Why not? Why?
I heard a protester on TV3 saying "Kenapa mereka guna nama Allah? Kenapa dari dulu mereka guna nama Jesus yang bermaksud trinity, tuhan, anak tuhan dan roh-roh suci dan sekarang mahu guna nama Allah?"
My initial response to his statement was "Bongok betul manusia ini." Go study history buddy.
Many christians in Sabah use the term Allah in their respective churches. When I was resting on the highest peak of Mount Kinabalu, a group of christian club members uttered their prayers and used the term Allah. I wasn't angry. I felt very at ease. They were worshipping the same god that I do. I felt like god is universal, that everyone of the ibrahim religions are worshipping the same god. And we actually do. We just have different methods of doing so.
Why did some NGOs need to protest the decision made by court? I think because they think Allah is term exclusive only for muslims. Allah is for all, make no doubt about that. Why are they so protective of a name that represents the highest power that we all live by?
Nak berjihad konon. Nak berjihad ada tempatnya geng. Berjihad dalam kerja, profesyen dan minat masing-masing. Berjihad untuk menjadi insan yang lebih baik. Itulah jihad yang sebenar.
I applaude the court for allowing the use of Allah in churces. Why not? Why are some muslims feels so threatened by this court decision? We are not in the olden days people. Perang salib is behind us. We know now that the war was politically motivated.
The protesters are showing a disgraceful example of some muslims' stand on their religion. Islam is not a cult nor is it group. It is a way of life. Protecting the use of the name Allah, claiming it to be exclusive to muslims is unislamic. Very unislamic.
Be a true muslim and share your love and peace and understanding to everyone, no matter what their religion.
Okay? Sekarang tolong bersurai, you're jamming the road!
110% agree with ur POI...
~daniel adie~
I had the same opinion as you do Afiq. and those protesters are dumb enough to not to know. Christians are humans too, which means they're Allah's creation too. I really don't know why some people can be so shallow. The name of Allah is NOT exclusive for Muslims only. Allah is in/for everyone. EVERYONE. FULLSTOP.
Okay.. There's something that I disagree.
1. They were worshipping the same god that I do. I felt like god is universal, that everyone of the ibrahim religions are worshipping the same god. And we actually do. We just have different methods of doing so.
As for me (my personal opinion):
- They didnt worship the same 'Allah' as we do. For them, their concept (the way they thought) about 'Allah' is different. Macam ermm.. "Jam"; one may thought that 'Jam' is Jam Tangan while for others it's Jam Dinding.
Bagi Saffa, 'Allah' is 'Allah'. I'm not feeling ease when I think that they are using 'Allah' but they didnt though of Allah as the way Allah describe about him in the AlQuran..
agreed. even in Sarawak, some churches use the term too. tak kecoh pun.
God is God.
mungkin mereka risau dengan penggunaan Allah, entahlah..hari dah nak kiamat kut..manusia dah makin pelik-pelik..
not really agreed. Like, what is the purposed of using Allah? Why don't they just convert to Islam?. Afraid that non-muslim is going to be confused between the term Islam and Christian. It's modern age, but Islam's teachings remained as where it shd be like ages ago.- Just my 2 cents opinions.-
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It's actually very very simple. The original hebrew old testament bible had been translated into many languages including in arabic.
In the arabic translation, the hebrew term for god is translated into the word Allah (most probably from the word yahwei)
that's all to it. Many christian churches here are more comfortable using the english or malay translation translated from the arabic version.
No agenda revolving muslims or islam at all so y r we reacting as if they are desecrating islam? Maybe because their worldview is so shallow that they think muslims deserve the right of the name Allah because they think islam is the only valid religion.
Mother Teresa masuk neraka ke sbb dia kristian? Who are we to judge?
Salam'alaykum... selama ni aku just being ur silent reader. I've read all ur articles. some are OK la tp this time, you're obviously SILAP. aku pon xpasti samada anda ni BERPELAJARAN PAKEJ LENGKAP (ILMU DUNIAWI DAN UKHRAWI) atau BELAJAR TINGGI TP TERLALU CETEK ILMU AGAMA. Beringatlah setiap kali anda menulis. Jgn tulis sesuatu yg anda tahu hanya pd DASARNYA shj, but please go further. if ur eyes xnmpk, please guna "mata hati" utk melihat. marilah kita memohon petunjuk dari Allah, bkn GOD iaitu TUHAN dlm BIBLE. Just jgn ckp, "I ada Islamic background b4. I hafal bebrp surah. I tahu ini dan itu." Secara mutlaknya, anda adalah KOSONG... mulai hari ni, ambil initiative to change. Yg baik dr ALLAH, yg buruk dr diri aku sendiri.
~org yg cuba nk tegakkan something yg x betol, pasti akan guna mcm2 hujah, pndpt, etc... Kena ingat kekdg dlm HISTORY sendiri, trdpt pelbagai penafian fakta @ boleh diubah2. ANDA SILAP!~
Kalau silap tolong betulkan. Itu sekadar yang aku tahu dari belajar tahfiz pondok dan di UIA. Mungkin juga aku silap. Jika ya tolong tunjukkan.
I also checked with several scholars including ustaz asri so my opinion is derivative from different sources, not only from my articulation.
Sekali lagi, tolong betulkan apa yg dirasa salah supaya masing-masing dapat belajar daripada ilmu yg dikumpul secara kolektif. Tak guna membantah sahaja.
"~org yg cuba nk tegakkan something yg x betol, pasti akan guna mcm2 hujah, pndpt, etc..."
So is that why you didn't contribute any argument for us to ponder on and simply said "you're wrong"? What a way to straighten something yg "betol".
Maaf if apa yg sy tulis diatas mengganggu anda yg membacanya. tdk perlulah kita melihat penggunaan nama ALLAH itu secara MELUAS tp kita perlu lihat secara lebih SPECIFIC dlm konteks masyarakat di Malaysia sendiri. mgkin bg org yg mcm sy, masih ada sensitiviti ttg penggunaan ALLAH di churches. Sy terfikir, mcm mn pula if one day org2 Kristian nk tukar CHURCH to MASJID di Malaysia? kita x tahu bl ini akan berlaku tetapi tdkkah ini merupakan agenda tersembunyi kaum2 tersebut? Dan adakah AfiqDeen akan menulis entry baru yg akan mengIYAkannya atau menentangnya pula? Sy pembaca setia AfiqDeen akan sentiasa ternanti-nati. Ikhlas dr hati sy yg ISU2 spt ini tdk patut dibincangkan dlm blog ini. Sejuta kemaafan dr saya INSAN HINA. if you're free, pls read to this entry. semoga ianya bermanfaat.
ada lagi... sila klik <a href="http://alexanderwathern.blogspot.com/2009/05/menjawab-dr-asri-isu-allah.html>sini.</a>
yg diatas terlupa nk letak tanda ni '"' ... sila klik sini.
Mereka bukan baru sahaja guna perkataan Allah di sesetengah gereja. Dah berkurun lamanya. Ini bukan perkara baru, cuma dapat perhatian baru-baru ini.
Kalau ya pun ia menyentuh sensitiviti orang macam kamu, mengikut kearifan kamu dalam agama kristian, kamu tidak pun ke gereja untuk mendengar sendiri Allah digunakan dalam konteks agama kristian. Jadi apa masalahnya?
mslhnya mgkin akan terkena pd mereka2 yg cetek ilmu agama mahupun mrk2 yg berkeinginan mempelajari agama ISLAM... dahulu mrk x guna secara meluas tp RISIKO skrg dan masa hdpn mngkin akan jd lebih dahsyat... Kdg2 sikap keterbukaan sstgh masyarakat berpotensi utk menyumbang mslh lain. harap perkara ini dpt diperhalusi lg oleh scholars Islam.
Senang cerita macam ini;-
1. Sabah/Serawak sudah guna Allah sejak sekian lama, ok, kita tak payah ubah. Tetapi di Semenanjung tidak begitu (sejak 600 tahun!!!), kenapa sekarang? apa motif? ~ untuk berdakwah Christian, ini yang orang Melayu marah,
2. Tidak sama tuhan mereka dengan tuhan Islam, itu adalah termasud dalam ilmu akidah. Muslim mesti mengaku bahawa hanya Islam sahaja yang benar dan yang lain salah, jika mereka tidak yakin begitu, apa makna memeluk agama yang separuh benar?
3. Jika Bible bahasa Melayu yang mereka inginkan, Allah bukan bahasa Melayu, tetapi bahasa Arab. Tuhan adalah bahasa Melayu, kenapa tidak mahu pakai tuhan? Apa motif? Tengok kepada point 1, dakwah kepada orang Melayu.
Thing is afiq, I have nothing against ppl who wants to call God Allah, and it is not a crime to translate the term God to Allah in the Bible or whatever.
BUT if u put this in a context, it is the Catholic church who wants to use it in their Herald thingy.
I'm no Christian, but my close Christians friends tell me that the Catholics are very political and have their own agenda.
They openly support PKR and I think this move is just trying to prove a point.
It's like the Mufti of Perak supporting for Datuk Seri Zambry. Ain't that weird.
Back to my point, what is wrong with using the word Tuhan instead of Allah if they are so sincere bout all this?
Thing is afiq, I have nothing against ppl who wants to call God Allah, and it is not a crime to translate the term God to Allah in the Bible or whatever.
BUT if u put this in a context, it is the Catholic church who wants to use it in their Herald thingy.
I'm no Christian, but my close Christians friends tell me that the Catholics are very political and have their own agenda.
They openly support PKR and I think this move is just trying to prove a point.
It's like the Mufti of Perak supporting for Datuk Seri Zambry. Ain't that weird.
Back to my point, what is wrong with using the word Tuhan instead of Allah if they are so sincere bout all this?
What troubled me first and foremost about this issue was the reaction of Muslims, ranging from displeasure to outrage.
Whether it was the caricature thing or this, the way Muslims react to stuff like that is disturbing. No wonder people think us violent/backward/intolerant. Burning lah, baling batu lah...
We can't seem to take things in stride and handle things with a tad more sanity.
I get that an insult to Islam is a great blasphemous act, but how does it further the Islamic cause to be so unpleasant---to put it mildly---about it?
Just a thought.
I feel you Ann. I think the uncivilised methods of protest is brought by their level of education. This is of course my personal opinion. It is somehow apparent that people who are not aptly educated are more inclined to believe and live by propagandas set up by their leaders. Their leaders' reactions to issues are most likely politically motivated and knowing that they will get blind support from the uneducated masses, they kept up with the status quo. This what happens to countries in africa and middle east right now.
Religions and politics are like two peas in a pod. For centuries, leaders manipulated their civilians' faiths for their own benefits. This is not something Im not aware of.
However, there is always a similar pattern in all religious-political dilemmas. Religions led and followed by the most educated and wealthy will always trump the rest.
Having this in mind, muslims can't afford to occupy their time with other people's religious rhetorics. And people will not listen and react oblidgingly to a stand made by a bunch of poor stupid people. Fact. Only with economic wealth and education will people of diff religion and nationality listen and agree to what we're saying. Otherwise, its all white noise to them.
Yes, u can get angry. Yes u can protest. But if u represent a human race known to be dumb, poor and hotblooded, who in the right mind would listen to your dissatisfactions?
Melayu memang kuat berpolitik tapi purata kadar bacaan buku bagi orang melayu adalah 2 helai setahun. Tapi mereka membaca surat khabar setiap hari, surat khabar kan penyebar propaganda di negara ni, tak kisahlah kepunyaan kerajaan atau pembangkang.
Sikit2 mahu mengamuk, selepas tu lupa.
Ugghhhh~ jakun pule pengkritik2 nih!
korg tahu ke ape maksud Allah tu weyh? Allah maksud die Tuhan, tu je.
Even org2 arab kat bumi asing ni, tak kira la apa agama skali pon, diorg bile bersumpah, akan ckp "wALLAHi!" = "demi Tuhan!".
So, skli lagi ditekankan, Allah bermaksud Tuhan, tiada connotation exclusif kepada agama Islam kita ni.
Tuhan kan Maha Agung, tak sepatutnya ada sifat-sifat seperti manusia. Kenapa pula perlu bernama sepertimana manusia..?
Haa, nnt musti ade org akan "bang" saye : abis tu, yg 99 nm Allah tu ape??
Well my dears, those are adjectives attributed to God. Yang menggambarkan sifat-sifatNya.
P/S : maaf ye tuan punya blog, emo sket kat anda nye blog. huhu. teremo dgn sesetgh pihak yang macam katak bawah tempurung, tidak mengenal dunia luar dan bercakap melalui pandangan sekeliling tapi bang org sesedap rase. kalau ye menegur, berhemah la sikit kot...?
Dan Dia kan penah kata : «..Kami jadi kan kamu berbangsa² dan bersuku² supaya kamu saling mengenal..» (al-hujurat, 49:13)
1. What is the issue at stake? Penggunaan nama Allah atau kesatuan rakyat Malaysia?
2. Issue mengguna nama Allah menyebabkan perpecahan rakyat Malaysia. Melayu vs non-Melayu. (Jika Melayu itu sinonim dengan Islam)
3. Therefore issue ini menyatukan Masyarakat Melayu dan meminta Non-Melayu lebih hati2 terhadap sensitiviti Melayu.
4. Issue renggang hubungan sesama Masyarakat Melayu telah lebih lama sebelum issue penggunaan nama Allah, Malah mungkin bermula sejak zaman kebangkitan Islam akhir tahun 70an.
5. Adakah orang Islam (read Melayu) perlukan issue untuk bersatu? Sejarah menunjukkan jawapan nya ialah YES. Zaman Mahathir banyak menggunakan teknik ini untuk membulatkan suara Melayu dengan dengan issue atau kempen. Contoh yang baik ialah Kempen Telethon Si Jantung yang dibuat coincide dengan Pilihanraya (1990?). Ini adalah satu contoh yang baik yang dikatakan menyumbang kearah kemenangan 'Landslide'. Saya menggunakan contoh yang baik. Banyak lagi contoh2 lain.
6. Issue menggunakan nama Allah ini telah dibangkitkan asalnya oleh seorang menteri kabinet (correct me if I am wrong) or is it with the nonrenewal of Herald's publliication License. Kenapa setelah sekian lama Herald menggunakan Allah tanpa masalah. Adakah Menteri itu memang benar-benar seorang pejuang Islam/ Melayu? Harapnya begitulah.
7. Adakah issue ini jika dibaca dalam konteks lingkungan subjek "Penggunaan Nama Allah Oleh Golongan Bukan Kristian Di Malaysia" satu issue yang legitimate? Saya rasa jawapannya Yes it is Legitimate. Kita percaya Sukarno telah menggunakan isu Ganyang Malaysia untuk menyatukan Rakyat Indonesia (Kepada pembaca harap tidak bangkitkan isu ini kerana bukan isu Sukarno yang dibincangkan di sini).
8. Adakah issue ini legitimate jika dibaca dari konteks lingkungan subjek "Penyatuan Masyarakat Melayu Melalui Issue Yang Sepakat"? Saya rasa jawapannya Yes.
9. Adakah issue ini akan memberi amaran terhadap pemuka-pemuka yang mempermainkan sensitiviti Melayu seperti setengah Parti Politik atau Badan badan Inter-faith. Saya rasa jawapannya Yes.
10. Yes saya setuju dengan Perdana Menteri bahawa kita mesti berada di dalam keadaan bertenang. Look back. Adakah perahu telah didayung terlalu jauh untuk berpatah balik?
11. Look back dan lihat secara global supaya kita tidak ikut-ikutan menjadi Bidak2 di papan catur baik rakyat Islam, Melayu, Kristian, Pro Kerajaan, Pro Pembangkang. Tepuk dada tanya selera.
12. Malaysia is at stake. Our Independence of thought is at stake. Our Right to freedom is at stake. Our Right to Peace is at stake.
13. Nak Sokong pun betul, Nak Bantah pun betul.
14. Tapi kayu ukurannya apa? Yang memberi kayu ukuran itu siapa?
15. Kawan2 tengok tak movie The Day The Earth Stood Still? sangat berkesan. Manusia hanya akan menyesal dan berjanji untuk buat baik membetulkan keadaan ketika telah berada diambang maut.
16. Please sedar "Malaysia" mungkin akan atau telah berada di ambang maut.
17. Our unity is together forever (to quote Rick Astley) SELURUH rakyat Malaysia. (49:13).
18. 73 jalan 73 pintu yang pergi hanya SATU iaitu bila SEMUA BERSATU (42:13).
19. Politik one against the other, I vs U doesn't help anyone.
20. You can choose the Issues at the Branch or at the Trunk. Tiada yang salah. It is the result that counts. BUT results achieved however Machiavellien?
Kita yang berbincang ni jangan Menang jadi Arang, Kalah jadi Abu. Yang sedap makan BBQ politik orang lain, Biar Politik Kerajaan, Politik Pembangkang, Politik Majlis Fatwa atau Politik Gereja Katholik.
I'm not against Politics but note the "Poli"-"tactic"s -means used to achieve an end.
If you feel that strongly about the Branch issue, there are avenues. If you feel that strongly about the Trunk issues there are also avenues.
Hit the chest and ask the flavour..
BTW bidak2 itu termasuk juga King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Castle dan Pawn. Bukan sahaja the man on the street (Pawn). Termasuk juga Pemimpin2 (King), Penyokong- Behind every man is a woman- (Queen), Pandai Agama/ Ahli falsafah/ Consultant (Bishop), Ketua2 institusi- HOD- Tun, Tan Sri, Datuk (Knight), Institusi2 (Castle). Sedarlah wahai semua Belakang Pawn ada Castle, Belakang Castle ada Knight, Belakang Knight ada Bishop, Belakang Bishop ada Queen, Belakang Queen ada King dan rupa-rupanya belakang King ada Player yang ada peraturan dan timer. Ya, Players also abide by rules of the game.
if this is a tactic used for UMNO politicians to unite the malay race, it is very very machiavellian, and I'm sorry to say that Dr Mahathir is a prime example of this term. But during his time, he felt it was necessary to unite all malay muslims towards a single common goal.
this Allah issue had been made political. PR -sokong. UMNO- tak sokong. BN but not UMNO - respect our rights, shut up!
This issue for me is a personal one. And for me, it is not that big of an issue. It will not feed the poor and develop the country. It is has become an emotional issue.
So malaslah nak memanjangkan issue ni. Issue kecik jgn dibesarkan. Membazir masa dan tenaga.
Berjihad biar bertempat. Tenaga amarah baik digunakan dalam pekerjaan dan minat, bukan di jalan raya.
nuff said?
pls la afiq, you are so blinded by emotions.
pls read this:http://letusaddvalue.blogspot.com/2010/01/allah-bible-christians-and-muslims.html
1. Speaking about "Allah = Tuhan = God = Yahweh", I agree with all arguments demanding for rights of using the world Allah to substitute any lingual aspect regarding "god".
2. As a matter of fact, billions of Coptic Christians in Egypt have been using this term for centuries, and their Muslim cousins have no problems about this. Ironically, Muslim's population is increasing by time, due to the toleration.
3. However, I DO NOT AGREE with your statement, copied verbatim: "I felt very at ease. They were worshipping the same god that I do."
4. In the sense of Akidah, that is not right. Too much of arguing, trying to stand on subject matter might deviate a fellow muslim (like you) from the true teaching of Islam. "Syirik" will be the outcome of it.
5. Christians have their own definitions of god, which is apparently different from those defined by Islam. For making things simple, they are actually not worshiping the same god as we do.
6. In Christianity, worshiping Father (Allah or God), means worshiping the other two elements in the Trinity doctrine; Son (Jesus Christ) and Holy Spirit.
7. Thus, with the respect of verses from the Koran (Surah Al-Ikhlas), this is apparently deviate from what have told in our holy scripture.
8. To be concluded, they are not worshiping the same God as we do. Please do not use this argument. However, in my personal opinion (after given several points above), I agree with the use of Allah to refer to God, to be practiced in Catholic Churces.
Sir Pok Deng
I'm blinded by emotion? Really? If those emotions are love and understanding, I'm guilty as charged.
Sir Pok Deng. It wasnt a statement. It was what I felt. No one can dictate what I can or cannot feel.
I'm too weary to prolong this discussion. Carry on if you want to but it is becoming more of a fiasco, especially when people accuses each other of being emotional, hilang akidah etc.
Clear definition of siapa Allah= read surah Al Ikhlas.
(Ampun dan maaf tapi saya tiada keyboard scrip ejaan bahasa Arab (read: saya tak nak membangkitkan issue sampingan yang tiada kena mengena dangan issue dalam tangan sekarang, issue at hand as it were...).
So here is the translation.
1. Katakanlah: Dia Allah, Yan Maha Esa
2. Allah adalah Tuhan yan bergantung kepada-Nya segala sesuatu.
3. Dia tiada beranak dan tiada pula diperanakkan.
4. dan tidak ada seorang pun yang setara dengan Dia.
Translation by Mujamma' Almalik Fahd Li Thiba'at AlMushhaf Asysyarif Medinah Mnawwarah.
Pastu orang Islam tak baca Bible, dan, yang Kristian tak baca AlQuran. But apparently dua-dua baca Alkitab... kuang3 (if you don't get this which I find funny... whateva...).
Tapi Allah kata 5:68 kan? SO... kita nak cari persamaan ker perbezaan...
Apparently not Nuff said...
lets give a round of applause to the those here who think they know what the true teachings of islam entails.
daripada argue pasal benda ni, baik tolong orang yang susah.
[3:64] Katakanlah: "Hai Ahli Kitab, marilah (berpegang) kepada suatu kalimat (ketetapan) yang tidak ada perselisihan antara kami dan kamu, bahwa tidak kita sembah kecuali Allah dan tidak kita persekutukan Dia dengan sesuatupun dan tidak (pula) sebagian kita menjadikan sebagian yang lain sebagai tuhan selain Allah." .....
Tun M gives an answer why Xtians shouldn't be allowed to use the term Allah to refer to the Xtian notion of god:
As he says it is not an issue that can be settled in court. The court will look at he issue thru legal definition (read: constitutional rights) and not the sensitivities or definition of any religion.
Another 2 sen of my thoughts (or Tun M's) (lagi 2 sen cukup singgit).
zhyv r ) do 23
Betul ke translation untuk Tuhan ialah Allah?
Bukan Ilaah ke?
Sebab tu kita mengucap "Laa ilaaha illallah"
ke macam mana? aku repeat do arab matric dulu haha
ada rumah ada istana..bila nak guna istana to describe rumah itu dah tak betul lah..istana tetap istana..rumah tetap rumah..minyak dah air tak boleh bercampur..nanti motor tak hidup..kalau motor tak hidup..hati panas beb..susah la nak g kerja..
ALLAH hanya untuk describe tuhan orang islam.as ertikata sebenar .bukan bapak jesus..sapa pun boleh guna asalkan maknanya betul! takda copyright lah..my two sen..
lihat dalam gambar dibwah artikel
kepada itu aku tidak setuju..
Dear Afiq,
I am totally agree with the facts point out by Sir Pok Deng.
Just to remind you next time be careful with your statements.. oops sorry... should I say your feelings???
Whatever since you said so...Say it as it is! Yeargh!!!
Permission to help Matematis Muda for finding the answer of his riddle.
Indeed, "ilaah" is "Tuhan". But in Arabic, "ilaah" carries plurality in its meaning. Thus, it means "gods". Not "god".
Hope this helps.
Permission granted! hahaha. no need to ask permission laa aiyo.
Maybe it's just me, but it seems to me that people are putting a lot of value into the name "ALLAH" but none into Allah itself. I mean think about it, getting all worked up over a name and then forgetting the actual values that the religion aims to instill.
To me, the letters A, L, L, A and H in this order respectively, was placed under a religious canopy and given sacred attributes. In truth, it's just a name regardless of its history. What's important is what is attached to your concept of god. People sometimes forget that though religion can be standardized, their belief system is as purely subjective as its deity. If I, a muslim, were to refer to Allah as Dandelion in my prayers, does that make my prayers invalid? If Allah was almighty, then surely he would be capable of recognizing it. Many of my brothers forget that Allah can think for itself, without their assistance in the matter. Allah or Dandelion or Yahweh is supreme afterall.
That being said, it's just a name, a concept constructed by human convention in languages that are humanly constructed. Allah or God or Dandelion encompasses all human constructs and so to put such Godly attributes into a word constructed with just 3 letters is to reduce Allah into those 3 letters. Isn't that the bigger sin?
Closing statement: The fact that many of my brothers and sisters do not allow the use of allah (yes, in small caps) by non-muslims not only limits their rights to freedom of expression, but also implies that they can do nothing with the name but use it in a negative context.
Random perpetrator against random target design to instil fear- sangat teroris.
Our message must be of peace and unity.
Learn to agree to disagree.
What is the message of dakwah. Force.
What happened to tolerance by Lakum diinukum wa lii yadiin.
Very well said, Farid.
: D
well Sir Pok Deng, saya rasa awak kena master arabic dulu. kalau dalam arab ilaah adalah plural, doesnt mean it has to be translated to 'gods'. now, why do some ayah use 'kami' in al Quran? does it mean oh, tuhan tu ada ramai. no, my friends. itu just sebagai satu simbol. yang Allah tu besar, kuat & berkuasa.
berkaitan dgn penggunaan allah oleh penganut kristian. tak terfikir ke oleh kamu sekalian yg beberapa generasi akan datang, yg tak pernah tahu akan isu yg dibangkitkan hari ni akan terkeliru? diorang akan cakap, la sama je allah ada dlm kristian dan islam. so? iman kita tak berapa nak kuat, if i may say so. kita mudah sangat terkeliru. sayangilah anak2 anda nati. kesian diorang kalau diorang nak percaya allah & worship ikut fahaman kristian.. why in the first place kristian tiba2 nak guna allah ni? do read & understand OUR history my friends. kejatuhan empayar kita dilakukan dgn perancangan selama bukan beberapa hari, tapi beratus tahun. teliti betul mereka kan? & i believe, the impact of this will hanya akan nampak bukan sekarang, tapi pada anak2 generasi kita nanti..
ive been to church when i was in international school but they never used the name of Allah. the other religions dont accept Prophet Muhammad s.a.w and menentang ajaran Nabi Muhammad. So obviously Tuhan yg mereka percaya pon lain eventho pakai Allah and it's not Allah kita yg mereka sebut.
kita boleh rasakan suatu yg agak janggal pabila bukan Islam menyebut Tuhan mereka sebagai Allah. kejanggalan ini x patut diteruskan..lgpun berape percent la rakyat malaysia yg bukan Islam pangil nama tuhan mereka Allah. x ramai pun. sekerat dua.. benda mcm ni nak diculture kan pula.. sebelum ianya betul2 menjadi satu lumrah.. ade baiknya dicantas dahulu..
Saya ada jurusan bahasa Arab. Bahasa Arab Tinggi. Tetapi jangan disalah erti, saya bukan menunjuk-nunjuk. Niat saya hanya mahu berkongsi. Mungkin Bahasa Arab saudari lebih hebat daripada saya?
Ilaah itu memang plural atau jamak. Tetapi sekiranya saudari mentakwil terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris saya (Ilaah = gods), saya izinkan. Ini mungkin disebabkan perbezaan fahaman dalam erti kata "gods" antara saya dan kamu. Namun ia tidak boleh dibawa ke meja perdebatan hangat, hanya dengan istilah Inggeris tersebut. Yang penting, Ilaah itu jamak. Allah itu satu.
Berkenaan dengan "kami", izinkan saya menambah pendapat saudari. Dalam laras bahasa Bahasa Arab, "kami" digunakan oleh orang-orang yang berkuasa di Tanah Arab. Contohnya, raja dan pemerintah di negara Arab. Oleh itu, penggunaan "kami" digunakan di dalam Al-Quran memberi rujukan kepada Allah.
Saya rasa saudari patut membaca banyak hasil kerja Allahyarham Ahmad Deedat untuk penerangan lanjut.
Wallahualam. Pohon maaf sekiranya terkasar bahasa.
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