
I loved this song the moment I heard it sung by Hafiz in Talentime. The lyrics are very clear. It's about loss, love and seperation.

It's all very ironic, is it not? I've always think that the world consists of soil, water and irony.

But we should not get over-zealous over Yasmin Ahmad's death. There are loads of talented filmmakers in Malaysia. Loads.

It's appalling to find that newspaper like Kosmo think its perfect timing to announce that Yasmin Ahmad was a khunsa. Why do that after her death when she can't defend or justify herself? Thank God newspapers like NST and the Star highlighted her contributions and not her sexuality. It's also funny to see non-muslims grieving her death more aptly than most muslims. It's just not right, exposing people's dirty laundry when they are deceased. It's not right.

She did something that she felt is right. We should all do the same. We should do the right thing and leave it be. Don't publicise it, brag about it, make money with it. Just leave it be and let it manifest into a world of difference.

Because it's the right thing to do.


Fadzli said...

Apa yang diterbitkan oleh Kosmo berkenaan arwah adalah sebuah publikasi tidak bertanggungjawab. They shud provide the full chronology of what had happened. Well if they brave enough!

i'm_siCK_n_tiReD said...

Kosmo should be ashamed of themselves. Its so unbelievable for them to write sumthing like that over someone who deceased.

'Imperfect will make them perfect' as what Yasmin used to say.

Moja Amin said...

oh. kosmo/cosmo - as ironic as it is. :)

OrangeDOBI said...

an honest post of yours afiq.


I stopped buying Kosmo long time ago.

Afiq Deen said...

Boycott kosmo!

Reader said...

just want to correct one thing. Pergi is sung by Aizat and not Hafiz. Keep on writing Afiq.

Afiq Deen said...

Yeah, i know. But i first heard it sung by the character Hafiz when i watching talentime in the cinema