Why do some Malaysians hate Teo Nie Ching so much? What's the dilly yo? Her first outrage was when she spoke in a surau to give a sum of donation. She wore a baju kebaya.

The next day, drones of Malaysians criticized her for not respecting Islam by wearing aurat-revealing clothes. She also angered (apparently) a lot of people for giving a short speech before handing over the donations. In effect to that outrage, non-muslims are no longer allowed to enter a mosque. This is the most impulsive, idiotic and bigoted ruling ever! Since then, tourists and non-muslims are no longer allowed to appreciate the architecture and beauty of the practice of Islam.
A lot of people called me a liberal for not seeing anything wrong with Teo's actions so I browsed around the internet and read several blog posts regarding this issue, one of which is this one by Bahtera Merdeka.
Is it just me or are we getting more and more extreme in 'defending' and 'protecting' Islam without reading the fine prints first? Teo Nie Ching in my opinion is a model MP because she served her people without any distinction of race and religion. Very rare do you see this type of leaders, especially in a country that is subservient to race-based politics.

Now she is under fire again very wearing provocative and tight-fitting clothes while leading an aerobic session near a mosque. It was claimed that her outfit not only disrespects Islam but also demeans the very foundation of modesty. So naturally I imagined her in tight booty hugging leotard but when I saw the actual picture...

You call this sexy??? Where have you lived most of your life? Afghanistan? If this is sexy I don't think I know anything about what sexy is in this day and age.
This sexy outfit brewed a string of new controversies and insults and to that effect, our non-muslim friends are thinking "Hmmm.... so this is Islam."
In my opinion, Teo Nie Ching is a model MP for her involvements with the community regardless of their religions and race. I think people are mad at her not because of her lack of 'modesty' but because she challenged the status quo. How often do you see an MP who 'turun padang' and improve the lives of her constituents?
Naturally, other MPs, who are probably sitting in hotel lounge somewhere are all thinking "If this culture continues, I might actually have to do my job! Amagad!" and instead of commending and exemplifying her efforts, it made perfect sense to them to play the Islam card especially in a country where the people have localized and culture-infused interpretation of the faith.
Just remember folks, we are not the Taliban or the Al-Qaeda. We are peace loving Malaysian muslims. Don't let these politicians distort our understanding of Islam in order to serve their selfish agendas. Be reasonable, be peaceful, be tolerant or simply, just be a real Muslim.
well, if u wanna ban sexiness,
non of malaysian muslim women can wear jeans or long pants or even a shirt.
read the bahtera merdeka post. don't even want to finish it. completely bull, degrading and shows how plain idiot the blogger is. and those who think that what she wears is sexy should really check their brains and eyes for defects!
*baju see through/jarang
Ah, macamlah org melayu takde yg masuk masjid pakai kebaya sendat. Yg si pengantin masa nikah pun sama je baju see jarang kain belah.
Melayu buat tak apa.
I like your word "people have localized and culture-infused interpretation of the faith."
that bahtera merdeka blogger is so rude....
kalau perempuan melayu pakai baju macham tu takda nya bising-bising. kalau bising pon cuma bau-bau kentut. sekejap then hilang. memang cukup tak faham macham mana outrage macham ne boleh timbul. haishh "-__-
and i second anoneemus *high-5!*,
i've seen many malay brides yang berpakaian tidak senonoh di dalam masjid. *facepalm*
Another low for unity...
I have no idea sexy can be so.. bland.
Anyways, I went and read Bahtera Merdeka's blog and it sounded like someone who deliberately want to incite anger to those who does not know how sexy looks like hehe.. I mean the blog is to incite anger to those who need a reason, any reason to hate and condemn. It's just shallow.
"attack" sikit bahtera "tak berapa" merdeka tu. haih.
aku hari tuh ada jugak jengok blog serius/obiefiend.. tulis pasal nie.. then ada gambar isteri RM, datin rosmah... kat mesjid..tak pakai tudung.. tuh pun tak tutup aurat... jeng2...
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