Hina Nabi Muhammad Dalam Facebook?

Did you read Utusan today? I didn't. Someone in facebook posted a newslink about a man who made a police report against Lynette Lincoln and Joanna Ann for their comments on their facebook page.
They allegedly insulted Nabi Muhammad so an executive of a company filed a police report. How is it insulting to Nabi Muhammad? Let's read the comments:
Do you think it's insulting to Nabi Muhammad?
In my personal opinion, neither of them insulted Nabi Muhammad. They were angry about the controversy revolving the use of the word Allah and blamed religious fanatics who did not "follow the teachings of Nabi Muhammad" but followed babi muhammad instead.
Get it?
They didn't call Nabi Muhammad babi but claimed that the fanatics who made this issue controversial did not follow Nabi Muhammad but a false impression of their prophet.
I'm not trying to defend them for the sake of being contrary but their comments are minsconstrued by many malay muslims. Even though many malays know how to read english, we do not necessarily understand the underlying context of some expressions.
For example, when Sharifah Amani said "I sound like, stupid when I speak malay." Majority malays thought it meant "The malay language when spoken is stupid" but in Amani's context, it meant "I do not speak malay well so my speech will suck if I speak malay".
It is obvious that we are protective of Islam and Melayu. Any 'dirty' or 'haram' words like Babi, Stupid etc when used in the same sentence with words like Melayu and Islam will automatically anger us malays.
This is how most of us malays think when we read the comment:
"Okay... I know Nabi Muhammad and I know Babi. How dare he calling our great nabi a babi! How dare his!"
You know what's the actual problem is guys? An average malay only reads two pages of english content in one year. They do understand english but can hardly grasp the context of written english.
I learned that the hard way when I wrote this. Because some words that are considered dirty are placed next to words considered holy, they accused me of making fun of Islam. How dare his!
So guys, be careful with your comments and status, especially when it is written in english. The ISA and government is not the people you should be afraid of. It's the netizens who hardly reads or speaks english but will unabashedly misconstrue your comments.
They will copy their screen, inform their friends and set up a group against you. There they will give their members your facebook address, blog address or phone number and will go on a holy crusade to curse the living hell out of you. Then, a few members will lodge police reports against you and you will be detained.
(This strangely sounds like something a communist country would've done. It is similar to what the Read Guards did in China during the Cultural Revolution helmed by Chairman Mao.)


sayangIslam said...

Kenapa awak suka sangat defend orang kafir hah?

qifa said...

Afiq...engkau baca balik ayat dia...dia sebut not nabi Muhammad but babi Muhammad...(aku nak tulis ni pun tak tergamak)

ayat itu jelas lagi terang maksudnya...Dia memang maksudkan untuk menukar perkataan 'nabi' itu kepada 'babi'...

Tujuannya adalah untuk menghina kata nama di belakang perkataan tersebut iaitu Muhammad.

Lainlah ayat dia berbunyi begini: Not Nabi Muhammad but Babi.( tanpa ada perkataan Muhammad).

Barulah ayat ini merujuk kepada dua entiti berbeza.

Faham tak?

Ini bukan sebab ada perkataan 'babi' dan 'Muhammad' dalam satu baris ayat... Ini bukan sebab orang Melayu ni bodoh, baca satu muka surat bahasa Inggeris setahun tak boleh memahami apa yang dia maksudkan...

masalahnya Minah Lynette asshole ni memang maksudkan untuk mengganti perkataan nabi itu kepada babi dan merujuk pula kepada kata ganti nama di belakangnya iaitu Muhammad.

Kes ini lain dari apa yang Amani cakap masa dia menang anugerah tempoh hari.

Orang melayu yang baca dua muka surat bahasa inggeris pun faham maksud dia.

Tak perlu pusing-pusing atau putar belitkan apa yang dia tulis.

Kontrarian begini bukan cool Afiqdeen...

Tinjurusuk said...

bukan Afiqdeen tapi babi Afiqdeen...

lol... aku tak maksudkan kau Afiq, aku maksudkan...yup...just babi, not you..

get it?

Anonymous said...

you're so funny afiq!!! hahaha

KhalifahKecil said...

Kau memang pukimak sokong kaum kafir mengejek Nabi Muhammad. Kau ingat kau pandai sangat! Kau pukimak yang bermukakan pantat kau faham!!! Aku akan perjuangkan agama Islam selagi aku hidup!

Afiq Deen said...

Alahai kes kecik macam ni pun diperbesar-besarkan, sampai nak buat laporan polis.

Kita bukan main lagi kata yang konsep triniti kristian ajaran tak betul waktu kontroversi nama Allah. Tak mengejek ke tu untuk orang Kristian? Ada dorang buat laporan polis?

Nak tahu kenapa dorang ejek nabi Muhammad?

Sebab umatnya yang dorang nampak suka mencela mencaci mengejek orang dan agama lain tanpa berfikir dulu untuk kononnnya merperkasakan agama Islam

Tolonglah jangan memalukan Islam lagi..

Ahmad Nordinie said...

utk entry kali ni aku x stuju sgt la afiq..
mmg nampak sgt yg diorg nk menghina nabi..
atau mungkin rasa sayang ko utk nabi dah xada?
"Tidak dianggap sempurna iman seseorang daripada kamu sehinggalah aku lebih dicintainya daripada anaknya, bapanya dan sekalian manusia" (riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

btw, perkataan babi tu bukannya english word..

azuwa said...

as a Muslim, I do feel offended by the comment.
I think the commentators are not sensitive over such religious issue.
I mean, what would they feel if the Jesus is called 'Babi Jesus'?
They may feel offended too. As far as I'm concerned.

Ahmad Nordinie said...

n not to forget to KhalifahKecil..
kalau nak menegur tu gunalah bahasa yang sesuai..
janganlah marah2 camtu..
klua bahasa xelok pulak tu

"Dan serulah ke jalan tuhanmu dengan hikmah dan pengajaran yang baik dan berdebatlah dengan mereka dengan car yang baik" (an-Nahl)

tinjurusuk said...

Panggil nabi Muhammad sebagai Babi kes kecik? :) clap!

'Kita bukan main lagi kata yang konsep triniti kristian ajaran tak betul waktu kontroversi nama Allah.'

Kau faham tak isu sebenarnya si munAFIQ oi? konsep dan maksud nama Allah untuk merujuk sebagai Tuhan dalam agama Kristian tu yang dipertikaikan...bukan konsep trinity tu.... Bila Allah dikaitkan dengan konsep trinity, itulah yang salah...maknanya konsep Allah untuk Tuhan Bapa, Tuhan Anak, dan Roh suci tu yang tak betul...bukan ajaran kristian triniti tu yang tak betul ndan dipertikaikan. Penggunaan nama Allah tu bercanggah dengan konsep trinity tersebut. Faham tak ni?

Ko ni cakap org kafir/Lynette asshole tu ko beriria nak back up. Bila orang melayu/Islam cakap...kau salah faham la pulak...adeh..


Berbalik kepada persoalan asal. Isu kat blog kau ni adalah kau katakan si Lyneete tu tak ejek nabi, lepas tu kau tulis ayat ni:

Nak tahu kenapa dorang ejek nabi Muhammad?

Maknanya kau sendiri akui yang si asshole tu ejek nabi kan? hahaha...

Sudahlah tu Afiq, tak payah tegakkan benang basah..

Tolonglah jangan malukan diri kau sendiri...

Syaa said...

afiq, i guess this time round yr being less-sensitive. think.

xsokong! said...

ko sorg shj la yg faham BI kan? entah thp brp pandai ko dlm membuat tafsiran. PANDAI!!! sepatutnya ko bukak mata hati ko tuh utk x wat explanation psl perkara ni.

cdgn aku, lebih baik ko g jmpa pakar kaunseling atau ustaz utk tlg ko sblm tersesat jauh lg. sedarlah afiqdeen.

ko rs bangga ker dgn apa yg ko tulis? melalui pengalaman aku yg cetek nih, org2 mcm ko mmg BIJAK bermain dgn KATA-KATA HEBAT OR EVEN PETIK AYAT2 SUCI AL-QURAN utk defend statement ko. padahal, kefahaman ko dlm memahami maksud ayat2 suci AL-QURAN xlah hebat mcm kepandaian ko memahami BI.

dekatkan diri anda dgn ALLAH. jgn berdalih.

lg satu, xpayah la nk bg link lmn lucah kat public even klu diri sendiri tergolong dlm kaum yg x mndpt keredhaanNYA. klu mati, x tertanggung kot nk jwb.



Afiq Deen said...

@Ahmad Nordinie

Jangan dipertikaikan sayang agama orang lain. Memang la bukan english word haha. Kita tak boleh setuju semua perkara, kalau tak setuju pun tak semestinya betul.

Tapi memang aku berpendapat yang dorang tak berniat menghina nabi.

Afiq Deen said...


Ini memang kes kecik. Kalau ada pun elemen penghinaan pun, bukan ia dibuat dekat majalah, surat khabar atau blog tapi profile facebook orang bukan Islam.

Mungkin 10 orang yang akan terbaca dan lupakan terus atau membiarkan sahaja dan menyebabkan komen itu tidak mendapat apa-apa reaksi serius.

Tapi bila dihebohkan macam sekarang, dah jadi isu orang bukan islam menghina Islam.

Aik, tak baik menghukum sesuka hati sampai memanggil daku munafiq. Suka betul menghukum ye.

Afiq Deen said...


This discussion encourage people to think, no? I made people think and that's the whole point. There's no right or wrong in this matter. If you're asking me to be polically correct, you're reading the wrong blog.

Afiq Deen said...


Aku tak ada petik ayat Quran. Sila check. Salah blog kot.

shafarshahril said...

it's the matter of one's interpretation.

different people will interpret differently. this is a good thing in artistic or any philosophical statements but not in any religious, cultural or any other sensitive issues.

you might interpret it in your own way but other people might have different point of view. so, better play safe in this kind of matter.

Tinjurusuk said...


ko sengaja tulis ni nak bagi org berfikir ke?


Afiq aku tak panggil kau munafiq pun, mana ada...cuba faham betul ayat aku tu...

Kalau kau bukan munafiq tak payah la terasa haha... Samala seperti Lynette panggil nabi tu babi...kau kata dia tak maksudkan pun kan?Kau tak rasa apa-apa kan? sebab kau tak sensitif pasal benda tu kan, takde kena mengena dengan kau kan?

Tapi bila aku panggil kau munafiq reti pulak kau kata aku menghukum? haha...

dah la tu, kau ni just nak dapatkan perhatian je ni...


Nadira said...


are you seriously trying to say that these ladies have no intention whatsoever to talk bad about Muslims?

Come on la. You seem like an educated guy right? Why defend people like them? Obviously these ladies don't have any knowledge concerning this issue. THEY are the close-minded ones. You see yourself as an open-minded person right? So what are you doing defending close-minded people????

And how can you compare this issue with the whole Sharifah Amani thing? These are two completely different issues! This is about religion. The Sharifah Amani issue is something so remeh yg tak patut diperbesarkan. But this..??? THIS is about OUR RELIGION.

Can you honestly say that you're not offended by Lynette and Joanna's comments? Seriously la..the way you're defending them is like you ni kutuk2 lak agama sendiri. No wonder la ramai org yg marah.

Afiq Deen said...


Actually, I know they are mean spirited in their comments. They ARE talking bad about muslims but can you blame them for doing so?

Yes, it is true that they are close minded to generalise muslims but at the same time, it is pretty damn hard to come across an open minded muslim.

The issue (S. Amani) is related to this because many malays from a largely malay speaking background do not get the context of some written english. (whether its written properly on in rojak)

In their comments, they insulted muslims but their reference to babi is not towards the prophet but the impression that had of a prophet followed by the 'stupid people' they referred to earlier.

Yeah, OUR RELIGION teaches us to be calm and calculated when facing situations like this. When a nonsensical crazy person shouts at you, should you shout back? It's best to ignore the lunatic right?

The same applies here. Their comments are not derived from a general opinion of their religion or race, it is strictly personal so why should we take it personally?

Do you even know Lynette and Joanna? You're insulted because a muslim who feels strongly about this comment brought the issue to the cops. Now an ignorant statement that should be ignored for its lack of substance is now am impression of a bigger picture.

It's not true, yes? Non malays ARE tolerant and understanding of our religions, no?

Nadira said...

So why are you even blogging about this? You yourself is saying that this is an ignorant statement. So ignore it. No need to defend them.

And even if this issue was not brought to the cops and if I had stumbled upon the comments myself, I STILL would have feel insulted. It has nothing to do with whether this issue was diperbesarkan or what. Bottom line is, what they said insulted the majority of Muslims. I don't call that tolerant or understanding.

Afiq Deen said...

Can you punish a person for being intolerant and not understanding?

You're not even friends with them so will not read their hateful comments if someone tak perbesarkan hal tersebut.

And majority muslims wont read the comments... until it was reported by that guy.

Now that the guy did report the comment:

Non-muslims are feeling more strained.

Muslims are feeling more threatened.

.. when you and I know that we are very tolerant in nature.

Nadira said...

First of all, forget about the guy that reported the thing in the first place.

Now just think about the comments they wrote.

As a Muslim, do you feel or not feel insulted by it?

Afiq Deen said...

I won't if I didnt read it in the first place. (which makes the 'guy' the person responsible for making us feel insulted)

When somebody calls me stupid, it is inevitable that I get angry but at the same time, I will think whether or not his insult is credible. If it comes from an ignorant person without credentials, I will ignore his insuls. If he is making sense, I will try and improve myself.

But I will never scold him back. That's the most pointless thing I can ever do.

The same applies to this issue lah.

Afiq Deen said...

It's an isolated case anyway, tegur sikit personally dekat dia sudahlah. Tak payah la sampai nak bawak ke polis.

Lain la kalau RAMAI orang non muslim yang mengejek Islam, boleh la mereka dijadikan contoh. Tapi masalahnya negara ni negara yang toleran.

Jadi toleran pun masalah ke?

Nadira said...

Tapi xyah la nk defend org yg memang berfikiran cetek cam diorg tu. bazir masa je kot.

UMMUZAYD said...

Jumpa blog Afiqdeen masa nak cari maklumat mengenai Lynette. Makcik dah baca berulang-ulang kali ayat terakhir Lynette tu, memang menghina Nabi Muhammad. Cuba Afeeqdeen baca betul-betul.

khairie said...


i totally disagree with you on this matter. they actually did insulted our prophet. but anyhoo, they realized that it was wrong and had apologized for the statements. so i think that was the end of it. case closed. let's not fight about this anymore. peace brothers.

Ruhie said...

I definitely think there is a BIG difference between freedom of expression and freedom to insult.

I don't have it in me to repeat the sentence. But its so simple and straight forward. The lady did insult and intentionally did so. No question about it no excuses for it.

Having said that, one has to remember she was talking to a close friend and really dishing out at the issue. The BIGGEST mistake she did was announce it or typed it, publicly.

So who is the "Tin Kosong" now...

me said...

"Yes, it is true that they are close minded to generalise muslims but at the same time, it is pretty damn hard to come across an open minded muslim.", Afiq said.

I think you should surf iluvislam.com
before saying it's hard to come across open minded muslim.

Please visit and open your mind.

Sigh said...

Wondering what's up with you nowadays. Can't seem to enjoy your entries like back then.

afiqdontcareaboutmothers said...

Remember me?

Just drop by to see what's your foolish views this time. I need to read funny stuffs this afternoon.

You still can't argue properly.

You either,
a) change the topic
b) attack the commenter
c) argued that its your opinion
d) argued it makes people think
e) ask rhetorical questions back
f) tell commenter not to read your blog

You think you are smart, which is true but not smart enough.

So you won that Jerneh award.
It's your rezeki. God can take it back anytime.

I'll be back to harass you again.
I like you ever since that Fahrin issue hahaha!

Yes, this is personal attack.


Ya-lar Afiq- Its like because we respect a in order to show that we love our country we burn the Flag... But we can equally burn the flag to show the other way around... oh why do I bother... ko explain sendiri-lah...


now let's see... scambled or omellette with mushrooms and cheesy white sauce...? Wakakakaka

Fary said...

Hello Afiq.. I came across your blog when I was googling Lynette Lincoln.
I felt compelled to give my two cents.

But firstly, allow me to talk facts.

Fact #1 - Lynette Lincoln's comment was 'not nabi muhammad, but babi muhammad'. The word 'babi' means either 1. a pig (literally) or 2. a derogatory term.
My comment #1 - In Lynette's statement which definition do u think applies?

Fact #2 - Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 on the improper use of network facilities or network service, etc. states that "(1) A person who —(a) by means of any network facilities or network service or applications service knowingly — (i) makes, creates or solicits; and(ii) initiates the transmission of, any comment, request, suggestion or other communication which is obscene, indecent, false, menacing or offensive in character with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass another person;.. commits an offence."
My comment #2 - Law exists primarily to maintain order. Without order there will be chaos. If there is no law to prohibit the improper use of media or communications, members of the public may abuse this by generating hatred, prejudices and resentment by freely insulting other religions, races, beliefs, customs.. etc. You dont want 13 May 1969 to repeat itself.

Fact #3 - A blogger was recently charged for insulting the late Sultan Johor by posting a derogatory remark on his blog.
My comment #3 - If that blogger was charged for insulting the late Sultan, what about someone that openly insults our beloved Prophet? If we use your argument "In my personal opinion, neither of them insulted Nabi Muhammad. They were angry about the controversy revolving the use of the word Allah and blamed religious fanatics who did not "follow the teachings of Nabi Muhammad" but followed babi muhammad instead." Can we defend that blogger by saying he did not intend to insult the late Sultan, and that it was his personal opinion and he was just angry with the late Sultan's history or actions? Do you think that would suffice for an acquittal? Perhaps. But allow the court to decide.


My view on Lynette's facebook comments..

Regardless of her intent, reason, anger over the 'Allah'-controversy, what she said was derogatory and insulting to the Muslim world (not just limited to Malaysia). Sure she has her reasons. Sure she is angry over the 'Allah'-controversy. But does that warrant her to openly insult another person's faith? Especially on a social networking site where the public is able to view and react? As a Muslim and a Malay, I am embarrassed by the actions of those who brought a cow's head to a Hindu temple and by those who burned churches. Their irresponsible actions will spur hatred among the Non-muslims against Muslims. And rightfully, they should be brought to justice.

Why shouldnt Lynette Lincoln face the same consequences for her actions?

Afiq Deen said...


Kenyataan tu memang mengejek Nabi tapi boleh dikategorikan pendapat peribadi sebab tak dipublish secara sengaja Pada media yang terbuka. Tak patut bg org yang report Pada polis utk berbuat demikian

Afiq Deen said...

Yea khairy, i dont agree with my opinion too. I see now how the comments are insulting to muslims. But its not that big a deal because lynette n joanne are not influential and they have very few friends in their fb. But thanks to the guy who reported the comment, they n their comments are famous and is now insulting thousands of muslims.

Afiq Deen said...

Hey you,

You call that a personal attack? Juvenile stuff. Try harder.

Anonymous said...

Afiq Deen...You are a real knowledgeable person. I appreciate your way of seeing things, only if other people could try and be pragmatic in their approach to matters...this country will be a better country and bigots will not have the last say and try to hide under religion, language and race or colour.

++Mr N and Mrs N++ said...

Nabi Muhammad s.a.w sendiri tidak pernah menangani sebarang cacian/serangan daripada mana2 org yang membencinya atau menyalahertikan dirinya dan menuduhnya gila, pembohong dll dgn cara kasar. Malah ketika dibaling dgn najis, baginda masih berbuat baik..I got what u mean AfiqDeen..we are not trying to defend these kafirun, we are trying to say that - instead of using the authority, we should try to be more berhikmah in handling this matter. Kalau semua org lawan dgn kekerasan, sampai bila pun tak akan adalah 1Malaysia tu kat Malaysia (walaupun 1Malaysia tu mcm real dgn tak real sama byk je implementationnya for the time being)..hmmmmm...yg paling penting, tak akan adalah dakwah - sbb dgn berbuat baik pada penganut agama lain diharapkan mereka akan sedar yg ISLAM ITU INDAH...wallahua'lam.

Anonymous said...

afiq...awak pun mngheboh2 kan perkara ni mcm "guy" tu..

afiqdontcareaboutmothers said...

You're so predictable Afiq.

I feel sorry for your parents for having you. But they should know for not giving you enough attention.

So, there you are a lonely boy seeking attention by using provocation.

Very sad but nobody cares. All you have is this blog to fill your days.

Ann Alien said...

Just a humble opinion. The way I have always seen it whenever Afiq writes anything Islam-related and manages to insult so many Muslims, he is not actually defending non-Muslims. The way I see it, he is defending Muslims. Allow me to explain.

We are so used to reading or experiencing the zealous, radical, extremist reactions whenever Muslims decide they're offended.

I think what Afiq's reactions to similar things is exactly the opposite. He takes in stride, tries to rationalize it and even tries to empathise with non-Muslims.

I think it builds a good image for Islam. It shows tolerance, humour and most importantly the capacity to think instead of entertaining strong emotion.

I admit that the way Afiq wrote about this Facebook idiot sounds really misleading, but I think it's better to attempt to apply logic to what has happened instead of reacting emotionally and unreasonably. By defending non-Muslims, he IS defending Muslims because it shows that Islam is not always about being exclusive and inaccessible.

Just my thoughts on it. Don't shoot me down. I'm entitled to my opinions, as are the rest of you.

zaffa said...

I agree completely with Ann. Afiq doesnt respond to islam related issues with his heart but with his brain. He may tell you unabashedly that he does all this for the sake of attention but I know for a fact that he is just writing his honest views and opinions.

I know afiq from UIA and I can tell you the blog is not the only thing he has going on on his life. You can google his name Afiq Deen and check out his other accomplishments. When Afiqdontcareaboutmothers commented on how afiq's win in Jerneh's competition is retractable by god, I am compelled to tell you the he has been winning competitions since his second year in uni, he won 2 or 3 competitions every year. Its unfair to undermine afiq's talents.

I know I am being biased here because I actually know afiq but tht's my personal opinion on personal attacks on afiq


I agree with Ann Alien and zafa. You guys just don't understand Afiq, I know him in real life he has really nice hair. His point was it wasn't insulting but now his point is it shouldn't be made a big deal because the ones saying those were ignorant even though he would be the first person to make a big deal about people who he thinks are ignorant.

Anyway you guys don't know afiq as well as me, he is a really nice guy with nice hair and body if viewed from an aerial angle just look at the banner, i mean commenters on here have made really good arguments about how the facebook comments were insulting which he hasn't been able to rebuke wait I'm supposed to defend Afiq cause I actually know him in real life and i understand his feelings cause he has really nice hair reminds me of Korean pop stars sometimes ahaks and he has won so many competitions and stuff like that try youtubing him his videos are. I always google 'afiq' during my free time I know him he doesn't go around his blog commenting on his own entries using made up female nicknames i mean he's a fair guy he would always delete comments by anonymous except if it's complimenting him.

Also me Ann Alien and zafa are the same person we are using Afiq's computer to write these comments we are also using his fingers and other than that we are also actually Afiq himself.

ito said...


Afiq Deen said...

Okay... I am a bit confused.

So Julia, Ann and zaffa are all me?

I don't know whether I should laugh or get angry because I'm neither entertained nor angered. Oh yeah, I'm confused. Hey you know what, maybe everyone commenting are all me! Hahaha!

It was a good discussion, no?

Do people really think that people who kept defending me like zaffa is me using another nickname? Hah! it's like another version of the Megat Izzuddin case. You guys lah, suka betul assume things. Support sket afiq, "eh dia mesti afiq cuba mendefendkan diri sendiri."

Okay now I'm entertained,

zaffa said...


AH malas lah layan org cenggini. Ko jgn layan dorang afiq. mereka sedikit saiko.

Afiq Deen said...

Ala biasalah tu Zaf.

Memang lumrah manusia untuk mencari keburukan dan menyakitkan hati orang lain. Lagi-lagi pada orang yang tak bersependapat. Aku rasa kita kena belajar sikit la untuk berbincang cara sivil dan tenang.

Tu lah pasal aku haramkan bapak aku daripada baca blog ni.

arZerMey said...

kesimpulan yg aq leh wat ialah afiq deen tidak ada prasaan syang kpda nabi muhammad SAW...
bayangkn seorang pompuan dtg kt ko n ckap kt ko "mak ko babi kn?" @ "babi (nama mak afiq deen)"
then what u do??

Anonymous said...

"hoho && not nabi muhammad, but babi muhammad."

"hoho && not nabi muhammad, but babi muhammad."

"hoho && not nabi muhammad, but babi muhammad."

"hoho && not nabi muhammad, but babi muhammad."

"hoho && not nabi muhammad, but babi muhammad."

"hoho && not nabi muhammad, but babi muhammad."

Anonymous said...

saya rasa lebih baik awk tutup topik ini.
nanti pasal nila setitik rosak susu sebelangga.

Dim Akhir Zaman said...

1) disappointed
2) confusing
3) angry
4) revenge
5) trying to defend himself
6) hipokrit "my eng suck"
7) akhir zaman, akhir zaman, akhir zaman, akhir zaman. 5 fasa akhir zaman. fasa 1, fasa 2, fasa 3 sudah selesai..
fasa 4 adalah fasa yang singkat dan paling disukai "benda bertanduk" kerana fasa ini manusia sudah tidak tahu mana baik dan buruk, halal dan haram, wajib atau sunat..
8) fasa yang terakhir... terletaknya seribu satu soalan yang ada dikepala samada ADAKAH aku seorang muslim? kafir? atau -MUNAFIK???-
dan disitulah anda jatuh bangun sendiri.