Mazel Tov!

I was driving while listening to BEP's I Gotta Feeling when I realised that censored the word Mazel Tov.
Is it because it's a hebrew word for congratulation? Is it because it usually used by Jews? Will it make muslims attracted to Judaism and consequently lead to their conversion?
Aren't we being anti-semitic here?
What if a rapper used words like shukron and assalamualaikum in the United States? Will the words be censored? I guess we'll never know because:
1. We're not in the US so we don't listen to their radio.
2. Where got muslim singers in popular top40 countdowns????
I think the cencorship board consist of really old fashioned pegawai-type people who hates jews. Personally, I hate the zionist Israeli government, not Judaism.
Because without Judaism, there wouldn't be Islam.


Jem said...

What do you mean when you say "Without Judaism there wouldn't be Islam"? (This is a question btw, not a statement. No offense)

acip said...

nt agree with da last statement...

Anonymous said...

"Bismillah! no-,we will not let you go-let him go.." lyrics from Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen tak dak sapa2 kecoh pun...

Afiq Deen said...

Nabi Ibrahim is a Jew who preached and practiced Judaism during his time and without Judaism and Christianity, Islam wouldn't exist.

Islam is a sucession of both major religions. Study your islamic history people!

Radiah said...

i've been listening to songs from idan raichel and maya evraham.they are both from israel and are jewish.and i don't know if i should be guilty of it.but then again, if anyone could prove that a song can influence anyone to switch religions, i'll take his or her point and stop listening to these songs. but until then, i don't see why music should be the scapegoat of religious intolerance. if you're having issues, don't involve others.
orthodox thinking some people have.
p.s. not referring to afiq but people with issues.

N said...

I agree with your post. Censoring it is just like practicing racism and doing that places us on the same lowly level as those who discriminate palestinians. We should concentrate on hating their actions, not them.

Although perhaps your explanation on Islam coming from Judaism and Christianity may seem a bit misleading to others. It's quite on the contrary because they are three very distinct religions. Their essence are the same, their histories are linked.

The same misconception applies to Darwin's theory (not that I'm a Darwinist) - he didn't say human beings come from apes, instead we (apes and homo sapien) come from the same ancestral line.

Anoneemus™ said...

I dont know why Malays hate Jews. Dun they know that Rasulullah showed respects 4 Jews during his life.

Rasul berdiri waktu jenazah yahudi diarak di depan baginda.

dan rasul juga menyuap makan pada seorang yahudi yang buta.

Afiq Deen said...

Bukan melayu tapi melayu yang tak berilmu.

I agree with you doodah.

N, Islam, Christianity and Judaism are labels. When the religions were formed, there were no names to describe the religions other than the nature of the religion; which was devotion towards one single god.

As times passed and the saints that preached the religions died, people began to label their religions. This caused different religions, even when the motivation is the same to fight each other.

So Jem and Acip, Judaism is in fact the grandson of Islam. It has the same lineage and we share the same saints (nabi). This is a FACT not an opinion.

atikah w. said...

'Because without Judaism, there wouldn't be Islam.'

Hmmm... wouldn't it be more correct to say that Nabi Ibrahim preached of Islam to his people but the Jews of later times had took some of the beliefs of Islam into Judaism? Because your statement would imply that Islam had came later than Christianism and Judaism when Muslims believe these prophets had long preached (since Nabi Adam)about the one religion which is Islam but 'diverged' into other forms of religion. Hence, Islam did not derive from Judaism at all. Judaism derived from Islam. Well, from the Muslim's perspective anyways.


5:68 don't let them get to you...

Anonymous said...

Debate? It's funny, Afiq and Atikah. You're both saying pretty much the same thing, just in different ways.




42:13. Dia telah mensyari'atkan bagi kamu tentang agama apa yang telah diwasiatkan-Nya kepada Nuh dan apa yang telah Kami wahyukan kepadamu dan apa yang telah Kami wasiatkan kepada Ibrahim, Musa dan Isa yaitu: Tegakkanlah agama dan janganlah kamu berpecah belah tentangnya. Amat berat bagi orang-orang musyrik agama yang kamu seru mereka kepadanya. Allah menarik kepada agama itu orang yang dikehendaki-Nya dan memberi petunjuk kepada (agama)-Nya orang yang kembali (kepada-Nya).


Katalah apa-apapun korang jangan gaduh.. dan tulah masalah Kaum Ibrahim (Sekarang Brahmins!) Musa dan Isa... mereka tak dapat bersatu. Muhammad learned from all that and united mankind umat Ibrahim Musa dan Isa included. Allah says Tegakkan Agama dan Jangan Berpecah Belah tentangnya... we should learn something from that...


5:68. Katakanlah: "Hai Ahli Kitab, kamu tidak dipandang beragama sedikitpun hingga kamu menegakkan ajaran-ajaran Taurat, Injil, dan Al Quran yang diturunkan kepadamu dari Tuhanmu." Sesungguhnya apa yang diturunkan kepadamu (Muhammad) dari Tuhanmu akan menambah kedurhakaan dan kekafiran kepada kebanyakan dari mereka; maka janganlah kamu bersedih hati terhadap orang-orang yang kafir itu.


should be "?"


Tapi apa kerja orang Islam sekarang? Us all included..

3:19. Sesungguhnya agama (yang diridhai) disisi Allah hanyalah Islam. Tiada berselisih orang-orang yang telah diberi Al Kitab[189] kecuali sesudah datang pengetahuan kepada mereka, karena kedengkian (yang ada) di antara mereka. Barangsiapa yang kafir terhadap ayat-ayat Allah maka sesungguhnya Allah sangat cepat hisab-Nya.


73 jalan 73 pintu yang pergi hanya Satu...

Salah satu dari 73 atau jika seluruh umat ber Satu..

Its not about Melayu Cina dan India, Neither is it about Islam Christian dan Yahudi..

Its about umat manusia hidup bersama..


Clicheed as it may be- 1Malaysia... for once Najib got that right..

ace77 said...

Radiah, I am listening to Offer Nissim & Betty Raul. The lyric is now stuck in my head - hebrew some more. 100% direct dari Israel.

I am against Zionism. Jewish people are like us manusia juga.

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