4. My uncle who is a TV show producer let me loiter around a TV drama set he was working on. I was given a free pass to ask anyone about anything about production of the TV drama. And I did, much to the annoyance of the lighting guy.
5. I sent dozens of internship application to various ad agencies and got only one positive reply. I aced the interview but because of a conflict of interest, I was rejected 2 hours after getting the job. I cried for a good 2 hours.
6. I attended Shout award and got a VVIP seat. I was seated in front of Miss Malaysia and was behind Jac Victor. It was also a bit surreal to be peeing beside Afdlin Shauki. 7. I got my own hi-def hybrid videocam. It is currently my most priced possession.
8. I studied advertising like I was going to sit an exam for it. RM500 worth of books later, I got a gist of advertising without the degree.9. Yasmin Ahmad died 5 days before my interview with her. It was one of the most devastating thing that happened to me because I wanted to work for her in Leo Burnett so very bad. It took me a week to recover and be able to smile again.
10. I decide to go rogue and open up my own studio. All I need left to start this studio is an iMac and a sleek glass to put my pencils in. I need your help here. If there's anyone you know who are getting married, tell them that I do wedding videos. Or visit http://afiqdeenevent.blogspot.com/
Gimme a mac and I'll rule the world!
I hope 2010 is going to be more meaningful and eventful for me and the people around me. Bring it on man! Bring on 2010!
1. Goose Liver= Foie Gras kot..., fillet mignon is the undercut of the sirloin (+- 100grams) , the most expensive part of any steak. The "eye" of the fillet is the best part. When cut from the end of the fillet it is also known as "tournedos" (+- 75 grams)
BTW Sometimes both are served together. Which could add to confusion.
10. Saw your video site. Yar-lar, Award winning director and producer :-) nobody can deny you that!!! :-)
"I hope 2010 is going to be more meaningful and eventful for me and the people around me. Bring it on man! Bring on 2010!"
all d very best ya afiq dun eh deen
hypnotised sex lesbian story?
I hope that I don't get caught up in a traffic jam tonight... drive safely and be safe... Happy New Year Over with the Twen"00's" and into the Twen"teens" the Millenium just turned 10 years old.
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