I've decided. Hear hear. I've decided to work independently.

I planned to intern for a big time ad agency last year but after a few months of applying and several close calls, I've decided to work independently. I think I have it in me to take matters in my own hands. This decision is not made out of whim because I reflected several qualities in me that will ensure my success in the near future.
Personally, I have a flare for business. If there is something in need, I will supply it out of my own iniatives. I sold my first product when I was 6. I had to stop making and selling flip-flops made out of manila cardboard when my customers' parents questioned the safety aspect of the flip-flops. I cannot remember not selling anything during my childhood. From raya cards to artistic sketched pornography, nobody in my family knew my favourite past time is business. My parents saw me drawing and making models at home but what happened in school is a mystery to them. They just thought all the chocolates and ice-cream I bought was from my savings.
I stopped doing business in highschool. My self esteem was at its very low and I was too preoccupied with angst to do anything productive. The only thing I sold was a variety of desktop softwares and games that I made. I started seriously selling again when I was 16.
During post-SPM break, I worked at my father's cafe as a waiter. The cafe had the usual mamak food and an array of western food, you know, the usual western menu but like any other malay restaurants, they had no entree or dessert, just the main dish. I wasted no time and used a small space in the kitchen to set up my own stall that sells soup, garlic bread and a dozen selection of ice-creams. It was an instant success. Aida Cafe is the only roadside gerai in Alor Setar that has a 3 course western meal.
In UIA, my projects were endless. Mobile butter & tracing paper stalls, meals in wheels, second hand books and films booth, bowling competitions, personality reading stall, hand made cards, decorative boxes, presentation CD covers, bookmarks, mobile teh tarik and breakfast booth etc. Not to mention all the commisioned design jobs that included book covers, catalogues, posters and other prints. Come to think of it, did I really studied architecture??? Did I study at all???
I don't know where I got this from but my passion for creating and selling comes naturally to me. My only weakness is I never stick to one thing. I just enjoyed creating something from my imagination and selling it if I think it appeals to other people but I didn't have an inclusive skill until two years ago.
Two years ago I made my first video. I showed the video to my friends and they couldn't believe that that was my first video. The following year, I won 4 awards for some of the videos I made and this year I was featured in newspapers and was on TV a few times for my videos. Surely this shows something.
I think I have everthing in perspective now and it is somehow inevitable that I take this path. What I need now is a small capital to buy a descent iMac and several office equipments like a scanner, a webcam to communicate with my future clients and collaborators, a microphone for my videocam and a kick ass whiteboard. Unlike the businesses I conducted for the past 16 years, this one will probably be pivotal in my life. I want to open up a Studio.
I decided to call it AfiqDeen Studio because I am Afiq Deen and it is my studio.
AfiqDeen studio will start off its business making corporate, event, wedding and misc. videos as well as designing and producing prints to the masses and also the online community. Most importantly, AfiqDeen Studio has the capability to make effective and affordable video and print ads for average and small businesses. I will not hire workers in the near future but will instead use collaborators to work on commisioned projects. I will also sell short films, novels, comic books and music videos as side projects. Fun!

I unconsciously equipped myself with business know how these past few years with business and management books and although I know that's not enough, I intend to fill my cup with actual business experience. I'll learn faster that way.
It will start off small but trust me, AfiqDeen Studio will be a media giant to be reckoned with. Here's to you my readers, family and friends, with RM65 in my pocket, this will be a voyage like no other.
To AfiqDeen Studio!
waaa...it was cool and awesome..
independent..g0od luck dude!
Sekarang ko kena stick to the plan lah, jangan berubah atau stop. Apepun good luck!
ol d best afiQ :)
I have been mulling over what I should say.
I guess what I said before still stands vis., learn and mess up other people's company before you mess up your own. I think you should still look. Try looking into the local larger firms like KRU or Warisan Ad both in Setiawangsa. Look up local listings.Meanwhile, in addition to that maintain your current Plan B.
I know of situations where the Ad firms have jobs that are "too small" and farm them out to their staff for "private projects".
I have been mulling over what I should say.
I guess what I said before still stands vis., learn and mess up other people's company before you mess up your own. I think you should still look. Try looking into the local larger firms like KRU or Warisan Ad both in Setiawangsa. Look up local listings.Meanwhile, in addition to that maintain your current Plan B.
I know of situations where the Ad firms have jobs that are "too small" and farm them out to their staff for "private projects".
With your experience in local firms maybe you can back your CV to go into the Larger Multi National co's.
Having said that, whatever your choice I wish you the very best.
With your experience in local firms maybe you can back your CV to go into the Larger Multi National co's.
Having said that, whatever your choice I wish you the very best.
With your experience in local firms maybe you can back your CV to go into the Larger Multi National co's.
Having said that, whatever your choice I wish you the very best.
All d very best ya,
manila cardboard flip flops? sketched porno? games u made? Betol ke ghibah ni (made up).hehe.. :))
But i guess i don't mind la kalau ghibah pn. Creative people need that kind of imagination. Don't stop writing pula nanti. Here to Afiq Deen bigger things in life!!
I was small and like making things. Can't blame me for being myself right? Some kids read a lot and become excellent writers. Some helped their parents with their trade and excelled in business. I make things and sell them.
Nothing hard to believe there, I think. I still can't fly.
go n fly high afiq.
ALL THE BEST in future.
Sorry for the multiple postings... my laptop ni crazy sikit kot... as is my finger...
Try to invest some money to buy original software for your production if you haven't.
That hopefully might help you to obtain halal income and god willing your business will improve swiftly in the future.
okay will do.
if i get a mac, it's impossible to use pirated softwares anyway
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