is her father ran away from home the same night too. "We need to talk." Tengtedeng...
White Kopiah
A tahfiz student plans his escape from his sekolah pondok and embarks in a brief adventure in the wilderness. And he meets a friend along the way, a pig he calls Kopiah. Tengtedeng...
I'm still thinking of a good story to make. If you have any, don't hesitate to tell me. I'll credit you as a co-writer if I choose your story.
Hello there, wow! Menarik cerita ni. Tp, macam semua pasal nak escape from something je. Hehe.
i would like to watch Ahmar.
i dunno about the storyline but, to think about a religious woman who wants to put everything aside and kill the one who raped her. it must something.
how about a story where a robot is given life when her creator gives her his heart both figurative and metaphorically. Then she defies all odds and beat that myth where robots don't and can't have emotions. The plot could be stretched by her wanting to bring back her creator. Boleh jadi kot?
sounds too similar to Bicentennial Man.
I've already decided on the short film. Will tell you guys later.
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